GEOMAGNETIC STORM: A strong –to-severe geomagnetic storm is in progress following the impact of a coronal mass ejection (CME) today, Sept. 26th, at approximately 12:15 UT. Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab report a "strong compression of Earth's magnetosphere" and the possibility that satellites in geosynchronous orbit have been exposed to solar wind plasma and magnetic fields. Mid-to high-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras after nightfall. If you go to the site and look to the left, you can see that the aurora area comes down 2/3 of the United States. Observing tip: The hours around local midnight are usually best for spotting Northern and Southern Lights. Check for images and updates.
What does this mean to you?
Strong solar flares press the earth’s protective envelop, compressing energy which all nature, including us, feels. Some of you who are very sensitive get tired and some of you are energized. It would depend on your sensitivity and your sign on how you may feel it.
The energy of this storm is coming through the Libra constellation to the earth. Libran’s should be aware of extra energy that can either excite or depress you. Aries could experience the energy as a blast of opposition, Cancer and Capricorn could experience somewhat challenging situations that could be a depression of energy; Cancer should initiate and Capricorn should let go. Gemini and Aquarius could be in the right place and time to help; Leo and Sagittarius could be creative in explaining what is happening. Virgo and Scorpio would be somewhat neutral. Taurus and Pisces may have a hard time adjusting to the extra energy and be tired.
This is extra energy energizing everything else that is happening in the sky. The New Moon in Libra is very strong, so be aware of how it will impact your chart, which is the tool to recognize which part of your life is being impacted.
For those of you who know your chart or horoscope, the energy of the house ruled by Libra will be pushed into the area of Aries, its opposite, with challenging circumstances in the houses ruled by Cancer and Capricorn. The houses ruled by Gemini and Aquarius would be easy, and the houses ruled by Leo and Sagittarius may experience unusual opportunities. The houses ruled by Pisces and Taurus would be off balance and weird, The houses ruled by Virgo and Scorpio would be somewhat neutral.
It will be interesting to see how today and the next few days play out energy-wise. Enjoy.