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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Aug 27, 2010

Improve an undesirable trait

The week of August 16: We chose one characteristic or habit about ourselves that we wanted to change or improve. Then we chose the opposite good quality and wrote that down. Every morning we were to look at what we wrote down to anchor it in our minds for the day. During the week, we were to try to express the opposite of the trait we wanted to change.

Week of August 24 we discussed this.

One chose the habit of thinking and speaking criticism. She caught herself several times and substituted respect and praise. The result was a renewed appreciation for the good traits of the person or situation being criticized, including herself.

Another woman chose to be a good listener instead of trying to fix another's problem. It had been a habit of hers to fix things when her friend asked for advice. She said it was tricky because the other person was used to her fixing things for her. When this woman gently refused to fix it, her friend found a solution for herself that was good.

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