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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Jul 24, 2022

Celestial forecast July 24 to Aug 1, 2022



Pluto, Neptune and Saturn continue at 27, 25 and 23 degrees respectively, meaning if you have these degrees in your natal chart, they continue to be activated. (A short time with Patty can help you understand this). Pluto in Capricorn continues do dredge hidden things from the depths, which will continue through March of 2023. The South Node is in Scorpio, joining Pluto dredging up from the swamp until July of 2023.

Jupiter goes retrograde July 28 at 8 degrees Aries, a hot-temperature sign. The Sun, moon and Mercury are in the hot-temperature sign of Leo, and with Jupiter in Aries, hot temperatures continue. The temperature may cool when the Moon goes into Virgo July 30 until August 6. Jupiter will be in Aries until October 28 when it goes backwards – retrogrades – into Pisces, possibly bringing more rain, which would be nice for the American West and countries in Europe. Then Jupiter stops and goes forward again into Aries Dec 20 through May 16, 2023. We may have hotter than usual temperatures when Jupiter is in Aries, with rain and humidity when Jupiter is in Pisces.

Astrologically, there is a stubborn T-square in the sky with Mercury in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius, and Mars, Uranus and the north node in Taurus. The degrees are not exact, but still indicate stubborn stand-off in the financial sector. For you personally, Leo and Aquarius are at odds, including  Taurus. During this time Capricorn can lead and urge Taurus to action, Aries can lead and urge Leo to action with Gemini and Libra helping Aquarius with diplomacy.

Now to your daily planetary happenings:

  • July 24: Parents Day. Mother wants to do something that is new and exciting and independently. Slight challenge for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn about autonomy instead of being too close. Gemini can be the one who understands all about the situation, help others understand, and even though Libra may be challenged, to offer diplomacy. Sagittarius can offer peacemaking, Scorpio and Pisces soothe feelings. Aries, please do not provoke too much. Taurus and Virgo help Capricorn and may provide the food.
  • July 25: Moon goes into cancer, joining Venus and focusing on family again.
  • July 26: stubborn communication or verbal control issues. Optimistically, a letting go of an expensive idea for progress. Leo and Taurus, especially, have control issues, along with Scorpio and Aquarius. Aries can help Leo move forward, Capricorn can lead Taurus, and Virgo help with needed practical details.
  • July 27: continuation of control issues, leading into tomorrow. Pride is the downfall of the one refusing to cooperate and has nothing to do with the situation.
  • July 28: more verbal control issues, this time possibly about finances. New Moon in Leo, adding strength to demands,  spending or attention to self. However, new Moon in Leo is time for Leo to begin a new project, with Aries and Sagittarius helping and having good social time. Gemini and Libra could be invited to the party, Aquarius experiences demand to pay attention to one person, Cancer and Virgo are neutral, with Capricorn and Pisces adjusting to either extravagance or attention-seeking friends. Taurus and Leo have control issues.
  • From July 26 through July 28 Leo and Taurus irascible, with Scorpio and Aquarius drawn into the situations. Again, Aries can lead, and Sagittarius offer the bigger, possibly international situation to Leo, Capricorn leading and Virgo offering practical analyzation and detail to Taurus. Sagittarius can offer peace.
  • July 29: no exact planetary relationships.
  • July 30: Moon goes into Virgo, bringing practical analyzation to the situation.
  • July 31: tense, control-issue communication between the expensive or self-centered person and contradictive conservate project for the many. Leo and Aquarius at odds because Leo wants attention and Aquarius is with friends. Aries and Sagittarius can help Leo, with Gemini and Libra helping Aquarius.
  • Aug 1: activity in the financial and agricultural sectors, and a modification of communications in the compassionate sector. There could be a variation in the weather, with heat offset by rain or humidity. Leo tweaks their demands or accommodates the compassionate situation for the better.

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Pluto continues to be conjunct – or right on top of – the USA natal Pluto, continuing the “transformation” of the country’s values, including how congress manages situations. This includes things Scorpio: revelations of hidden situations and situations  involving deaths. Transiting Venus is in tense situation with the president, and he has Covid! Astrologically, this is short-lived, and he will be okay. The only other planetary event is July 31 when the USA Progressed Moon goes into the house of expenditures. Since the sign is Capricorn, it may signal a time of conservative spending. This does not mean it will be quiet, though.

July is Astrology Family Month

July you are being offered a special of a short interpretation of family situation. This should take about 20 minutes on Zoom or the phone. You receive a copy of your birth chart beforehand and the recording of your session afterward. Reading to be in the month of July 2022 and is just for you, so is not transferrable. Contact Patty for your family interpretation. Needed is your birth date, time and place. Special price of $45.00. Offer good through July 31.


