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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Feb 2, 2020

Feb 2 through Feb 9 2020

You can see by the wheel the planets will have spread  out in a nice fan pattern by the full Moon on Feb 9. However, the South Node, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn are still in the karmic sign of Capricorn, meaning the world is experiencing consequences of previous actions.  Uranus in Taurus reveals a good situation with the South Node, meaning change in practical affairs will lessen or correct karma.  With the North Node in Cancer, the focus for the future is with family and caring. You can see the Sun all by itself in the sign of Aquarius with no relationship to other planets. This could mean that any change will be relatively mild, but your Aquarius friends act without hindrance.

As this is written, the US Senate voted Jan 31 not to call witnesses; the USA has joined other countries in closing borders to arrivals from China. The fear is the coronovirus, which is spreading quickly and seems to be in every continent except Africa.  Article here: The UK formally left the European Union; the bushfires in Australia are still burning. Consequences indeed.

Feb 2: opportunity for peace or opportunity for a creative initiative to be accepted. Pisces and Capricorn have the opportunity to cooperate for larger, creative or peaceful initiative. Good day for all, especially for Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo and Taurus. Cancer may experience opposition, Virgo may relate with one who is clingy or needy.

Feb 2 USA: an adjustment or tweak in an agreement with an ally or enemy. The president gives quiet good news or there is good news about health care or the work force.

Feb 3: Mercury goes into Pisces through March 4. Communication softens and focuses more on creativity, compassion and caring. Good time for Pisces to present creative ideas. Virgo experiences irritation because details are not forthcoming. Gemini and Sagittarius also irritated but maybe because of travel glitches. Good communication month for Scorpio and Cancer, who can help Pisces be more specific and help Virgo be more inclusive. Taurus and Capricorn have opportunity to present the practical; Aquarius and Aries are neutral with Leo and Libra adjusting to people changes. Also, opportunity for creative or compassionate activity to be realized. Pisces and Capricorn work well together, with good day for Cancer, Scorpio and Taurus. Virgo could still be irritated because of lack of details. Moon goes into Gemini in the morning, with people talking more.

Feb 3 USA: strong opposition to a legal situation; possibly the impeachment process. communication or the media changing what is reported about the office of the presidency. The strongest transit indicates office is secure

Feb 4: Sun and Moon getting along indicating a good day for everyone, especially for Gemini and Aquarius followed by Libra.

Feb 5: if the opportunity is taken, communication or news offers positive change with a creative or compassionate solution. Pisces may offer a creative solution to a mundane situation. Good day for Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus and Capricorn. Virgo still irked because of lack of details. Moon goes into Cancer after lunch favoring family and caring.

Feb 5 USA: the day the Senate votes on impeachment. Good news for and about the president. What may be a disappointing situation could mean the end of the supreme court involvement.

Feb 6: see-saw or quincunx day when things do not go as expected, asking you to adjust to interruptions. Cancer and Aquarius feel this the most. These signs have a hard time understanding each other, with each good to appreciate the qualities of the other. Cancer to understand Aquarius focus on the abstract, knowledge and unattachment; Aquarius to understand Cancer focus on family, feelings and being close. On see-saw days, when you accommodate the interruptions, it goes better than expected. Scorpio and Pisces can help Cancer with Gemini and Libra helping Aquarius.

Feb 6 USA: tense situation over the impeachment and the presidency and the end of the situation.

Feb 7: Venus goes into Aries through April 3. Your loved one is more independent and may want creative adventures. Aries may be more affectionate than usual, with Leo and Sagittarius having a good month for love and social life. Libra may feel opposed or others are independent and uncooperative. Cancer and Capricorn experience mild challenges with love or money. Gemini and Aquarius have the opportunity to be included in adventures; Pisces and Taurus are neutral with Scorpio and Virgo adjusting to more activity. Moon goes into Leo about dinner time with emotions now more dramatic, but getting along with flair.

Feb 7 USA; beginning of communication or negotiations with or about an ally that repeats Feb 26 and March 23. Also, and adjustment or tweak to a different legal situation.

Feb 8: no exact astrology aspect.

Feb 9 USA: emotions of the country are shaken, challenging self confidence. President’s attention turns to the homeland, meaning he may be having successful appearances. Mild adjustment to the balance of payments.

Feb 9: full Moon in the signs of Leo and Aquarius; see the wheel which is for the time of the full Moon at 02:33:09 pm ET.  Leo and Aquarius have relationship control issues; Scorpio and Taurus have control issue situations. Aries and Sagittarius can help Leo, with Gemini and Libra helping Aquarius. The parts of the body associated with this full Moon are the heart, upper back, calves of the legs, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. After 6 pm the Moon goes into Virgo, quietly changing attention to the practical.

Contact Patty for your personal interpretation.