April 1: Sun conjunct Mercury at 11 degrees Aries, one degree within
the March 31 full Moon. A lot of communication with challenging ideas,
perhaps initiated by Aries. Cancer, Libra and Capricorn may be involved.
April 2: Quincunx/see-saw day with Scorpio and Aries not
seeing eye-to-eye. Expect the day not to go as expected, but if you are
flexible, it is better. Effective conjunction with Mars and Saturn at 8
degrees Capricorn 57. Excellent day for Capricorn to begin a practical
project. Cancer may experience a day of needing to choose between work
and family. Aries and Libra experience challenging day regarding
projects. Good day for Taurus and Virgo for practical endeavors. Scorpio
and Pisces have the opportunity to cooperate in practical endeavors.
Gemini and Leo adjust to the practical and frugal. Sagittarius and
Aquarius are neutral.
April 3: No exact astrological aspects.
4: Moon goes into Sagittarius. Mercury in Aries square Mars in
Capricorn, revealing challenging communications, perhaps an attempt to
hurry a project to no avail. Aries may be pushing Capricorn. Leo and
Sagittarius can help Aries with Taurus and Virgo helping Capricorn.
Cancer and Libra may experience a day with a lot of communication.
5: Mercury in Aries challenges Saturn in Capricorn. Yesterday’s
situation continues and is stronger. Repeats April 25 because Mercury is
retrograde now. However, the Moon in Sagittarius is in harmony with the
Sun in Aries, meaning a good day for creative projects. If Aries will
contact Sagittarius the peacemaker, or if Aries will be open to
another’s ideas, the situation will harmonize.
April 6: Moon
goes into Capricorn, joining Mars, Saturn and Pluto. Good day for
Capricorn to move ahead. Cancer may experience challenge to balance work
and family; Aries and Libra have a challenging day regarding building
stability or security. Taurus and Virgo have a good day. Sagittarius and
Aquarius are neutral, with Gemini and Leo adjusting to the very
practical and frugal.
April 7: Venus in Taurus (it’s own
sign) in trine with Saturn in Capricorn (its own sign). Yesterday’s
challenging communication may calm and be reasonable. Day of good
finances and love, especially for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Cancer,
Scorpio and Pisces may have opportunities for inclusion in love or
practical endeavor, but it requires flexibility and cooperation. Also a
good day to beautify an area, but keep within the budget.
8: Quarter Moon in the signs of Capricorn and Aries, another
challenging day for them, and for Cancer and Libra. Everyone’s day is
full of unexpected change. Taurus and Virgo can help Capricorn; Leo and
Sagittarius can help Aries.
April 9: Moon goes into Aquarius.
10: Moon in Aquarius getting along with the Sun in Aries, indicating
a refreshing day with new, creative ideas and opportunity for time with
friends. Aquarius, Gemini and Libra; Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are
favored, but everybody has a good day.
April 11; Moon
goes into Pisces. Busy day with the planets. Sun in Aries square Pluto
in Capricorn = power play, with the impatient one stopped by the one who
is in charge of the project. However, with Venus in Taurus trine Mars
in Capricorn, a practical approach to the situation works. The
opportunity of April 7 may be realized today. The Sun is in
quincunx/see-saw relationship with Jupiter, indicating a need for the
impulsive or idealistic idea to adjust to financial reality.
12: Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces. Quietly romantic day,
especially for Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Good day to escape from what you consider routine. Everyone experiences a
good, quiet day.
April 13: Moon goes into Aries.
14: Jupiter in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn through April 17.
Repeat of Jan. 15 and will repeat again Sept. 12. Opportunity to realize
what was offered Jan. 15, which is the opportunity for financial
reorganizing for or about a practical project that will be effective
long-term. Scorpio brings opportunity to Capricorn, possibly including
Cancer, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo. Also. Mars in Capricorn sextile
Neptune in Pisces indicates more opportunity, this time it is good to
present a practical effort to the visionary. Good day for Pisces to
accept opportunities to be active with their creativity. Wonderful day
for everybody.
15: Mercury goes direct at 4 degrees Aries 46 minutes. Also a new Moon
in Aries, which may trigger a glitch. Aries is presenting new ideas,
with Libra possibly opposed. Cancer and Capricorn enjoy a challenging
day. Pisces and Taurus are neutral. Leo and Sagittarius enjoy a good
day, with Gemini and Aquarius having an opportunity for social
activities and good communication. Virgo and Scorpio adjust to fast
Back to the top
April 16: Moon goes into Taurus.
