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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Oct 28, 2019

Oct 28 through Oct Nov 4 2019

Mercury goes retrograde Thursday – Halloween.

10/28: interaction with others perhaps about money. Scorpio and Taurus may have a stubborn issue, with Leo and Aquarius having money control situation. Cancer and Pisces can help Scorpio with Virgo and Capricorn helping Taurus. Also interruptions asking you to adjust to or accommodate changes. Need of tweak in a creative activity to accommodate a partner. Diplomacy helps today.

10/28 USA: emotional although mild debate over the constitution. Since Mercury goes retrograde Oct 31 this repeats Nov 2 and Dec 7 this year.

10/29: Moon goes into Sagittarius.

10/29 USA: good or successful situation with or about a generous ally or possible acceptable solution to a legal migrant situation.

10/30: harmonious but focused discussion about invested, health care or shared money. Scorpio is focused on their financial situation, with Taurus feeling confronted. Leo and Aquarius may have another day of financial control situations. Good day for Cancer and Pisces, with financial opportunity for Virgo and Capricorn. Libra and Sagittarius are neutral, Gemini and Aries adjust to accommodate request for financial accounting.

10/30 through 11/1:  USA: opportunity put forth to help with long-term financial situation, which repeats Dec 7. However, their may be an emotional over-reaction from behind the scenes.

A NEW HOLE IN THE SUN'S ATMOSPHERE: A new hole has opened in the sun's atmosphere, and it is spewing a stream of solar wind toward Earth. Estimated time of arrival: Oct. 30-31. Arctic sky watchers may get a treat for Halloween: Aurora Boo-realis. Go to for the full story and to see a giant blue lightening jet photographed by an airline pilot. The solar wind is coming through Scorpio, so your Scorpio friends will again be energized, along with the Scorpio area of your chart.

10/31: Mercury goes retrograde, goes direct Nov 20 in the sign of Scorpio, indicating that financial communication now may be repeated after Mercury goes direct. Now is a time for ideas to be formulated and tested and put into action after Mercury goes direct Nov 20. Those most affected by a retrograde Mercury are Gemini and Virgo, although we all experience some electronic glitches. Mine have already begun, but got straightened out. Moon goes into Capricorn.

10/31 USA: an effort to balance the budget or balance resources and the effort itself could be be out of balance.

11/1: Venus goes into Sagittarius through Nov 25. Your loved one is a little more independent and may want to travel or take a course. Sagittarius’ love life is good; Gemini may think they are being opposed or ignored; Aries and Leo enjoy good social time; Virgo and Pisces irritated because their loved one is not close; Scorpio and Capricorn are neutral; Cancer and Taurus adjust to loved ones either traveling or visiting from afar. Libra and Aquarius have the opportunity for a trip or a visit from a friend. The Sun and Moon are harmonious, though, so it should be a good day.

11/1 USA: day when labor or work situation is unbalanced and things do not go as expected. Could be a new negotiation or tweaking the current labor settlement. The courts may change their mind about accepting a case.

11/2 USA: sincere opportunity for cooperation and harmony regarding the office of the presidency.

11/3: quietly good day with everyone having nice self esteem. Moon goes into Aquarius.

11/4: quarter Moon in the signs of Aquarius and Scorpio, who most experience control issue situations, with Taurus and Leo having a tense day with control issues. Gemini and Libra can help Aquarius, with Cancer and Pisces helping Scorpio.

Contact Patty for your personal accurate forecast.

Oct 24, 2019

Geomagnetic storm Oct 24 and Oct 25

A large hole in the sun's atmosphere is facing Earth and spewing a stream of solar wind in our direction. Minor G1-class geomagnetic storms are likely when the gaseous material arrives on Oct. 24th and 25th. Sky watchers around the Arctic Circle can expect to see bright auroras, with a slight chance for auroras in northern-tier US states as well. Monitor spaceweather.comfor a picture of the coronal hole.

What this means for you: the storm is passing through Scorpio, so your Scorpio friends may be either energized or nervous. Look to the area with Scorpio on the house cusp to learn which part of your life is being stimulated. Taurus may experience stubborn resistance or control issues. Leo and Aquarius experience control issues, too. Cancer and Pisces enjoy Scorpio’s steadiness – or – help Scorpio understand they are stimulated by the solar stream. Virgo and Capricorn have the opportunity to help calm any situation with analyzation and leadership, all with common sense. Libra and Sagittarius should be neutral. Gemini and Aries adjust to mild requests to either calm down or adjust to being somewhat managed. For your personal interpretation, Please contact Patty.

