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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Dec 19, 2011

Venus through Aquarius

Venus, the planet of love, is in the friendship sign of Aquarius from December 20, 2011 through January 14, 2012.

Venus in love is expressed in its sign of Libra.  Libra wants partnership and balance and sometimes does not like doing things on its own; Libra wants a partner. 

Venus in money is expressed in its sign of Taurus where it wants to control or manage money and possessions. Venus in Taurus can sometimes want their loved one to be exclusive, or only with them. 

Venus in friendship is expressed through the sign of Aquarius. Venus wants to be liked and is accommodating, Aquarius is friendly and is interested in causes. Venus in Aquarius can be the accommodating friend who tries to involve others in their cause.

Aquarius is not exclusive; Aquarius wants to be friends with everybody and is usually not possessive or jealous and cannot be controlled or owned. The best partnership with Aquarius is on the basis of friendship, without being jealous of their friends. When Venus travels through Aquarius friendships should thrive, allowing freedom of expression and others to be themselves. The love nature of Venus expands when under the influence of Aquarius so your loved may one all of a sudden want friends around instead of being only with you. Blame it on Aquarius, but enjoy the expansion of your social life.

Venus in money with Aquarius could mean expansive spending on future or abstract projects that include either friends or teams working for a cause. Aquarius is obsessed with knowledge, and money could be spent on books, schools or seminars.

To get personal, how will this affect you?

Aquarian people want to expand their social life and meet as many new people as possible. If they are involved with possessive partners or friends there could be misunderstandings and control issues. Remember that Aquarius will quietly, and sometimes charmingly, not allow themselves to be controlled; if you try, you will not succeed. This is the month for Aquarians to reach out for love and form new friendships. There could be control issues with Taurus and Scorpio over money and friends.

Leo people may experience their loved one more interested in being with groups of friends instead of paying attention only to them. This could result in Leo's pride being hurt, resulting in confrontation. Leo can enjoy their partner's interest in friends by having one of their grand parties. There could be control issues over social events, or money. 

Aries has the opportunity to make new friends through group activities and enjoy the abstract ideas put forth by their Aquarian friends or co-workers. Aries will bring helpful humor to those groups. Aries loved one may be more independent now, but because Aries enjoys independent partners, this travel of Venus through Aquarius is quite pleasant.

Taurus people are security-conscious and want their loved one close to them and predictable in behavior or attention. With Venus in Aquarius, their loved one is more distant, can be somewhat distracted and want friends around. If Taurus ties to control their loved one, they may have a surprising revolt over that attempt at control.

Gemini loves friends, parties and makes everything social. They will enjoy the sojourn of Venus through the friendship sign of Aquarius because Gemini will meet new people, and their loved one will be less clingy and enjoy Gemini’s friends.

Cancer is emotional, caring and protective. With Venus in Aquarius loved ones may show erratic behavior and even bring what Cancer thinks are kooky friends home. That is okay, they are friends who will have unusual ideas to expand thinking, and not be around long.
Cancer's loved one may seem to be distant and preoccupied, but this gives Cancer some time to be alone. Cancer adjusts this month to the unexpected and invitations to more group gatherings.

Virgo is detail-oriented, linear and wants to break ideas down into their sections, whereas Aquarius delivers abstract information quickly in any way, out of order or not, causing Virgo to put aside analyzing. For this month, Virgo adjusts to the weirdness (to them) of this abstractness. Their loved ones could seem to be distant, maybe not as careful with the checkbook and not interested in a clean, orderly house.

Libra is social, tactful, accommodating and creates beauty. They enjoy the new friends brought into their social sphere and can show off their beauty and balance with wonderful gatherings. Libra may not be as focused on always needing a close partner now and be more of a friend to their loved one.

Scorpio is intense or focused, wants total control of themselves and can be jealous. There could be challenging control issues if their loved becomes too independent, or tries to control Scorpio. The relationship between Scorpio and Aquarius could be difficult now because neither will allow control of themselves, but each wants to control their circumstances. Money could be the outward reason for disagreements, but look beneath that for control issues.

