Pluto continues at 26 degrees Capricorn, Neptune continues at 23 degrees Pisces and Uranus continues at 13 degrees Taurus. Jupiter went retrograde and is at 2 degrees Pisces this week. This means if you have these degrees in a planet or the ascendent or midheaven in your chart, they are activated; how depending upon the planetary relationships. A short session with Patty can help you identify and interpret what this means for you.
June 27: Venus goes into generous and dramatic Leo through July 21. Leo is even more generous and perhaps more dramatic. You may notice the drama in a change in hair style or clothing, to call attention to themself. Aquarius knows their loved one is seeking their attention away from their friends. Aries and Sagittarius have a nice month; Gemini and Libra enjoy creative social gatherings. Scorpio and Taurus experience demands from their loved ones, perhaps to spend money. Cancer and Virgo are neutral, with Capricorn and Pisces adjusting to the drama or creativity.
June 27 USA: a higher court makes an adjustment or amendment regarding past freedoms or expenditures; possibly expenditures about past freedoms. The insurrection?
June 28: see-saw or quincunx day when things do not go as expected, especially for Leo and Pisces. It is good to adjust to mild changes and your day will be good. The creative one who may ask for something is stymied by those who are laid back and almost lazy. Aries and Sagittarius can help Leo; Cancer and Scorpio can help Pisces. Moon goes Pisces adding to the almost laziness of the day. Good day for a movie.
June 29: no exact astrological aspects.
June 30: Moon goes into active, creative Aries, adding energy and initiative to the day.
July 1: tension over doing it for oneself or alone and what is best for the group. Resolution comes with compromise, which means meeting in the middle with what is best. Leo and Aquarius have a possible stand-off or an exciting day if they make a concessions to have a cooperative event. Taurus and Scorpio may also have a tense day, all over who is in control. Aries and Sagittarius can help Leo, with Gemini and Libra helping Aquarius. This may be planning for the fourth of July weekend. Adding to this is the quarter Moon in the signs of Aries and Cancer, indicating impulsive change bringing in Libra and Capricorn. Maybe the quarter Moon change will help the resolve the control situation.
July 2: no exact astrological aspects.
July 2 USA: the adjustment of June 27 is at least harmonized with financial considerations. Includes the president, unions or both.
July 3: challenging day. Tension between family and friends or group activities exacerbated by interruptions asking to change plans, meaning to adjust. Also, continued control issues over who is in charge and the activities. Especially tense day for Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and maybe Scorpio. Seems Cancer will be the one to adjust, trying to keep family harmony. Moon goes Taurus adding to possible control issues.
July 3 USA: adjustment to an agreement involving the population or the immigrant situation because of changes to the agreement or the population.
July 4: USA Independence Day or the USA Birthday. Mild tension between family and a member who wants to be alone or have their own activity. Busy day and enjoyable for those who enjoy change and mild challenge, especially for Cancer & Aries, followed by Libra and Capricorn. Capricorn can be the practical and realistic one.
July 4 USA: except for the birthday day, no exact astrological aspects.
To enjoy your personal astrology forecast, please contact Patty now.