Enjoy the energy.
In its annual winter outlook for temperature, precipitation, and drought, NOAA says winter temperatures in 2019-2020 are likely to be above average in most of the western, southern and eastern U.S., as well as in Alaska and Hawaii. This doesn't mean below-average winter temperatures won't occur. Read more and watch a video.

Where will Patty Be?

Sunday, Nov 10; 1:00 pm; basic astrology class at Patty's in Wilmington, DE. Study of the signs, planets, houses and aspects. Please contact Patty to attend.

Sunday, Nov 17: 1:00 pm Advanced and esoteric astrology study group at Patty's in Wilmington, DE. working knowledge of astrology required. please contact Patty to attend.

Oct 13, 2019

Oct 13 - Oct 20 2019

Advance notice that Mercury goes retrograde on October 31, Halloween!

These predictions are general. If you want to know about a specific time period or a specific event, a short reading with Patty will give you accurate, personal information. Contact patty for your personal reading.
The south node, Saturn and Pluto are still in Capricorn, continuing the reaping of karma, both happy and unhappy. Capricorn and Saturn require responsibility for one’s actions and Pluto reveals what was hidden. Maybe Capricorn is busy laying the groundwork for new projects and maybe Cancer is dealing with relationships from the past. If the reaping of prior actions is good, you may not recognize it as good karma,, and why maybe is in the sentence.

10/13: hunter full Moon in the signs of Aries and Libra, who feel it the most with relationship issues over independence and cooperation, and a challenging day for Cancer and Capricorn. Impulsive interruptions all day, requiring flexibility and cooperation. The areas of the body for this full Moon are the head and upper teeth and the bladder and adrenal glands. Also, opportunity for cooperation and diplomacy to work for financial, travel, diplomatic and foreign affairs. Good day for expansion or travel and interaction with those of different cultures.

10/13 USA: follow-up to the impeachment process, perhaps a legal procedure.

10/14: Mixed day. Better communication, with the focus on responsible, careful financials, laying a foundation for security. Good day for Scorpio and Capricorn who work well together about money. Also good for Cancer, Pisces, Virgo and Taurus. Remember, opportunities must be taken for them to manifest. Also, very tense and challenging situation regarding power and cooperation. The one in authority is trying to cooperate with the one in power and experiences resistance. Tense time for Libra and Capricorn. Both are strong and both think they are right. It may be good for Libra to consult with Aquarius to look at the long-range effects, and Capricorn to consult with Virgo to learn the details. Taurus can also help Capricorn and Gemini can help Libra. Moon goes into Taurus.

10/14 USA: better day for the country; good news with our about a trading partner.

10/15: communication improves, with the desire to soothe emotions and include creativity. However, not a very practical day. Great day for Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer. Since the Moon is in Taurus, your Taurus friends can bring gentle common sense to any situation. Virgo has a good day and can add needed detail. Capricorn can have a good day but may be dealing with past issues both easy and difficult.

10/15 USA: adjustment in the tense strike situation with a possible settlement.

10/16: Moon goes into Gemini.

10/17 USA: mixed day with contentious talk about money, but the strike or worker situation improves because of cooperation and diplomacy.

10/18: Sun and Moon getting along indicating a harmonious day, especially for Gemini,  Libra and Aquarius.  Good communications and social day.

10/19: Opportunity for successful financial negotiations about investments, other people’s money to establish a goal or establish something stable and long-lasting. This is an opportunity and needs to be acted upon to manifest. Scorpio has success communicating and may bring Cancer and Pisces into the situation. Capricorn lends support and ideas for the stabilization of the project. Virgo and Taurus enjoy a quietly good communication day. Moon goes into Cancer.

10/19 USA: a minor adjustment to an agreement with an ally which repeats 11/10 and 12/1, meaning this discussion may last to the last date. Also today for the USA somehow, either a sports figure or labor figure is favored by the House or Senate that involves a higher or the Supreme court and has a favorable outcome.

10/20: Your loved one is intense and interested in investments, or shared money. There is an opportunity for careful investment in a stable, established situation. Scorpio and Capricorn work well together and each have a good day, followed by Cancer, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo

10/20 USA: More tweaking to an agreement with an ally or trading partner, repeating 11/9, ending 12/2.  Also for the USA, more harmony than usual from or about the President regarding taxes and investments.