Sagittarius can create the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life via their Aquarius friends and regale them with tales of their latest travels. Sagittarius is independent and freedom-loving in their own right, and enjoy it when their loved one is a little independent and likes their friends, so this is a good sojourn of Venus for Sagittarius.

Capricorn is somewhat neutral, although their loved one may pull Capricorn out of their shell by inviting friends to spur-of-the-moment gatherings. Capricorn can have excellent dialogue with Aquarius about Aquarius’ scientific ideas, offering practical application to them.

Pisces is also somewhat neutral, but... these two signs are ruled by two of the outer planets: Aquarius by Uranus of abstract, scientific data and Pisces by Neptune of psychic insight and inspiration. These two signs, even though next-door neighbors of the zodiac and supposedly neutral with each other, cooperate well and can reach dizzying heights of knowledge and collaboration. Aquarius can bring new people into Pisces life to draw Pisces’ interest out with new ideas. Pisces love-life may be more active than usual, but this is okay as long as friends pay attention to Pisces.

Dec 3, 2011


Waking up before sunrise can be tough to do, especially on a weekend.  On Saturday, Dec. 10th, you might be glad you did.  A total eclipse of the Moon will be visible in the early morning skies of western Northern America.

The action begins around 4:45 am Pacific Standard Time when the red shadow of Earth first falls across the lunar disk.  By 6:05 am Pacific Time, the Moon will be fully engulfed in red light. This event—the last total lunar eclipse until 2014—is visible from the Pacific side of North America, across the entire Pacific Ocean to Asia and Eastern Europe. To read the NASA story, please click here: . The NASA article has links to a great animation of the eclipse, and there are beautiful pictures.

Aside from the beauty of the eclipse, what would this mean to you? Even though an eclipse cannot be seen in your location, the energy of it can be noticeable. The degree of this full Moon eclipse is 18 degree Gemini 11 minutes. The Moon is in Gemini and the Sun is in Sagittarius. Mercury is still retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius, the opposite sign of Gemini, which reveals tension. There can be unexpected glitches in communication on December 10, especially with travel arrangements, foreign relations and dealing with cousins and in-laws. There could be disagreements because of a lack of attention to details. Eclipses act like triggers, so if you already have an eleven-degree planet or point in your chart, it could be activated by the energy of the eclipse. 

You know that a full moon can be crazy. In this case, it is your Gemini and Sagittarius friends who can be on edge, followed by Virgo and Pisces. The areas of the body involved in this full moon are the hands, arms and lungs, and the hips, thighs, high blood pressure and cholesterol.

Let’s get a little more personal. Gemini will be restless and active, probably talking with as many people as possible. Sagittarius can be agitated because of the opposite triggered energy from Gemini and want to get away on a trip, but experiences glitches. Sagittarius could  also feel that people, especially Gemini, are provoking them. Libra can use your diplomatic skills to help Gemini and Sagittarius get along. Aquarius is a great friend, and can help them to be more detached from the outcome. Aries will enjoy an opportunity for spirited communication and Leo can be mainstay in any fray. Taurus and Cancer will be somewhat neutral. Scorpio and Capricorn need to adjust to any of what you consider craziness during the day. Virgo and Pisces can be quite irritated by the constant talking and possible criticisms. The best way to diffuse this energy may be a party later in the afternoon, after the energy has dissipated somewhat. The party would be filled with funny anecdotes of the day’s glitches. If you invite people, though, expect changes in the details.

The way the eclipse would activate your personal chart depends on the kind of relationship it has to your chart. If you would like a short, inexpensive explanation of how this eclipse may trigger you, please contact Patty by clicking here.  or (302-378-0579). You will reach her personal email box or talk with her live on the phone. To read details about how to have a reading please click here.

Eclipses can trigger earth changes, in this case the possibility is high winds and fires. On December 24 and December 25, Christmas Eve and Day, the planet Mars comes to 18 degrees of Virgo, the same degree as the eclipse and can further trigger earth change activity. On December 24 at 9:32 a.m. Eastern Time, the Moon is in square with Uranus, another trigger point. So, if you think the eclipse went by unnoticed, let’s watch December 24 and 25 for any earth changes. And let’s hope there are none. 

