From EarthSky News:
In recent years, people have been using the name Blue Moon for the
second of two full moons in a single calendar month. An older definition
says a Blue Moon is the third of four full moons in a single season.
The term "once in a blue Moon" used to mean something rare. Now that the
rules for naming Blue Moons include several different possibilities,
Blue Moons are pretty common! The next one will be on May 21, 2016, and
this Blue Moon - blue in name only - will be near the red planet Mars.
This full Blue Moon and the red planet Mars will shine together all
night long, from dusk May 21 until dawn May 22. Of course, the Moon will
be blue in name only. But red Mars will really be noticeably reddish in
color, and the full Moon and Mars are guaranteed to be spectacular to
view on this date.
Earth will pass between Mars and the Sun on May 22. Astronomers call that an opposition of Mars, because Mars will be opposite the Sun, rising at sunset. Likewise a full Moon rises at sunset. And that's why Mars is near the Moon on May 21, when the Moon is full and Mars is just one day from opposition.
Earth will pass between Mars and the Sun on May 22. Astronomers call that an opposition of Mars, because Mars will be opposite the Sun, rising at sunset. Likewise a full Moon rises at sunset. And that's why Mars is near the Moon on May 21, when the Moon is full and Mars is just one day from opposition.
What does this mean for you?
The full Moon on May 21 is in the signs of
Gemini and Sagittarius at 01 degree of each sign. With Mars at the same
degree in the sign of Sagittarius this full Moon will be strongly felt.
This can be called a full Moon-Mars. These signs are restless, so
expect restlessness, with people changing plans and minds. Especially
affected will be Gemini who may experience opposition from everybody.
Sagittarius is involved in this full Moon-Mars and may be the
antagonizer. Virgo and Pisces experience a day full of changes, with
Virgo not being happy and Pisces going along with the flow. Libra and
Aquarius can help Gemini, with Leo and Aries helping Sagittarius. If you
have your Moon or another planet at 01 degree, you may experience a
restless day, too. Mars is the patron planet of Aries, who may be a
catalyzer. The areas of the body associated with this full Moon-Mars are
the hands, arms & shoulders, lungs, blood, thighs. The area of the
body associated with Mars is the head.
Mercury goes direct May 22 at 09:19:36: am ET at 14 degrees of Taurus 20 minutes with Mars opposite the Sun.
Mercury is in the stable sign of Taurus
and could settle things down, even though it usually stirs things up
going direct. After today's unsettleness, it can be safe to sign
documents, make agreements and purchase new electronics. The Moon is
still in Sagittarius and is unstable. Early afternoon, someone may
cancel or not show up; about 5:30 pm it is very busy, with people in a
hurry. About 6:20 pm it seems settled, but everything changes again at
07:06 pm. These are minor, fleeting changes.
Scorpio experiences opposition because of control issues, followed by Leo and Aquarius. Virgo and Capricorn enjoy a smooth day with practical affairs. Cancer and Pisces have the opportunity to cooperate with practical plans. Aries and Gemini are neutral. Libra and Sagittarius have a day of the unexpected and adjust. Taurus may be a little more assertive and verbalize plans.
Scorpio experiences opposition because of control issues, followed by Leo and Aquarius. Virgo and Capricorn enjoy a smooth day with practical affairs. Cancer and Pisces have the opportunity to cooperate with practical plans. Aries and Gemini are neutral. Libra and Sagittarius have a day of the unexpected and adjust. Taurus may be a little more assertive and verbalize plans.