During your reading, Patty tunes into you personally with her renowned skill of interpretation. She loves to be with you personally as a friend to help you learn how to transcend your challenges and maximize your talents and opportunities. Patty’s guidance helps you discover your tendencies for a deeper understanding of yourself, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Your reading with Patty is personal relationship, not computer interpreted at any level. Her renowned intuition is seamlessly integrated with your astrology reading.  You may enjoy your personal reading with Patty by contacting her to choose your date and time. Before your reading you receive a copy of your horoscope and relevant future dates. Your reading is recorded so you can refer to your valuable information.

Patty the Astrologer

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Thank you for reading. Your suggestions and ideas are welcome, so do send them.

Jul 19, 2022

 Thank you for being part of our astrology and Edgar Cayce family.

Here is your celestial forecast for the week.


The week sees Neptune still at 25 degrees Pisces, Uranus is now at 18 degrees Taurus, Saturn at 23 degrees Aquarius and Pluto at 27 degrees Capricorn. This means if you have these degrees in your natal chart, they continue to be activated. Continue because they’ve been at these degrees for a few months. For your personal interpretation, contact Patty who is here for you..

  • July 17: nice harmonious day, especially with family. Good day for another escape or vacation, movies and something beautifully creative. Good day to be near water. The water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces have an emotionally pleasant and productive day.
  • July 18: Venus Goes into Cancer through July 22 joining the Sun and Mercury. Your loved one softens and is interested in family, food and caring for others, especially Scorpio and Pisces, and challenging Capricorn to spend more time with family. Aries and Libra have family challenges. Taurus and Virgo can help Cancer with the budget and details. Gemini and Leo are neutral, Sagittarius and Aquarius adjust to family or emotional requests. Moon goes into Aries, adding humorous conversation to the day.
  • July 19: mercury goes into Leo until August 4. Conversation is more colorful and maybe dramatic. Your Leo friends may be forcefully communicative this month. Aquarius can expect demanding verbal requests, Taurus and Scorpio with stubborn and demanding communication, too. Aries and Sagittarius enjoy exciting conversations. Gemini and Libra have the opportunity for exciting social conversations. Cancer and Virgo are neutral, with Capricorn and Pisces adjust to colorful demands. Also today, stand-off between family and business or tense relationships trying to choose between family and career. Cancer and Capricorn experience this, with Aries and Libra also having trying decisions to make. Scorpio and Pisces can help cancer, with Taurus and Virgo helping Capricorn. Pisces is in a unique position to offer the opportunity for cooperation or reconciliation based upon spiritual qualities.
  • July 20: quarter Moon in the signs of Aries and cancer meaning your day is full of change, along with Libra and Capricorn. Expect impulsive interruptions with minor change. People may be bossy, but they are only filled with urgency. Sagittarius and Leo can help Aries, with Scorpio and Pisces helping cancer. The busy morning settles after the Moon goes into taurus about 2:20 pm ET.
  • July 21: no exact astrological happenings.
  • July 22: Sun goes into Leo, joining mercury and leaving the tenseness. Energy changes to self-interests instead of family, but also children’s events. To be expected during summer. Your Leo friends are even stronger, bringing color, drama and showy social situations to all, especially for Aries and Sagittarius. Gemini and Libra now have invitations to social events, cancer and Virgo are neutral, Capricorn and Pisces adjust to excitement when they may prefer quiet. Taurus and Scorpio have stubborn control issues and Aquarius has relationship control issues.
  • July 23: communication is enthusiastically about travel and innovative ideas. Travel today should be smooth and on time. Leo, Aries and Sagittarius enjoy at least enjoyable conversation about travel, Gemini and Libra have the opportunity to interact with new people. The Moon is in gemini, indicating scintillating conversation. Sun and Moon reveal the opportunity for a fun day.
  • July 24: Parents Day. Mother wants to do something that is new and exciting and independently. Slight challenge for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn about autonomy instead of being too close. Gemini can be the one who understands all about the situation, help others understand, and even though Libra may be challenged, to offer diplomacy. Sagittarius can offer peacemaking, Scorpio and Pisces soothe feelings. Aries please do not provoke too much. Taurus and Virgo help Capricorn and may provide the food.
  • July 25: Moon goes into cancer, joining Venus and focusing on family again.