For your personal astrological insights, please click here to email Patty.  or reach her live on her office phone at (302) 378-0579.

Nov 21, 2011

Mercury goes retrograde November 24.

Mercury goes retrograde Thursday, November 24, American Thanksgiving Day.
Mercury goes direct - or apparently forward again - December 13, 2011.

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun and revolves around the Sun more quickly than the other planets. Since it is faster than the others, there are times when it seems to go backwards. This can be compared to a faster-moving train passing a slower-moving train. The sensation of the people in the slower-moving train is that they are going backwards, which feels weird. This is what a Mercury retrograde time-period is like: weird. Mercury is the planet which rules, or is associated with, communication, especially the written word and contracts and electrical things. When Mercury is retrograde, when things glitch or go wrong, it is most likely because of an electrical malfunction, especially printers. If you purchased something electrical during a retrograde Mercury time-period, it could malfunction during a subsequent Mercury retrograde time-period.

Be very careful of signing papers and contracts, because there is the possibly there is a mistake which will be noticed during the next Mercury retrograde time-period. An example is the story of a friend who experienced a divorce which was final during a Mercury retrograde time. About a year later, during another Mercury retrograde time, his wife took him to court for more money. I recommended that he wait until after Mercury retrograde, but he “did not want astrology to rule his life.” His wife was awarded more money. This happened two more times, under two different Mercury retrograde times, and she received more money from him each time. One day he came to me, asking when Mercury would be retrograde, because she was taking him to court again, for yet more money; this time she asked for more than he earned or had. He took the advice and scheduled his court appearance after Mercury went direct. The judge not only denied her the latest request, but adjusted the payments to her for an amount he could give and still pay rent and eat. He was grateful for the information and did not criticize astrology any more.

Mercury is retrograde this time in Sagittarius, the sign of travel, foreign contacts, publishing and import/export. If you know you will travel during that time, it is wise for you to make your plans now, if you can. If you do travel between Nov. 24 and Dec 13, expect changes to your plans and be flexible.

The sign most impacted is Sagittarius, of course. They may not believe it can happen to them, but Sagittarius is a most flexible sign, so travel will be okay. A Sagittarius would experience the changes as an adventure. However, if you are a Sagittarius please ask someone to double-check the details in any contract, or delay signing until after December 13. Gemini can experience mistakes in communication, so be careful and pay attention. Virgo can have a most irritating time of it because others are careless about details, and Pisces may not be paying attention at all. Aries and Leo have an easier time of it and can benefit from changes if you are flexible and creative. Getting your own way does not work during this three-week period. Libra can have changes in social plans - ouch! - do not panic, it is okay, just be your gracious self. Aquarius can have fun changes with friends. Cancer and Taurus adjust to changes in communication and perhaps interruptions. Flow with it. Scorpio and Capricorn are somewhat neutral with glitches, but not entirely so.

Remember that if your car, computer, printer or other electrical things malfunction, check the electrical connections. Be very careful - or better yet - do not sign papers until after December 13.

To have your very own personal interpretation for this retrograde Mercury time, contact Patty. To email her, click on  Your email will go directly to her email inbox and she will answer you personally If you prefer personal contact, phone her at (302) 378-0579 and she will answer your call herself. If she is not at her desk, please leave your message on her voice mail and she will answer you when she returns.

Sep 27, 2011

Astrology Conversation Oct 29.

You are invited.

Astrology and You,

An Evening of Astrology Conversation.


Internationally known Master Astrologist.
Patty Finlayson, aka Patty the Astrologer.

This will be fun, casual and interactive.

With plenty of time for your questions.

Saturday 29 October 2011.
7:00 p.m.

$15.00 per person at the door.
Over age 16, please.
Rsvp would be appreciated.
Anita Tucker, 449-0342 - .

Frog Hollow barn.jpgThe Oak Room at Frog Hollow.
 East Whittington Way.
Middletown, Delaware 19709.