To enjoy your personal reading contact Patty.

Oct 5, 2019

Oct 5 through Oct 14

These predictions are general. If you want to know about a specific time period or a specific event, a short reading with Patty will give you accurate, personal information about how it will be. Contact Patty for your personal reading.

The Moon, Saturn, the South Node and Pluto are all in the sign of Capricorn, the sign of responsibility, honesty and karma. You know by what is in the news that people are not able to get away with anything now. This will continue. Pluto reveals what was hidden for all to see, and Saturn sees to it that one takes responsibility for one’s actions and pays for it.

The USA is experiencing its Saturn square, which ends 10/21 and is all about attempts to end this president’s term. There are other transits or cycles indicating a more polite way of settling the situation. More about the USA’s situation, 2020 and the 2020 elections to follow in another newsletter.

10/5: quarter Moon in the signs of Capricorn and Libra, who experience a challenging day. Aries and Cancer also enjoy mild challenges. Taurus and Virgo can help Capricorn, with Scorpio and Pisces helping Cancer. The news reveals a glitch and adjustment to minor financials; for instance, PayPal pulled out of Facebook’s cryptocurrency. One of the days when self-sufficiency is re-evaluated.

10/6: Moon goes into Aquarius.

10/7: more financial news, possibly trying to balance the big picture with everyday expenses and a challenging situation regarding relationships, cooperation and responsibility. Another challenging day for Libra and Capricorn. Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra, with Taurus and Virgo helping Capricorn.

10/8: Venus goes into Scorpio through November 1. Your loved one becomes more intense and could be focused on investments or shared money. Good month for Scorpio to put into action financial plans. Taurus has stubborn relationship situations over money. Leo and Aquarius are expected to account for finances. Cancer and Pisces enjoy a time of close relationships and good finances. Virgo and Capricorn have the opportunity nice love life and for financial improvement; Libra and Sagittarius are neutral; Aries and Gemini adjust to financial situations or clingy relationships. Also, slight tension about cooperation and independence related to health issues. Another day when self-sufficiency or independence is being re-evaluated. Sun and Moon getting along, portending the above situations work out well.

10/9: see-saw or quincunx day when things do not go excepted, asking you to adjust and accommodate interruptions. When you are flexible, the day ends nicely. Libra and Pisces are the most affected. Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra with Cancer and Scorpio helping Pisces.  Another day when self-sufficiency or independence is being re-evaluated. Moon goes into Pisces.

10/9 USA: Attack on the presidency, perhaps the first formal attempt at the impeachment process, with something more formal on 10/13.

10/10:  Another day when self-sufficiency or independence is being re-evaluated. See-saw or quincunx day when things do not go as expected, especially for Pisces and Libra.

10/11: no exact astrology aspect

10/12: See-saw or quincunx day,  tweaking of financial situations. Cooperation is needed, perhaps reluctantly given. Libra and Taurus experience interruptions. Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra, with Virgo and Capricorn helping Taurus. Also, relationships are either very close and loving or controlling or suffocating; depending upon your point of view. Cooperation is needed to resolve issues. Moon goes into Aries.

10/13: full Moon in the signs of Aries and Libra, who feel it the most with relationship issues over independence and cooperation, and a challenging day for Cancer and Capricorn. Impulsive interruptions all day, requiring flexibility and cooperation. The areas of the body for this full Moon are the head and upper teeth and the bladder and adrenal glands.  Also, opportunity for cooperation and diplomacy to work for financial, travel, diplomatic and foreign affairs. Good day for expansion or travel and interaction with those of different cultures.

10/13 USA:  follow-up to the impeachment process, perhaps a legal procedure.

10/14: Mixed day. Better communication, with the focus on responsible, careful financials, laying a foundation for security. Good day for Scorpio and Capricorn who work well together about money. Also good for Cancer, Pisces, Virgo and Taurus. Remember, opportunities must be taken for them to manifest. Also, very tense and challenging situation regarding power and cooperation. The one in authority is trying to cooperate with the one in power and experiences resistance. Tense time for Libra and Capricorn. Both are strong and both think they are right. It may be good for Libra to consult with Aquarius to look at the long-range effects, and Capricorn to consult with Virgo to learn the details. Taurus can also help Capricorn and Gemini can help Libra. Moon goes into Taurus.

Enjoy your personal interpretations: contact Patty for your appointment.