May 1, 2017
May 1 through May 31 2017
Mercury goes direct May 3 at 24 Aries 15
Jupiter is retrograde at 15 Libra 22
Saturn is retrograde at 27 Sagittarius through 25 Sagittarius
Pluto is retrograde and stuck at 19 Capricorn
May begins with the Sun in Taurus; Mercury, Venus and Uranus in Aries opposite Jupiter in Libra, trine Saturn, and square Pluto in Capricorn. Mars is Gemini opposite Saturn in Sagittarius, square Neptune in Pisces, and quincunx Pluto. Jupiter is quincunx Neptune. These are loose relationships except when mentioned below as exact.
May 2: quarter Moon in the signs of Leo and Taurus, with these signs experiencing control issues over money, bringing Aquarius and Scorpio in. Aries and Sagittarius can help Leo; Virgo and Capricorn can help Taurus. Quarter Moon days usually are active and full of change.
: Mercury goes direct at 24 Aries 15. Hopefully, the glitches will go away. During this time, Verizon decided to no longer provide email, meaning those of us with a email address need to make changes during a retrograde Mercury. There is a window of time, so please double-check your changes after May 3.
May 3: opportunity today for the earth and water signs to put forth creative projects that should be accepted or successful. Good day for Taurus and Pisces to communicate and cooperate. Also good day for Capricorn, Cancer and Scorpio. Virgo can have a good day, but may be irritated with vagueness. If you are flexible, you will have a good day.
May 5: off-balance, see-saw day, where things do not go as expected, especially with Taurus and Libra, who experience interruptions. Adjusting to the mild changes means the day goes better than expected. Virgo and Capricorn can help Taurus; Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra.
May 8: another see-saw day where things do not go as expected, especially with Taurus and Libra. Neither sign enjoys unexpected change, but go along and it will be a good day.
May 9: good, smooth day for practical endeavors. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are favored to accomplish plans. Scorpio may experience a control issue, and Cancer may experience responsibility. Pisces has the opportunity to be grounded.
May 10: full Moon in the signs of Taurus and Scorpio who experience control issues in relationships. Leo and Aquarius can be drawn in. Virgo and Capricorn can help Taurus; Cancer and Pisces can help Scorpio. For those of you in law-enforcement and medicine, the areas of the body indicated are the neck, throat and thyroid; and the reproductive organs. Also, impulsive Aries communicates a new idea to bring about change, meaning Aries is a catalyst today. Libra can expect opposition; Cancer and Capricorn can expect a challenging communication day. Leo and Sagittarius have a good day; Pisces and Taurus are neutral; Virgo and Scorpio adjust to sudden news; Gemini and Aquarius have the opportunity for good social day.
May 11: challenging day of unrealistic promises that will not be fulfilled. Gemini and Pisces are not getting along, dragging Virgo and Sagittarius into the conversation. It is wise to wait until May 12, when things are more clear. However, new ideas about established situations are well received. Especially good day for Aries and Sagittarius, followed by Leo.
May 12: today Gemini's plans can go ahead with cooperation. Gemini and Libra are in cooperation and plans go smoothly. Aquarius can benefit, too, with a nice social event. Today is a social day.
May 13: another see-saw day, when things do not go as expected, requiring you to adjust to interruptions. Especially frustrating to Sagittarius and Taurus. Taurus could be upset when people are late, and Sagittarius irritated by being expected to be on time. Aries and Leo can help Sagittarius, Virgo and Capricorn can help Taurus.
May 16: great day for the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Good day for practical endeavors for everyone. Mercury goes into Taurus through June 6. Time for Taurus to communicate practical ideas, also good for Virgo and Capricorn. Cancer and Pisces have opportunities for practical communication; Scorpio may experience stubborn opposition about money; Aries and Gemini are neutral; Libra and Sagittarius adjust to more deliberate decision-making. Leo and Aquarius experience control communication situations. The Sun and Moon are getting along in the signs of Taurus and Capricorn, emphasizing practical, serious communications.
May 17: see-saw day for everybody, with interruptions, change of plans and a need to be flexible. Taurus and Sagittarius are out of synch, as are Libra and Pisces. Jupiter is quincunx Neptune, this is a repeat of October 23, 2016 and will repeat again July 5, this year. Diplomatic or cooperative attempts are thwarted by vague or unrealistic demands or evasions.
May 18: quarter Moon in the signs of Aquarius and Taurus, who have control issues, followed by Leo and Scorpio. Gemini and Libra can help Aquarius; Virgo and Capricorn can help Taurus. Quarter Moon days are usually busy, but today is has delays.