Bring friends, this will be fun.

The DEN at FROG HOLLOW  is in the same building.
and is highly recommended for dinner beforehand, and get together afterward.

The Den Phone: (302) 376-6551.                                                    
Restaurant Hours                                                                                              
Thurs, Fri, & Sat – 11:00 AM - 11:00 PM
Happy Hour 4-7
Beer, Wine and Drink Specials


Sep 26, 2011


GEOMAGNETIC STORM:  A strong –to-severe geomagnetic storm is in progress following the impact of a coronal mass ejection (CME) today, Sept. 26th, at approximately 12:15 UT.  Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab report a "strong compression of Earth's magnetosphere" and the possibility that satellites in geosynchronous orbit have been exposed to solar wind plasma and magnetic fields. Mid-to high-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras after nightfall. If you go to the site and look to the left, you can see that the aurora area comes down 2/3 of the United States. Observing tip: The hours around local midnight are usually best for spotting Northern and Southern Lights. Check for images and updates.

What does this mean to you?

Strong solar flares press the earth’s protective envelop, compressing energy which all nature, including us, feels. Some of you who are very sensitive get tired and some of you are energized. It would depend on your sensitivity and your sign on how you may feel it.

The energy of this storm is coming through the Libra constellation to the earth. Libran’s should be aware of extra energy that can either excite or depress you. Aries could experience the energy as a blast of opposition, Cancer and Capricorn could experience somewhat challenging situations that could be a depression of energy; Cancer should initiate and Capricorn should let go. Gemini and Aquarius could be in the right place and time to help; Leo and Sagittarius could be creative in explaining what is happening. Virgo and Scorpio would be somewhat neutral. Taurus and Pisces may have a hard time adjusting to the extra energy and be tired.

This is extra energy energizing everything else that is happening in the sky. The New Moon in Libra is very strong, so be aware of how it will impact your chart, which is the tool to recognize which part of your life is being impacted.

For those of you who know your chart or horoscope, the energy of the house ruled by Libra will be pushed into the area of Aries, its opposite, with challenging circumstances in the houses ruled by Cancer and Capricorn. The houses ruled by Gemini and Aquarius would be easy, and the houses ruled by Leo and Sagittarius may experience unusual opportunities. The houses ruled by Pisces and Taurus would be off balance and weird,  The houses ruled by Virgo and Scorpio would be somewhat neutral. 

It will be interesting to see how today and the next few days play out energy-wise. Enjoy. 

Sep 5, 2011

Mercury goes into Virgo through September 25

Now thinking and talking turn towards practical detail and cleanliness. Virgo is interested in being clean, fussily putting everything in order, attempting perfection and creating and talking about everything in great detail. Now is the time to clean up the garden, and your Virgo friends may be putting their yards into perfect order. Clothing colors change from the bright colors of summer to the more muted colors of fall, and your Virgo friends may be changing their closets to fall clothing, putting summer away in perfect order. Of course, we all should be doing that.

Since conversation changes to practical detail, Pisces may be irritated because of requests for detail which Pisces does not like. Gemini and Sagittarius also are irritated with detail, especially regarding an accounting of their expense accounts. Taurus and Capricorn have happy communications about money and their careers. Cancer and Scorpio have opportunities to clean out old items, balance the checkbook, lean up the garden and perhaps be involved with a practical project. Leo and Libra are neutral. Aries and Aquarius are thrown off balance because people are talking about everything in mundane detail, which is not to their liking and they need to adjust. 

Aug 29, 2011

Astrology class in New Castle, DE October

Patty has been invited to give three astrology classes in New Castle, Delaware in October as a result of giving a successful lecture on August 25. The classes will be very basic, so you need not know any astrology.

Astrology classes with Patty the Astrologer 
October 6, October 20 and October 27, 2011.
We begin at 5 p.m. sharp until 6:45 p.m.

Use your horoscope to:
o   Learn about your Sun sign
o   Learn about your Moon sign
o   Learn about your Rising Sign
o   Discussions will be fascinating and we will talk about more than just astrology. 

