Mars went into Virgo Aug 18,, Venus goes into Virgo the 21st, the Sun goes into Virgo the 23rd, and Mercury goes into Virgo the 21st creating a cluster or stellium of Virgo energy. Expect your Virgo friends to be more energetic and analytical. This applies to the area Virgo rules in your chart. For instance, if you have the sign of Virgo on the 11th house cusp of friends, you can expect more visits or interaction with your friends, whether they be Virgo or not.
This cluster of Virgo energy means Taurus and Capricorn should have successful practical plans with good working conditions Cancer and Scorpio have an opportunity to be included in practical, detail-oriented projects. Pisces may believe too much detail and common sense are being asked of them and evade things. Leo and Libra are neutral. Aquarius and Aries adjust to practical and detail-oriented requests which are not to their liking. Gemini and Sagittarius may be irritated with requests for details, especially detailed accounting for money.
This Virgo cluster brings opportunities to the USA chart for diplomacy, better trade agreements and financial improvement. However the same cluster indicates challenging situation with foreign relations, other trade agreements regarding communications, with the USA adjusting. Overall, the Virgo cluster indicates much better financial situation with the USA..
Aug 19 with the USA is a repeat of April 25 and continues into 2020, being a situation where all the facts are not known, but may be publicized anyway. This is about the media and their stories, so remember the facts are not known and the stories are incomplete and could be misleading.
Aug 20 is a nice day for everyone, especially the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Aug 23 is the quarter Moon in the signs of Gemini and Virgo who may be at odds with each other over the details, bringing Sagittarius an Pisces into the conversation. Libra and Aquarius can help Gemini, with Taurus and Capricorn helping Virgo. The day is full of minor changes, asking you to be flexible.
As previously stated, with Saturn, Pluto and the south node in the sign of Capricorn, karma is being reaped, meaning the results of previous actions are combing around, both good and difficult. Capricorn represents what is thought of as stable and secure, whether buildings, infrastructures (roads), companies, ways of life, etc. What is worn out crumbles, whether roads and buildings, perceptions, ways of governing or even small groups. The Age of Aquarius asks for equality with peoples and wisdom through knowledge, which means to actually think about and learn what is really happening, not accept what is being told to us. What is only in need of repair will be repaired or rebuilt to a better structure or way of life and be strong and effective.
Contact Patty for your personal interpretation.