May 19 is a busy day:
May 19: exact Saturn in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries, repeat of December 24, 2016 and repeats November 11, 2017. Creative, expansionary plans are well though-out and go well with groups. Could be a peace-plan is accepted, or at least in place to be finalized in November. Personally, Sagittarius and Aries present a good, creative situation that benefits groups with new ideas and could include Leo.
May 19: exact Mars in Gemini quincunx Pluto in Capricorn. Communication situation is not well received by the corporate power-brokers. Light-hearted or scattered ideas or plans are not well accepted by the established rules. Personally, Gemini needs to adjust to what they consider outmoded or stale situations. The ones in power are stronger.
May 19: Venus in Aries is opposite Jupiter in Libra. Oppositions in astrology mean one-on-one interactions with others, and the planets of Venus and Jupiter want good for everyone. Loved ones may present impulsive ideas or activities to those who have plans in place. For instance, Libra may experience a change in social plans, which are usually received with an "eek!" Cancer and Capricorn may also experience change in plans, but this is okay with them. Leo and Sagittarius have a great day, along with Gemini and Aquarius. Aries is the romantic catalyst, prodding Libra; asking Virgo and Scorpio to adjust. Gemini is their usual scintillating self, Taurus adjusts to a more active day.
May 20: Sun goes into Gemini through June 21. Happy birthday Gemini's. Time for Gemini to communicate and put social plans into action. Sagittarius may experience arguments; Libra and Aquarius have a good social month; Aries and Leo have opportunities for social activities and good communication; Taurus and Cancer are neutral; Virgo and Pisces can be irritated with change of activity; Scorpio and Capricorn adjust to more communication and activity.
May 21: mildly good day, with good communication and ideas. Especially good for Aries and Gemini, followed by Leo, Sagittarius, Libra and Aquarius.
May 25: new Moon Gemini, impelling Gemini to more communication and action. This could mean arguments for Sagittarius, irritation for Virgo and Pisces. Libra and Aquarius have good communication and social day; Taurus and Cancer are neutral; Aries and Leo have opportunities for social communication; Scorpio and Capricorn adjust to a flurry of news.
May 27: see-saw day with communication; especially for Taurus and Libra. Communication is slow and serious and could be delayed, which is frustrating to those who are active. Virgo and Capricorn can help Taurus; Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra. Decisions made today are not firm.
May 28: Yesterday's discombobulation is clear and ideas are accepted. Taurus is able to communicate clearly with financial or creative ideas. Good day for Taurus and Pisces, followed by Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer and Scorpio.
May 29: Mars in Gemini is exact in opposition to Saturn in Sagittarius. Energy is scattered and variable, but pointed to what is supposed to be secure. Plans or ideas are incomplete even though strongly presented. Wait until tomorrow to make decisions. Mars is a planet of war, so if there is an attack, it may be dramatic, but ill-conceived. The Sun and Moon are in good relationship, revealing the opportunity for good communication. Personally, Leo and Gemini have the opportunity to present solutions. Today is also good for Aries and Sagittarius; and Libra and Aquarius.
May 30: Mars in Gemini is exact in sextile to Uranus in Aries, meaning yesterday's plans or ideas have the opportunity to be accepted by a group with new, progressive ideas. If yesterday was war-like, today is the opportunity to make peace with a brand-new plan. Personally, Gemini has the opportunity to communicate and interact with a group. Libra and Aquarius have a great day; as does Leo and Sagittarius.
May 31: thank goodness, the month ends with practical communication that includes finances, farms or the environment with an established, effective entity. Great day for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, followed by Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
April 1 through April 30 2017
April begins with unexpected solar flares and high solar radiation. Our computers are malfunctioning, there have been radio blackouts and the internet is slow and weird.
WHERE WILL THE NEXT FLARE COME FROM? Today, there are two sunspots
that pose a threat for strong flares: AR2644 and AR2645. Both have unstable
delta-class magnetic fields that harbor energy for M-
and X-class
explosions. Their locations are circled in this April 4th image of the
sun from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:
AR2644 is of special interest. Since the month began, it has produced
more than half-a-dozen M-class solar flares, with an equal number of shortwave
radio blackouts on Earth. Moreover, this sunspot is magnetically
well-connected to Earth Magnetic fields spiraling back from AR2644's location
on the sun's western limb lead almost directly to our planet. If AR2644
explodes today, energetic particles accelerated by the blast could be
funneled toward Earth, producing a radiation storm above Earth's atmosphere.
forecasters estimate a 70% chance of M-class flares and a 25% chance of
X-flares on April 4th. To read from go here.