 Your own chart is used in the classes. Please give your birth date, birth place and birth time so your chart is useful and helpful from the very first class. If your birth certificate does not have the time on it, you can contact the Bureau of Vital Statistics and ask for the certificate of birth that has the time printed. The time of birth determines what your rising sign is, so it is important.

To reserve your spot, please contact the New Castle Senior Center or call Outreach/Activities Coordinator Marge Piscitelli at 302-326-4209.

Aug 11, 2011

Spaceships, Meteors, and Moonlight

Spaceships, Meteors, and Moonlight

August 9, 2011: Bright moonlight streams through your window. A nugget of space debris disintegrates in a sparkling fireball. A huge spaceship glides silently overhead. 

By itself, any one of these events might be enough to get you out of bed. This weekend, all three are going to happen at the same time. 

On August 12th and 13th, as the Moon waxes full, the International Space Station will glide over US towns and cities during the peak of the annual Perseid meteor shower.
Perseids 2011 (splash, 558px)
Above: Click on the image to view a ScienceCast video about the Perseid meteor shower. The video includes a sky map. 
The meteor shower is already underway. Earth is passing through a broad stream of debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle, and specks of comet dust are hitting the top of Earth's atmosphere at 140,000 mph. These disintegrating meteors stream out of the constellation Perseus--hence the name "Perseids." According to the International Meteor Organization, worldwide observers now are counting more than a dozen Perseids per hour with more to come on August 12-13 when Earth passes near the heart of the debris stream. 

Experts note that moonlight and meteor showers don't mix. Indeed, the great number of faint Perseids that observers would normally count in a dark year will be invisible in 2011 with the Moon glaring overhead. On the bright side--no pun intended--any Perseid that does manage to pierce the glare is likely to be a fireball. These are caused by relatively big pieces of debris disintegrating in flashes too bright to be subdued. It's not unusual to see at least a few Perseid shadow-casters on peak night. 

Perseids 2011 (signup)

Perseid meteors can appear any time Perseus is above the horizon--i.e., between about 10 pm and sunrise. The best time to look is during the hours before dawn especially on Saturday morning, August 13th. The full Moon will be relatively low, and the meteor rate should be peaking at that time. 

Before dawn is also the time of the ISS. All week long and into the weekend, the International Space Station will be making a series of early-morning flybys over the United States. The massive spacecraft glides silently among the stars, shining so brightly that moonlight and even city lights have little affect on its visibility. You simply cannot miss it if you know when to look. Check NASA's ISS Tracker for local flyby times. Several major cities are favored with flybys on August 12th and 13th including Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles, New York and others.
Set your alarm and enjoy the show.

Author: Dr. Tony Phillips | Credit: Science@NASA

Aug 2, 2011


Everyone in the world with the Internet, a radio, TV or newspaper knows of the critical situation in the United States House and Senate over the raising of the debt limit that is connected to reducing the debt.

This is a serious power play and is not over yet. To fully appreciate when this began, we need to go back to the beginning of a previous power play, which began astrologically March 9, repeated May 1 and December 26 in 2009 and again August 8 and October 9 in 2010. This was the beginning of forced power against the workforce and businesses when the government took over the automobile companies. Many car dealerships were forced to close, putting people out of work and throwing two of the companies into bankruptcy and government takeover. Some stock market firms and some big banks were the recipients of huge bailout monies. There was another astrological situation that indicated strong forces against the presidency in effect from January 8, 2009 through November 9, 2009. When this happened many Americans became alarmed at what was perceived as forced changes to the country that were outside the U.S. Constitution. This was more serious than was publicized because the Presidency itself, although the perceived aggressor, was in danger from strong, behind-the-scenes forces, which continue. The effect of the government action was that many previously uninterested American voters became involved in politics, out of which came the Tea Party movement, with Tea Party Republicans elected to the House and Senate in the 2010 elections.

The above power play was a repeat of the situation in 1763, when the Proclamation of 1763 was proclaimed by King George III. (see below).

