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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Dec 3, 2011


Waking up before sunrise can be tough to do, especially on a weekend.  On Saturday, Dec. 10th, you might be glad you did.  A total eclipse of the Moon will be visible in the early morning skies of western Northern America.

The action begins around 4:45 am Pacific Standard Time when the red shadow of Earth first falls across the lunar disk.  By 6:05 am Pacific Time, the Moon will be fully engulfed in red light. This event—the last total lunar eclipse until 2014—is visible from the Pacific side of North America, across the entire Pacific Ocean to Asia and Eastern Europe. To read the NASA story, please click here: . The NASA article has links to a great animation of the eclipse, and there are beautiful pictures.

Aside from the beauty of the eclipse, what would this mean to you? Even though an eclipse cannot be seen in your location, the energy of it can be noticeable. The degree of this full Moon eclipse is 18 degree Gemini 11 minutes. The Moon is in Gemini and the Sun is in Sagittarius. Mercury is still retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius, the opposite sign of Gemini, which reveals tension. There can be unexpected glitches in communication on December 10, especially with travel arrangements, foreign relations and dealing with cousins and in-laws. There could be disagreements because of a lack of attention to details. Eclipses act like triggers, so if you already have an eleven-degree planet or point in your chart, it could be activated by the energy of the eclipse. 

You know that a full moon can be crazy. In this case, it is your Gemini and Sagittarius friends who can be on edge, followed by Virgo and Pisces. The areas of the body involved in this full moon are the hands, arms and lungs, and the hips, thighs, high blood pressure and cholesterol.

Let’s get a little more personal. Gemini will be restless and active, probably talking with as many people as possible. Sagittarius can be agitated because of the opposite triggered energy from Gemini and want to get away on a trip, but experiences glitches. Sagittarius could  also feel that people, especially Gemini, are provoking them. Libra can use your diplomatic skills to help Gemini and Sagittarius get along. Aquarius is a great friend, and can help them to be more detached from the outcome. Aries will enjoy an opportunity for spirited communication and Leo can be mainstay in any fray. Taurus and Cancer will be somewhat neutral. Scorpio and Capricorn need to adjust to any of what you consider craziness during the day. Virgo and Pisces can be quite irritated by the constant talking and possible criticisms. The best way to diffuse this energy may be a party later in the afternoon, after the energy has dissipated somewhat. The party would be filled with funny anecdotes of the day’s glitches. If you invite people, though, expect changes in the details.

The way the eclipse would activate your personal chart depends on the kind of relationship it has to your chart. If you would like a short, inexpensive explanation of how this eclipse may trigger you, please contact Patty by clicking here.  or (302-378-0579). You will reach her personal email box or talk with her live on the phone. To read details about how to have a reading please click here.

Eclipses can trigger earth changes, in this case the possibility is high winds and fires. On December 24 and December 25, Christmas Eve and Day, the planet Mars comes to 18 degrees of Virgo, the same degree as the eclipse and can further trigger earth change activity. On December 24 at 9:32 a.m. Eastern Time, the Moon is in square with Uranus, another trigger point. So, if you think the eclipse went by unnoticed, let’s watch December 24 and 25 for any earth changes. And let’s hope there are none. 

For your personal astrological insights, please click here to email Patty.  or reach her live on her office phone at (302) 378-0579.

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