USA:  The Supreme Court decisions have changed the medical and work situations. The details of the new laws are not defined enough, which are causing medical personnel to let go of some procedures, with continued demonstrations. (P Asc in the 9th house square natal Uranus in the 6th house and T Neptune in the 3rd house oppose Neptune in the 9th house). Communication with allies and partners continue in a harmonious way at least for a few months. (P Mercury in the 2nd house trine N Mars in the 7th house). But... domestic finances see adjustment down for social programs. (T Saturn in the 2nd house quincunx N Mercury in the 8th house). The president has gentle relations with partners and allies. (P Venus in the 5th house sextile N Venus in the 7th house). A personal note on why I do not interpret the sitting and previous president(s). When President Obama was in office, there were many difficult oppositions in the USA chart to him and I did not want to interpret that, which would have added to the thought forms. I continue to not interpret either the current or former presidents because of that.


Join us for an Astrology discussion Sunday July 24 at 11 am. Online with Zoom. Only need to know the basics of the signs, planets and houses to be included in a friendly, fascinating talk about astrology. We include where the planets live in your natal chart, how that house’s planetary ruler is and acts in plain, easy-to-understand English. Other topics discussed as questions arise. Do join us for a fun two hours. RSVP necessary to Patty. Tuition $30.00 to cover expenses.

July is Astrology Family Month

July you are being offered a special or a short interpretation of family situation. This should take about 20 minutes on Zoom or the phone. You receive a copy of your birth chart and the recording of our session. Reading to be in the month of July 2022 and is just for you, so is not transferable. Contact Patty for your family interpretation. Needed is your birth date, time and place. Special price of $45.00. Offer good through July 31.


During your reading, Patty tunes into you personally with her renowned skill of interpretation. She loves to be with you personally as a friend to help you learn how to transcend your challenges and maximize your talents and opportunities. Patty’s guidance helps you discover your tendencies for a deeper understanding of yourself, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Your reading with Patty is personal relationship, not computer interpreted at any level. Her renowned intuition is seamlessly integrated with your astrology reading.  You may enjoy your personal reading with Patty by contacting her to choose your date and time. Before your reading you receive a copy of your horoscope and relevant future dates. Your reading is recorded so you can refer to your valuable information.

Patty the Astrologer


Jul 6, 2022

Happy Birthday USA


Going through profound change of values.

Looking at the comparison of the USA Natal horoscope, its progressions, solar return and transit charts, is what we call “interesting.” We’ll only describe what is seen without the astrology. For those of you interested in the details, we may arrange a Zoom conference.

The USA birthday according to the Sun is July 5, 2022, at 4:24:44 am Washington D.C., when the Sun in the sky is at the same sign and degree of the natal Sun in the USA natal horoscope.

  • You are aware the country is going through the throes of substantial change of values, evidenced in one way with the Supreme Court decisions, but there are other areas, also, like the workforce changing how they work, changes in the schools, and of course, the pandemic shifted what families value.
  • The planets reveal the friction or tension between the progressives  and those wanting to revert to the past with restrictions. The birth chart of the USA shows both, and the Revolution broke away from what was restrictive  to establish the country on freedom to go forward.
  • These charts also show the massed demonstrations for and against the Supreme Court and state’s higher court decisions to continue through this year. It may help to actually read the Constitution to learn what it says instead of what people says it says. I always want to go to the source.
  • This year of 2022 the astrology shows the office of the current presidency okay, with the health of the president okay, too, and employment and the worker doing well,  as is the medical situation, despite the news.
  • There is potential for effective communication with lawmakers and allies, at least through February 2023. Trade seems to be stabilized because of good dealings with ally trading partners.
  • The oil and gas industries are experiencing adjustment because of the international situation, meaning we adjust, too. Communication and the news about this is confusing and could be deceptive.
  • The crazy financial situation continues to change through April 2026.
  • The mistakes of the past are revealed as selfishness of the congress, limiting resources and ignoring crime. The aspiration is to stabilize family and resources.
  • The weather continues to be hot and dry in some areas of the country through mid-May 2023, when it turns humid and nourishing. We on the Mid-Atlantic East Coast are enjoying nice rain, resulting in  lush foliage.

There  are multiple indications of this in the astrology charts and again, if you are interested in talking about the astrology, let me know and a Zoom conference can be scheduled to network.

Patty the Astrologer




Patty the Astrologer


Patty tunes into you personally with her renowned skill of interpretation. You learn how to transcend your challenges and maximize your talents and opportunities. Patty’s guidance helps you to learn your tendencies for a deeper understanding of yourself, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Your reading with Patty is personal, not computer interpreted at any level. Her renowned intuition is seemlessly integrated with your astrology reading.