Now to the current crisis, which actually began January 17, repeated July 8 and will not be over until after November 20 of this year of 2011. This is another power play, this time forced by the elected Tea Party Republicans, whose philosophy, if not their tactics, are backed by many Americans. This means the power is coming from the people, not from the presidency, but the Tea Party  power was ignited by the actions of the government in 2009. This situation is powerful, determined and aggressive and will not back down. It seems there is agreement and a resolution, but this will not be sure until after the November 20 date. This current power play, which began January 17 this year is a repeat of an astrological transit with Pluto that began January 5, 1765 and ended November 5, 1765. (see below).

Almost simultaneously, the states are enacting laws to protect themselves against illegal immigration and crime, stating that the federal government is not protecting them. In turn, the United States federal government is suing the states for encroaching on federal power and laws. This is eerily similar to the situation between Britain and the Colonies in the 1760's. History does repeat itself and we are living it.  In this case America is repeating, or re-living, situations similar to those experienced in 1765, when the Stamp Act was a trigger for the American Revolution and led to the Boston Tea Party.

The Stamp Act of 1765
(short title Duties in American Colonies Act 1765; 5 George III, c. 12) was a direct tax imposed by the British Parliament specifically on the colonies of British America. The act required that many printed materials in the colonies be produced on stamped paper produced in London, carrying an embossed revenue stamp. These printed materials were legal documents, magazines, newspapers and many other types of paper used throughout the colonies. Like previous taxes, the stamp tax had to be paid in valid British currency, not in colonial paper money. The purpose of the tax was to help pay for troops stationed in North America after the British victory in the Seven Years' War. The British government felt that the colonies were the primary beneficiaries of this military presence, and should pay at least a portion of the expense.

The Stamp Act met great resistance in the colonies. The colonies sent no representatives to Parliament, and therefore had no influence over what taxes were raised, how they were levied, or how they would be spent. Many colonists considered it a violation of their rights as Englishmen to be taxed without their consent—consent that only the colonial legislatures could grant. Colonial assemblies sent petitions and protests. The Stamp Act Congress held in New York City, reflecting the first significant joint colonial response to any British measure, also petitioned Parliament and the King. Local protest groups, led by colonial merchants and landowners, established connections through correspondence that created a loose coalition that extended from New England to Georgia. Protests and demonstrations initiated by the Sons of Liberty often turned violent and destructive as the masses became involved. Very soon all stamp tax distributors were intimidated into resigning their commissions, and the tax was never effectively collected.

Opposition to the Stamp Act was not limited to the colonies. British merchants and manufacturers, whose exports to the colonies were threatened by colonial economic problems exacerbated by the tax, also pressured Parliament. The Act was repealed on March 18, 1766 as a matter of expedience, but Parliament affirmed its power to legislate for the colonies “in all cases whatsoever” by also passing the Declaratory Act. This incident increased the colonists' concerns about the intent of the British Parliament that helped the growing movement that became the American Revolution.

Importance of the Proclamation of 1763

On October 7, 1763, King George III issued a royal proclamation that caused a furor amongst the colonists. This Proclamation of 1763 closed lands north and west of the Appalachian Mountains to settlement. The goal of the British was to put a stop to conflicts that had arisen between the Native Americans and the colonists due to the French and Indian War. However, many colonists had purchased land or had been given land grants in that area in exchange for their military service during the war. Settlers began ignoring the Proclamation Line. Eventually, the colonists were able to get the line moved further west. This event was just the beginning of rising tensions between Great Britain and the colonies.  

Astrologese: the planet Pluto is involved, which represents relentless, focused power dredging up hidden situations that need to be purged and transformed. In the situations described today and in 1763 and 1765, the types of planetary aspects represents relationships, or persons in strong, focused groups forcing change. America is repeating these Plutonian transits, which happen every 248 years. America is in the midst of the same type of process experienced before the American Revolution. In your personal life, it would be interpreted as a powerful  person who would force you to end a certain activity or way of life to make way for a new, better way. After these processes are over, America will be changed and be stronger. The planets Saturn and Uranus are at currently work, too, indicating other changes going through March of 2012, but that would be too much for this article. Any Pluto transit in your chart will never repeat for you, unless you live to be 248 years old. Patty has lived through a few of these the past few years and can help you understand any changes going on in your life, giving you energy and hope. Contact Patty for your personal life's counsel.