17: Venus in Taurus opposing Jupiter in Scorpio, indicating financial
opposition between the checkbook and the portfolio. A need to balance
the immediate with the future. Virgo and Capricorn can help Taurus, with
Cancer and Pisces helping Scorpio. Also today, the same Venus is trine
Pluto in Capricorn, so the balance does occur with the assistance of the
one in charge of the project. The fixed signs of Leo and Aquarius may
experience tension because of budget overruns. Gemini may be out of
sorts because today is practical and frugal. Saturn goes retrograde
at 9 Capricorn 08, setting off the April 2, 4 5, and 7, and will be at
this degree through May 1. If you have a 9 degree planet, your ascendent
or midheaven at 9 degrees of any sign, expect it to be assented. This
will repeat December 2018, this year. Back to the top.
18: Moon goes into Gemini. Sun conjunct Uranus at 28 degree Aries.
Expect sudden change, possibly brought on by an Aries friend. Libra
experiences opposition; Cancer and Capricorn have a busy, challenging
day. Leo and Sagittarius may expect change, but it is harmonious. Pisces
and Taurus are neutral. Virgo and Scorpio adjust to sudden
interruptions. Gemini and Aquarius have the opportunity for unexpected,
good changes. If you have a 28 or 29 degree planet, your ascendent or
midheaven expect it to be assented.
April 19: Sun goes into
Taurus through May 20. Now is the time for Taurus to get moving. Scorpio
experiences opposition. Leo and Aquarius have control issues over
finances. Virgo and Capricorn have a smooth month for practical
endeavors. Cancer and Pisces have opportunities for quiet, stable
experiences, possibly with money. Aries and Gemini are neutral, with
Libra and Sagittarius adjusting to stubbornness or slowness.
April 20: Moon goes into Cancer.
April 21: No exact astrological aspects.
goes retrograde: Moon goes into Leo and into a quarter Moon, with the
Sun in Taurus. Expect stubborn resistance to change, with Taurus and
Aquarius drawn in. Aries and Sagittarius can help Leo; Virgo and
Capricorn can help Taurus. Pluto goes retrograde
at 21 Capricorn 17 and will be at this degree through May 20. If you
have a planet, your ascendent or midheaven at this degree, expect it to
be assented.
Back to the top.
April 23: No exact astrological aspects.
24: Moon goes into Virgo. Venus goes into Gemini through May 19.
Your loved one is more social than usual. Gemini may be more romantic.
Sagittarius may experience arguments, with Virgo and Pisces irritated by
your loved one’s restlessness. Libra and Aquarius enjoy more social
life; Aries and Leo have the opportunity to be included in
spur-of-the-moment invitations Taurus and Cancer are neutral. Scorpio
and Capricorn adjust to light-heartedness. Also Mars in Capricorn
sextile Jupiter in Scorpio revealing an opportunity for a practical
project to go forward, but within budget. Good day for Capricorn and
Scorpio, and also Taurus, Virgo, Cancer and Pisces. However, Cancer may
need to balance work and family, with Taurus helping to balance the
April 25: Mixed day. The Sun and Moon are getting
along, bringing harmony, especially for Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn.
However a new, impulsive idea may be challenged by the one in charge of a
project. The project is stronger.
April 26: Mars conjunct
Pluto at 21 degrees Capricorn 17: good, powerful day for security and
stability, or to build something. Capricorn is especially effective
today, so listen to them. Cancer may experience strong opposition, with
Aries and Libra having challenges. Virgo and Taurus have a good day,
Scorpio may have the opportunity to help financially; Pisces may bring a
creative idea to the project; Sagittarius and Aquarius are neutral.
Gemini and Leo adjust to frugality. Moon goes into Libra, adding to
April 27: Quincunx/see-saw day when things do not
go as expected, asking you to be flexible and accommodating. When you
do, the day is better. Libra and Taurus are especially not seeing
eye-to-eye. Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra, with Virgo and Capricorn
helping Taurus.
April 28: No exact astrological aspects.
29: Moon goes into Scorpio and into a full Moon in the signs of
Scorpio and Taurus. Leo and Aquarius may experience stubborn financial
situations. Cancer and Pisces can help Scorpio, with Virgo and Capricorn
helping Taurus. For those of you in law enforcement and medicine, the
areas of the body for this full Moon are the reproductive organs, neck
and throat.
April 30: No exact astrological aspects.
Contact Patty for your personal, accurate interpretation.
Apr 3, 2018
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