April 1: Good day for communicating new ideas. April 2: Venus retrograde backs into Pisces through June 6. Venus enjoys being in Pisces, where it is soft, kind, compassionate and wants to be close with you. This is a good month for Pisces romance, followed by Cancer and Scorpio. Taurus and Capricorn have opportunities for quiet love, Virgo may experience their loved one more dreamy than usual and ask for time away from work. Gemini and Sagittarius are irritated or challenged by their loved ones being closer than usual. Aquarius and Aries are neutral; Leo and Libra adjust to their loved ones wanting to be close. April 3: quarter Moon in the signs of Cancer and Aries, who are challenged by impulsive changes, perhaps involving Libra and Capricorn. These signs enjoy challenges. Scorpio and Pisces can help Cancer; Leo and Sagittarius can help Aries. April 4: discombobulated day, changes of plans and a need to be flexible. Taurus and Libra are at odds, with a need for cooperation and flexibility. Virgo and Capricorn can help Taurus flex just a little; Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra not be upset with a change of plans. April 5: smooth, creative, social day, especially good for Leo and Aries, followed by Sagittarius. The air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius enjoy the day, too. April 6: good day to present and follow through practical, constructive projects. Taurus and Capricorn have the best day, followed by Virgo who can present the details. Any plans that have been delayed are quietly put into action to be successful. Scorpio may want to be included to give the long-term picture, but today is short-term. Cancer could feel opposition, and needs to concentrate on the practical. Pisces has the opportunity to offer calm to the situation, but needs to be specific, not dreamy. April 6: Saturn goes retrograde at 27 degrees Sagittarius 47 minutes. If you have a 26 or 27 degree planet, ascendant or midheaven in your chart, you will feel it. To learn the specifics, contact Patty for your personal interpretation. April 7: Very busy day. Aries is initiating or beginning something new and prodding others to get into action. There could be a seemingly sudden announcement of a partnership. Aries is goading Libra; Cancer and Capricorn experience challenges. Leo and Sagittarius enjoy a busy day, too. Gemini and Aquarius are available for good communication. Pisces and Taurus could be adjusting to the busy day; Virgo and Scorpio do not have time for details and to analyze. This is another short-term day April 8: a day full of mild interruptions, when things do not go as expected. The ones most affected are Virgo and Aries. Those in need feel neglected by circumstances, a lack of responsibility is evident; Pisces and Sagittarius are not seeing eye-to-eye, with Pisces pouting and evasive; Gemini and Virgo may be irritated and irritating. An impulsive idea meets resistance to be more practical. Aries and Capricorn are in a challenging situation, that could include Cancer and Libra. Cancer and Scorpio can help Pisces; Aries and Leo can help Sagittarius; Leo and Sagittarius can help Aries; Taurus and Virgo can help Capricorn. April 9: Mercury goes retrograde through May 3 in the sign of Taurus. We know the caution for Mercury retrograde: signing papers, including getting married, is fraught with mistakes; electronic devices develop glitches and travel can be disrupted. This should be a relatively mild retrograde, but luxury items purchased could be a disappointment later. Retrograde Mercury is not all bad, though. What happens is that experiences repeat during a retrograde period. For instance, when I was working as a temporary secretary, I always got a job under a Mercury retrograde, and knew to apply during a retrograde if I needed another assignment. If you go back to previous retrograde Mercury times, you can learn what good happened then and activate it now. April 11: full Moon in the signs of Libra and Aries, who are the most affected, with relationship issues. Cancer and Capricorn experience a challenging day. Gemini and Aquarius can help with social and diplomacy; Leo and Sagittarius can help with good management and peacemaking. Scorpio and Pisces can help Cancer. For those of you in law enforcement and medicine, the areas of the body are the kidneys, bladder and head. April 13: another day when things do not go as expected; the manager or controller is trying to manage an impulsive one, who may not be responding. Scorpio and Aries are at odds; Cancer and Pisces can help Scorpio; Leo and Sagittarius can help Aries. April 14: much change today, started by either Aries or someone who is impulsive and creative. Libra is thrown off balance, possibly by Aries; Cancer and Capricorn experience a very challenging day. Leo and Sagittarius enjoy a day of fast, creative ideas that Leo can manage. Gemini and Aquarius experience good communications and unexpected social event. Pisces and Taurus are neutral; Virgo and Scorpio adjust to the speed and impulsiveness of the day. April 15: Venus goes direct at 06:17:40 am in the sign of Pisces. Any stalled plans related to creativity and compassion go forward. Now Pisces creative plans can go into action. Cancer and Scorpio enjoy nice love