Aug 1, 2011

Mercury Retrograde Cautions

How the retrograde planets work in your life
by Patty the Astrologer, PMA

Planets move forward, they cannot actually move backwards.  Several times a year, though, it appears like they do.  It is like two trains going in the same direction on side-by-side tracks.  When the faster train moves past the slower train, those sitting in the slower train feel like they are moving backwards, but they are not.  This is the analogy for retrograde planets, they only seem to be traveling backwards.  But.... they do go backwards in whatever sign they are going through.  When Mercury, Venus and Mars do this, they can wreak havoc in the areas of your life they rule or are associated with.  They also repeat the situation when they go retrograde the next time.

Mercury rules communications such as the phone, internet, newspapers, is associated with your siblings and written papers, especially legal papers.  When it goes retrograde it is not a good time to sign papers or make agreements.  The legal part of marriage is ruled by Mercury, so when it is retrograde it is possible the legal paperwork is not right.  It rules electricity and electronic gadgets such as your computer, ipod and cell phone, so when it goes retrograde these gadgets can malfunction and be quite irritating.  If you must sign legal papers as part of your job, make sure you re-check them after Mercury goes direct.  If your car, printer or copier glitches, check the electronics first, it is most likely something simple but electrical.  It is not wise to purchase anything electrical during this time because something hidden is wrong and will surface when Mercury goes retrograde the next time. This is not all difficult.  Check to some of the previous Mercury retrograde times to see what good happened, knowing this will repeat, too. If you are a Gemini or Virgo, expect troublesome communication misunderstandings and travel glitches. 

Venus rules love & marriage, partnerships, money, harmony and diplomacy and the finer things in life.  When Venus goes retrograde, your money could slow down.  It is good to look ahead and be sure you have enough money to pay your basic expenses during the time Venus is retrograde.  There should be bargains in luxury goods.  If you have plenty of money coming in, there could be unexpected expenses forcing you to be at your basic financial level.  Getting married now is not a good idea.  If you are in a relationship that is not compatible, the differences will arise, asking you to re-evaluate the relationship and make adjustments or end it.  If you are a Taurus, expect money control issues, if you are a Libra, expect challenging relationships.  Relationship troubles are especially focused on the woman in the partnership.  If you begin a new love relationship, something could be wrong with the woman’s reason for being with you, which will surface the next time Venus goes retrograde. 

Mars rules projects, sex, men and machines, war, fighting, fires and sometimes explosions.  When Mars goes retrograde, expect glitches with your mechanical things.  If the car, printer or copier malfunction, it would be mechanical.  Difficulties with men usually surface now, producing arguments.  If you are in a romantic relationship, the sexual part of the relationship could die down because your man is tired from working with all those machines, this should be temporary.  If you have ignored sexual difficulties they will surface now, forcing evaluation or the relationship could end.  During the long Mars retrograde time your projects slow almost to a halt and time seems to stand still.  Now is the time to evaluate the project’s plans, fix anything and be ready for a push forward when Mars goes direct.  If you are an Aries, be careful of accidents because you are in a hurry and time is slow.  If you are a Scorpio, be careful of misinterpreting others’ motives, resulting in your wanting to get even, causing unnecessary hard feelings. If you begin a new love relationship, something could be wrong with the man’s reason for being with you, and after Mars goes direct, he could be impotent, the excitement having worn off.

