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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Nov 20, 2018

Happy & Blessed Thanksgiving.

Happy birthday Sagittarius

Happy Thanksgiving to you. I am grateful you for enriching my life with your presence in my life.

Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 22 this year, the same day the Sun goes into Sagittarius. Sagittarius and the planet Jupiter are symbols of abundance, learning and travel. Thanksgiving is the time of year for the most travel in the USA.

How will it go? The Sun joins Jupiter and retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius, which foretells a lot of travel. With a retrograde Mercury, you know to expect surprises in your plans. The planets “say” Thanksgiving day itself should be good but may be cold.

Mars, the planet of action, will be in the very wet, emotional sign of Pisces, meaning some plans may not happen or someone just wants to retreat and be alone, With both Mars and Neptune in a challenging relationship with Sagittarius,(although not exact), some invitees may not be able to attend. Be flexible and don’t take it personally. The Moon will be in its exaltation in Taurus, Venus sill be in its own sign of Libra, Saturn will be in its own sign of Capricorn and Neptune will be in its own sign of Pisces. This suggests the day will go well. It could also mean Cancer, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces are happy.

Sagittarius should be the catalyst, Cancer may need to adjust plans and also have an important interaction, Gemini should have stimulating conversations, Virgo may be inwardly irritated because of what they consider chaos, allow yourself to enjoy. Libra should be their charming self, Taurus is practically helpful, Pisces is humourously creative and appealing; Scorpio may have a quiet, nice interaction, Leo has a good time if they realize they be flexible, Capricorn brings quiet stability, Aquarius seems neutral, but will help manage the situation if asked and enjoys the day. Aries may stir things up using their humor.

Thanksgiving is early this year. It is usually in the sign of Sagittarius and this year is on the cusp. The Sun does not return to an exact place of birth yearly, it can be a day off. The Sun goes into Sagittarius on Thanksgiving Day 2018  at 04:01:24 a..m. ET. If a baby is born before this time it will be a Scorpio, on or after this time will be a Sagittarius. One of my sisters’ birthday is Nov 22 and she is a Sagittarius. A friend’s birthday is Nov 22 and she is a Scorpio. They are born in different years.

May you all have a blessed and abundant Thanksgiving, and Sagittarius a very happy birthday.

To benefit from a quick explanation of how any of your plans may turn out, please contact Patty,

Nov 15, 2018

Venus direct & Mercury retrograde Nov 16 2018

Nov 16:  Venus goes direct at 25 Libra 14 and will be at 25 Libra degrees through November 21. Any relationship or financial discomfort may be “fixed” after today. If you have a 25 degree planet, your ascendent or midheaven at 25 degrees, it will be affected. Libra is activated, Aries is asked to be in a partnership, Cancer and Capricorn have relationship or financial challenges; Gemini and Aquarius enjoy social events; Virgo and Scorpio are neutral; Pisces and Taurus adjust to possible relationship or financial situations. This is only if the 25-degree point is activated.

Also, Mercury goes retrograde Nov 16  at 13 Sagittarius 29; at 08:13 p.m., and goes direct Dec 6. Travel plans may go awry during this time, especially for Sagittarius, Gemini and Virgo. If you have plans, triple-check them before leaving and again at arrival. I’ve traveled frequently under a Mercury retrograde and was resilient. The “mishaps” ended up pleasant adventures. A note for those of you with a retrograde Mercury in your chart: this is a good time for you to plan, communicate and make agreements. The rest of us need your help at this time.

Enjoy. You may read the entire November forecast at:

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