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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Jan 26, 2020

Jan 26 through Feb 2 2020

Advance: Mercury goes retrograde Feb 16

The Capricorn line-up continues, with the South Node, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto in Capricorn.

Jan 26: lazy day with interruptions. Travel plans could be interrupted because of weather or your loved one prefers to watch a movie at home instead of going out. Pisces and Sagittarius at mild odds and irritated with each other, followed by Gemini and Virgo. Cancer and Scorpio can help Pisces with Leo and Aries helping Sagittarius. Moon goes into Pisces moving feelings to compassion and a desire for creativity.

Jan 26 USA: financial adjustment with a trading partner.

Jan 27: creativity, romance or escapism is the feeling  today with Venus and Pisces together in Pisces. Great day for Pisces to present a creative project, with Virgo annoyed because of lack of attention to work or detail. Cancer and Scorpio enjoy a nice day with loved ones; Taurus and Capricorn have the opportunity to be included; Gemini and Sagittarius irritated because of vagueness or people do not show up. Leo and Libra adjust to subtle changes. Aries and Aquarius are neutral.

Jan 27 USA: Karma or focus on the past with action to correct, possibly based upon the Supreme court.

Jan 28: challenging day, perhaps because of the weather. Plans are unfinished, people do not show up or are too late; travel plans may be cancelled. Sagittarius and Pisces affected the most, followed by Gemini and Virgo. Leo and Aries can help Sagittarius, with Cancer and Scorpio helping Pisces.

Jan 28 USA: news or communication with the opportunity to boost confidence.

Jan 29: Moon goes into Aries, indicating new activity and new ideas, possibly stimulating creative conversations and solutions. 

Jan 29 USA: good news about the land itself and a law or legal agreement, along with a good situation regarding either health care or the job sector and adjustment or tweak in a supreme court ruling or a situation with a foreign country. Whew!

Jan 30: Sun and Moon getting along, revealing the opportunity for new group activities to work out well.

Jan 30 USA: opposition or strong interaction with a foreign partner or enemy with or about a legal agreement.

Jan 31: Moon goes into Taurus, indicating emotional calm unless Taurus is severely provoked. Feelings are grounded and focused on security and stability.

Jan 31 USA: congress creates a situation of either agreement or controversy not liked by the home office.

Feb 1: quarter Moon in the signs of Taurus and Aquarius, indicating challenging, stubborn situations over control which may include Scorpio and Aquarius. Virgo and Capricorn can help Taurus with Gemini and Libra helping Aquarius.

Feb 1 USA: the president is disappointed and may oppose a journalist. There is an opportunity for legal agreement to benefit the country, with surprise news of freedom or benefit to the citizens which brings encouragement.

Feb 2: opportunity for peace or opportunity for a creative initiative to be accepted. Pisces and Capricorn have the opportunity to cooperate for larger, creative or peaceful initiative. Good day for all, especially for Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo and Taurus. Cancer may experience opposition, Virgo may relate with one who is clingy or needy.

Feb 2 USA: an adjustment or tweak in an agreement with an ally or enemy and either the president gives quiet good news or there is good news about health care or the work force.

Contact Patty for your personal, accurate kind reading.

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