1 November 2012
This is an attempt to interpret the astrological forecast for election day. All times are Eastern Standard Time/US & Canada.
Of note: the United Nations is sending poll watchers from non-democratic countries to monitor our elections, with some states not allowing them in the polls.
The State of Delaware election law states that only the poll workers who have been trained and hired by the Department of Elections and voters are allowed in the polls. All others must stay 100 feet away from the doors into the polling place. People delivering food must have special passes that have been given by the County. The candidates may not enter the polling places except to vote at their own polling place. Therefore, in Delaware the United Nations poll watchers are illegal, but they will not be here anyway.
The day before, on November 5, the United States chart reveals that Mr. Romney is in harmony with the nation. There could be altercations and strife from angry men, but this should be calmed by those in high authority. This could be a riot or uprising in another country against us and if so, would be a radical religious group. The danger time November 5 is between 09:00 and 10:00.
Mercury goes retrograde November 6 at 18:04. You know that when Mercury goes retrograde electronic things malfunction, so this will be an interesting election. The Moon will be in the sign of Leo, which is President Obama’s Sun sign and the sign of Mitt Romney’s Saturn and Pluto. As the Moon travels through the sign of Leo, it will have different relationships with the planets in the charts of the USA, President Obama and Mitt Romney, which will be interpreted as we go along.
Transiting Saturn traveled out of the sign of Libra on October 5, 2012, which was good for President Obama, and into the sign of Scorpio, which is good for Mitt Romney. This is a world-wide shift of responsibility from over-use of the law & courts,and being “fair” to fiscal responsibility and the stabilization of prior changes.
The general planetary scenario for November 6 is iffy, with changes all day. The news see-saws all day, with rapt attention towards President Obama. This means what is being reported may be incomplete. Mercury goes retrograde at 18:04, revealing glitches or malfunctions in the electrical system. Hurricane Sandy has rendered some voting machines inoperable, so paper ballots may be used in New Jersey and New York, which is certainly a change.
There is a quarter moon at 19:34, in the signs of Leo and Scorpio, two strong signs that want control. Quarter moons usually indicate challenging circumstances, this time with strong control issues. Neither of these signs like change and resist mightily. President Obama and former President Clinton are Leos, and Hillary Clinton is a Scorpio. They will be under stress all day. If this were a monthly column, I would say the areas of the body influenced would be the heart, upper back and the reproductive organs. Today, I would say the ego of the one wanting to force his views will experience resistance. The sign of Scorpio is good for Mitt Romney, and this may signal a change favorable to him.
The polls open at 07:00. It looks as if there needs to be a lot of tweaking of the systems of voting before voting begins. At 12:12 there is harmony, people have a good experience at the polls, but there is no indication of who is ahead. The president may be taking an opportunity to go on TV.
Mercury goes retrograde at 18:04, and the electrical components of the machines, cell phones and computers trying to keep track could malfunction or be goofy. Beginning October 30, there were reports from Ohio and North Carolina that for early voters, voting machines are automatically voting for President Obama, even when people push the Romney button. Hopefully this gets corrected, but there may be a call for early voters in those states to vote again on November 6.
At 18:44, things smooth out a little and the President takes the opportunity (again) to reach out to the press, and maybe urges immigrants to vote.
The quarter moon is exact at 19:34, and there could be disruptions or clashes between loud groups of people and law enforcement.
The polls close at 20:00 in Hawaii, which means 01:00 November 7 in Washington, D.C.
The USA chart:
At this time in the USA, Saturn is in good relationship with Venus, the love and money planet, indicating a time of accepting responsibility and realizing one needs to work. The work force, even though diminished, should stabilize. With Saturn having changed to the sign of Scorpio, the nation will want fiscal responsibility. Scorpio in the sign of Scorpio is advantageous to Mr. Romney, who is a Pisces, and very challenging to President Obama, who is a Leo.Jupiter is still where it was when Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast. During the days of the hurricane, Mars was in opposition with Jupiter, showing the strength of the storm. This means the hurricane is affecting the process of voting. Jupiter also shows change of mind of the populace.
Uranus in the USA chart continues to shows sudden, surprising change with voter turnout high, especially with those who are long-time residents who had not voted often because they are energized.
Mercury is hiding in the United States chart, meaning news could be kept hidden or not reported until after Hawaii voting results come in. This puts the election news into November 7 on the East Coast.
The Moon is in the sign of Leo, President Obama’s sign.
The day begins with high hopes that voters vote for the good of the nation. At 07:56, there is a happy surprise at the high turnout of legal immigrants. It looks smooth all day, with the opportunity for common sense and stability, exactly at 19:11. Mars is challenging Neptune, indicating possible rain or bad weather, especially in the south southwest. There could be misleading, vague or false news reports, there could be attacks on legal immigrants trying to vote, or there could be outright voting fraud. This is exact at 18:59 but is in effect all day on November 6 and into November 7. However, since this is the United States’ chart, there could be an attack from a home-grown religious fanatic or an altercation or argument with or about the UN poll watchers.
President Obama’s chart on November 6:
The day begins with him in the public eye and confident, exact at 09:53.Transiting Pluto just left a nice relationship with his natal Pluto, which gave him power in the public eye. That is now past.
Saturn is in the see-saw (quincunx) relationship with the President’s Moon, indicating the need to adjust to change, possibly of residence, with the workforce the forcing energy. This is a somewhat vague cycle in one’s life because the cause of irritation and need to adjust is not easily recognized. Saturn is going through President Obama’s house of foreign affairs, had just had a challenging relationship with publicity and is now revealing the need to adjust to changes he cannot understand. Since this is Saturn there is a demand for taking responsibility.
Mercury opposed his Moon on November 2 and 3, goes retrograde on November 6, to oppose his Moon again on November 9, indicating unfavorable statements or publicity or public statements or outbursts.
Mars is squaring the President’s Mars on November 6, indicating strife, challenging situations involving his ego and temper and he could be publicly angry. This is in effect all day, and exact at 19:03. Soon after, exactly at 20:20, he is emotionally irritated, maybe because the population is against him; he is not having a good day.
November 7 the President’s astrology shows change and adjustment between 09:30 and 09:56, a gracious public appearance, followed by losing his job, causing more adjustments. The day ends gracefully, with family harmony.
Mitt Romney’s chart on November 6.
Overall, transiting Uranus is in good position for Mitt Romney’s goals. He has the opportunity for personal advancement because of good communication and excellent relationships with former business associates.Venus on November 6 shows an opportunity for accepting a position of power and effectiveness, exact at 17:31. His day begins very early with the opportunity to achieve his goals, adjusts his plans; he is at his home worrying, all before the polls open. After the polls open here on the East Coast he feels apprehensive, then things pick up for him. Between 09:30 and 10:15, there is an opportunity to be seen as glamorous, and just after 12 noon power seems to shift to him. There is a period of iffyness between 17:15 and 17:45.
November 7, very early in the morning, as the Hawaii polls begin to report, there is an opportunity for positive change in his personal status. Between 07:00 and 07:30, he is adjusting to change and possibly interacting with President Obama. By late afternoon into early evening, there is lot of activity and emotion.
It will be interesting to follow the astrology for election day. Our astrology group will discuss this during our November Astrology meeting.
Contact Patty via email for discussion.