Exciting relationship webinar
with Patty the Astrologer
Saturday February 16, 2019
11 am to 1 pm Eastern time
$26 prepaid
Sign up today to join a discussion of relationships. Learn how people of each sign relate with those of the other signs. Learn why people of some signs are more difficult for you to get along with or understand. You only need know your sign and the sign of the person you want to interact with better. Learn their basics, what they like and what they fear.
The word relationship is usually related to your significant other. However, you have relationships with your parents, siblings, friends, doctors, co-workers and bosses, each of which has a special place in your chart. Do you wonder why you continually attract the same kind of person? This is specifically revealed in your chart, too and may be related with your purpose for being here, or your life contract.
Sign up early, and if you want your chart talked about, send your birthday, birth place and birth time. Your personal information will not be revealed, only the birthday. Using your information may help you and others understand relationships.
Register patty@pattytheastrologter.com by
Wednesday February 13 to reserve your place and possibly use your information.
Please call Patty at 302-378-0579 or email to reserve your space. After you have registered, call-in details will be sent to you.