Jun 16, 2011

Musing about fires and floods

For some reason I was thinking during my first cup of coffee (now on the second), that the United States is being renewed. The fires in Texas, Arizona and now New Mexico will renew the land, so crops and grasses will grow more vigorously.  The Indians used to fire the land on a regular basis and then let it lie fallow for a year to have better crops. The floods down the Mississippi seem like the Nile floods, bringing soil down the banks to fertilize the land for their crops. When the big earthquake/tsunami hit Indonesia years ago, the scientists said the land would be barren for a long time because of pollution from the ocean. The natives apparently did not hear that and planted anyway and the resulting crops were better than before. So, the stuff from the bottom of the ocean fertilized the land. It is like volcanic eruptions: a few years later the land is more fertile, with plants and trees growing well. The best coffee in the world is grown on volcanic soil. That is what is happening now. But… the people need to get out of the way and let nature change and rejuvenate the land for us. Actually, mankind should not have been in the way to begin with. Getting out of the way is the hard part; mankind thinks we can control nature, but she occasionally says enough is enough. I wonder if Shakespeare was thinking of nature, too, when he wrote, “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”

May 9, 2011

Beautiful, visible planetary pairing
Beautiful, visible planetary pairing (conjunctions) beginning Friday May 13.

Here is how NASA begins the story:  No coffee? No problem. To wake up any morning this week, all you need to do is look out the window for a beautiful dawn conjunction of planets. Go here   to read their version of the starry story and see a great video.

Mercury, Venus, Jupiter are visibly close together in the sign of Aries, with Uranus in Aries, too, but too far away to see. Closely aligned is Mars in Taurus. Included in the progressing conjunction is the full Moon on May 17, at 06:08 Eastern Time. Go to Astrology Tips of the Week to read the astrological story. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are very close together between May 11 and May 17. Expect sudden, impulsive, somewhat exaggerated communication and responses. Younger people are especially energetic and eager for new experiences. The NASA video is beautiful, please check it out.

Apr 1, 2011


Most Aries people can be called fireballs, in that they impulsively show up, bringing an adventure with them. Aries is the astrological sign of spring and the vernal equinox, so spring fireballs are not so mysterious to astrologers and students of Divine Science. Just like the fireballs, Aries create a beautiful, romantic display and if you are lucky enough to have an Aries in your life, enjoy them and their romantic antics. Are you an Aries, or do you have an Aries moon or Aries rising? You can be called a fireball, too.

The following is an article from NASA:

NASA Science News for March 31, 2011
For reasons researchers do not understand, the rate of midnight fireballs increases during the weeks around the vernal equinox. It's a beautiful display, but where do they come from? NASA's growing network of fireball cameras is scanning the heavens for answers.

Mar 30, 2011

Prayers for the Nuclear Power Plants in Fukushima

To All People Around the World

Please send your prayers of love and gratitude to water at the nuclear plants in Fukushima, Japan!

By the massive earthquakes of Magnitude 9 and surreal massive tsunamis, more than 10,000 people are still missing…even now… It has been 16 days already since the disaster happened. What makes it worse is that water at the reactors of Fukushima Nuclear Plants started to leak, and it’s contaminating the ocean, air and water molecule of surrounding areas.

Human wisdom has not been able to do much to solve the problem, but we are only trying to cool down the anger of radioactive materials in the reactors by discharging water to them.

Is there really nothing else to do?

I think there is. During over twenty year research of hado measuring and water crystal photographic technology, I have been witnessing that water can turn positive when it receives pure vibration of human prayer no matter how far away it is.

Energy formula of Albert Einstein, E=MC2 really means that Energy = number of people and the square of people’s consciousness.

Now is the time to understand the true meaning. Let us all join the prayer ceremony as fellow citizens of the planet earth.   I would like to ask all people, not just in Japan, but all around the world to please help us to find a way out the crisis of this planet!!
The prayer procedure is as follows.

Name of ceremony:
“Let’s send our thoughts of love and gratitude to all water in the nuclear plants in Fukushima”

Day and Time:
March 31st, 2011 (Thursday)
12:00 noon in each time zone

Please say the following phrase:
“The water of Fukushima Nuclear Plant, we are sorry to make you suffer.  Please forgive us.  We thank you, and we love you.”

Please say it aloud or in your mind. Repeat it three times as you put your hands together in a prayer position.

Please offer your sincere prayer. 

Thank you very much from my heart.

With love and gratitude,
Masaru Emoto
Messenger of Water