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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Feb 24, 2014

Mercury & Mars Retrograde 2014

Mercury went retrograde 6 February in the sign of Pisces and was relatively quiet. Mercury backed into the sign of Aquarius on 14 February, Valentine's Day. That is so appropriate because Valentine's Day happens during the time of the Sun in Aquarius. Mercury started acting up, or we should say the electrical glitches and mistakes on agreements began to happen when Mercury backed into Aquarius. Mercury goes direct, or forward, on 28 February, the last day of the month. During a retrograde Mercury, if your equipment is malfunctioning, it most likely is the electrical components. Legal documents or agreements could have mistakes because of faulty thinking. Double check all signed documents after Mercury goes direct on 28 February.

Mars goes retrograde on 1 March 2014, in the sign of Libra. It will be retrograde all of March and all of April. Mars goes direct on 19 May, still in the sign of Libra. 

Mars is the patron planet of Aries and is associated with men, machines, automobiles and trucks, fires, guns, and the violence of war. When Mars goes retrograde mechanical things can malfunction. This time if your car or other equipment is acting up, it would be something mechanical. Libra is the sign of relationships and Mars is uncomfortable in this sign because it is slowed down by having to bring another into the scenario. Mars prefers to operate alone. If your relationship is having difficulties, it is likely the misunderstandings are about or from the man. If your relationship is tenuous, problems can surface now to be evaluated. It is best to make serious decisions after Mars goes direct to make sure the situation is perceived correctly. Trouble in a relationship could be that the man in the relationship is having physical problems or withdraws for a while to rest. Projects begun under a retrograde Mars can be delayed because the project needs partnership agreement. If a project seems to be delayed, consult your partner to achieve balance in the project.

The two signs most affected by this Mars retrograde are Aries and Libra. Cancer and Capricorn can be challenged by slowed-down projects.

Three weeks after Mars goes direct, Mercury goes retrograde again on 7 June, going direct on 1 July 2014. 

To learn how you may experience this personally, please contact Patty at 302-378-0579 or email her.