life and creativity; Taurus and Capricorn have opportunities for good creative projects and love life. Aquarius and Aries are neutral; Virgo could experience what they think is opposition to their work and details. Libra and Scorpio can enjoy a nice love life and creativity if they are flexible; Gemini and Sagittarius can be irritated by vagueness or closeness of partners. April 16: pleasant day for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Quiet opportunity for a small financial deal; your loved one wants to be close, but not too clingy; Pisces and Taurus get along beautifully, with today a good opportunity for an agreement. Cancer and Scorpio can enjoy an opportunity for either love or creativity; Virgo and Capricorn have an opportunity for love and finances, albeit small. April 17: combination day, good for creativity, unbalanced for the practical. Excellent day to continue creative projects, especially for Aries and Sagittarius, with Leo managing. Some responsibility may be called for. Practical projects are asking far-ranging, and possible impractical situations to adapt. Taurus and Sagittarius are at odds, with cooperation and adjusting to each other necessary. April 19: Sun goes into Taurus at 05:26:58 pm EDT. Babies born before this time are Aries, babies born at this time and after are Taurus. Good month for Taurus, month of opposition for Scorpio. Virgo and Capricorn are in the right place at the right time for practical projects to go well; Cancer and Pisces have good opportunities for practical affairs, including everyday finances, to be good. Aries and Gemini are neutral; Libra and Sagittarius adjust to things slowing down, and having finances restricted. Leo and Aquarius experience financial control issues. Quarter Moon in the signs of Capricorn and Aries, who experience challenges, followed by Cancer and Libra. Taurus and Virgo can help Capricorn; Leo and Sagittarius can help Aries. This quarter Moon is busy, with impulsive interruptions. April 20: good day to communicate practical ideas. Great day for Taurus to project. Scorpio could experience relationship control issues; Leo and Aquarius financial control issues. Virgo and Capricorn enjoy good communications; Cancer and Pisces have the opportunity to talk about practical finances. Aries and Gemini are neutral; Libra and Sagittarius adjust to being practical. April 20: retrograde Mercury goes into Aries through May 16. Loose ends or mistakes made while retrograde Mercury was in Aries return to be perused, but probably finally fixed after Mercury goes direct on May 3. April 20: Pluto goes retrograde at 19 degrees Capricorn 23 minutes. If you have 18, 19 or 20 degrees of a planet, your ascendant or midheaven, this will be noticeable. For your personal interpretation, please contact Patty your Astrologer. April 21: Mars goes into Gemini through June 4. Projects are focused into communications, siblings and transportation. Good month for Gemini to focus (if possible) ideas into action. Libra and Aquarius enjoy a good social month; Aries and Leo enjoy social time, too. Sagittarius experiences controversy and possible arguments because Gemini likes to provoke to create stimulating conversation. Taurus and Cancer are neutral; Scorpio and Capricorn adjust to what they consider light-hearted activity and interruptions. Virgo and Pisces are irritated by interruptions. April 24: good day for communicating new, creative ideas to bring stability. Great day for Aries, Sagittarius and Leo, followed by Gemini and Aquarius. Libra may be unbalanced from unexpected news; news spurs Cancer and Capricorn to action; Pisces and Taurus are neutral; Virgo and Scorpio receive unexpected news that asks the to adapt a little. April 26: new Moon in Taurus. Threat of frost should be past and good to plant seeds and plants outdoors. This should be quiet, although a good day for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn to begin projects. Scorpio could experience opposition; Cancer and Pisces have the opportunity for a quietly good day. Aries and Gemini are neutral; Leo and Aquarius experience financial control issues; Libra and Sagittarius adjust to the day being too slow. April 28: Venus goes into Aries through June 6. Your loved one becomes more independent, wanting space, but is romantic, with an adventure for you. Aries catalyzes everyone around them and can be wildly romantic; Libra experiences their partner wanting to be independent; Cancer and Capricorn experience situations with their loved one not there. These signs enjoy challenges and space, so this will be fun for them. Leo and Sagittarius enjoy adventures; Gemini and Aquarius have the opportunity for social adventures; (have you learned adventure is an Aries keyword?) Pisces and Taurus are neutral; Virgo and Scorpio adjust (if they will) to impulsive actions and adventure. Mercury and Uranus are working together today in Aries so expect much impulsive communication about new things, possibly electronics. April 30: Sun and Moon are getting along, indicating Cancer and Taurus have an opportunity to work together. Good day for Scorpio, Pisces, Virgo and Capricorn, too. Remember Mercury is retrograde until May 3. back to the top |
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