Daily phases
April Astrology special.
Coming meet-ups
North Node, Uranus and Mercury in Taurus, Sun in Aries, Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces, with Venus lagging in Pisces, Mars and Saturn close in Aquarius and Pluto late Capricorn. At the bottom is the South Node in Scorpio and to the left Moon in Virgo.
Finances are still stressed over who controls: the old way holding on with the new way pushing for change, and daring new ideas trying to present the new. Compassion is evident and has good opportunities to interact successfully with established ways to help. Financial balance by focusing on immediate needs for everyday resources and managing investments.
Taurus and Aquarius have control issues about the new and old; Pisces, Taurus and Capricorn cooperate for the betterment of all. Aries is alone, but can be the catalyst for the new, and challenge the outworn or corrupt to regenerate.
Coming in April is an important conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. Jupiter and Neptune do not conjunct again in the same sign for a long time, with the last conjunction in Pisces 1856. Because Pisces has a challenging relationship to Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius it will be an important time for those of you who are these signs or have outer planets in these signs. The March special was about this, but you may have your interpretation with Patty at her regular rate.
Advance special for April: Interpretation
of your North and South Nodes, which reveals your past life tendencies, talents
and quirks, and this lifetime’s soul purpose. Includes transits to your
personal Moon’s Nodes or soul purpose. About 20 minutes for the Reduced price
of $45.00 from $51.00.
Cayce, Coffee & Conversation, Saturday, April 16, 1 pm, online. Definition of Consciousness and Christ Consciousness by the Cayce reading, Einstein and Max Planck, with your understanding, all discussed with you. Tuition $36.00 USD. Email Patty of your interest and you will receive your personal invitation.
Ed Foote coming in person to Delaware: Tuesday, May 10, 2022, at 1:30 pm. Topic Ideals. Ask Patty for details.
Now to the daily phases:
- April 4: Moon goes into Gemini, in harmony with Mars joining Saturn at 22 degrees Aquarius, with Jupiter at 22 degrees, Neptune at 23 degrees, the nodes at 22 degrees! Look to your chart to see where these degrees are because that area of your life will be activated. How depends upon the details. This is an excellent time for Aquarius to activate projects, a good time for Pisces to realize their dreams, and Taurus and Scorpio to actualize Ideals and soul’s purpose. Patty can help you identify and interpret this in a short consultation.
- April 5: Venus goes into Pisces until March 6, joining Neptune and Jupiter, enhancing compassion, creativity and spirituality. Younger people may be more giving than usual, or the recipients of charitable activities. Your loved one may be more caring or want to be alone. Pisces becomes even more either giving or needy; Virgo’s loved one seems dreamy and maybe inaccessible, Cancer and Scorpio have a nice emotional month, Taurus and Capricorn can help Pisces with their creative activities. Aquarius and Aries are neutral, Leo and Libra adjust or pivot to accommodate people being late or vague. The Moon is still in Gemini, irritating Pisces, but harmonizing Aquarius’ new activities and helping Aries communicate their ideas.
- April 6: Sun and Moon in harmony, meaning a good active day for everybody, but especially for Gemini and Aries. These signs enjoy verbal sparring, so if you see them seem to argue, they are having fun, perhaps also engaging Libra, Aquarius, Leo and Sagittarius.
- April 7: the Moon goes into Cancer, giving direction to compassionate or creative endeavors, challenging new ideas to be softer and more caring, and adjusting to new responsibilities. There is an opportunity to creatively communicate new ideas about either the infrastructure or what society’s responsibilities are. Aries could help Aquarius.
- April 8: Now communication or the news could communicate those creative ideas – or there is an opportunity to settle the war, or something new about the automobile industry. Aries has the opportunity today to creatively communicate new, advanced ideas with Aquarius.
- April 9: Quarter Moon in the signs of Cancer and Aires, who have a challenging leadership day, which may include Libra and Capricorn. Cancer may be emotional today, opposing Capricorn and challenging Aries and Libra.
- April 10: sudden, possibly militant or angry reaction to April 8th revelation. At least fiery rhetoric against an entrenched, outworn situation. Aries challenges Capricorn, possibly bringing Cancer and Libra into the conversation. The Moon is in Leo, adding strength and drama to Aries outburst and drama to today’s news. Mercury goes into Taurus through April 13. Conversation changes to money, food and resources, calming down the rhetoric. Taurus may be more vocal than usual, and at odds with Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius, but in harmony with Virgo and Capricorn. Taurus could help Cancer and Pisces with practical activities and ideas.
- April 11: Sun and Moon in harmony, meaning a good active day for everyone, especially for Leo and Aries, including Sagittarius.
Astrologese: We still see the USA second house of resources full: N Pluto 27 Capricorn, Progressed South Node 26 Capricorn, Transiting Pluto 28 Capricorn, Progressed Pluto 29 Capricorn, Progressed Moon and transiting Mars 20 Aquarius, progressed Mercury 21 Aquarius and Transiting Saturn 22 Aquarius. This means focus on the USA resources and spending money.
- April 4: challenge to the presidency and adjustment to the international situation.
- April 5: first focus date of a phase that goes through the end of December this year 2022. (T Mars & Saturn at 22 Aquarius quincunx N Neptune). Resources adjust to accommodate or help foreign country and the opposite, reducing foreign payments to a different country, ongoing until the end of the year. Also today, the beginning or end of relationship with a foreign country, with exaggerated news. Could also be opposition to the Supreme Court about freedom of speech and the press.
- April 6: news of a law or agreement about immigration.
- April 7: unrest over yesterday’s agreement because of resources to settle the newcomers, which can be resolved if the parties will see each other’s points of view.
- April 8: continued public disagreement, with the president trying to soothe and make the adjustments.
- April 9: Opportunity for good change regarding the legal situations of immigrants or monetary change. This change is accepted internationally but challenged by congress and other groups. Remember, transiting Uranus is in the same sign as the last time in the 1930’s when USA made money changes.
- April 10: the president, office of the presidency, labor union head, or head of the health industry reveals a generous agreement.
- April 11: opportunity for a new infrastructure project, increase in tax revenue, and initiative for an endeavor to benefit many.
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