Jan 31, 2011
Venus goes into Capricorn
February 4 through March 1, 2011
Venus is associated with money, love and legal contracts. It is the patron planet of Taurus in its money phase and Libra is in its love and contract phase. Venus does not like passing through the sign of Capricorn because Capricorn restricts money and love. Internationally, we may see a restriction of money, which could mean certain currencies are devalued and we may see serious, practical attempts at diplomatic solving of the current world crisis.
However, I am a personal astrologer who loves to help you understand your world and I am available for your readings. For your personal reading, either a full year ahead or a quickie, please contact Patty.
So what does this mean to you?
Let’s begin with Capricorn, who is enjoying Venus going through your sign. You are career or work oriented, and use your work as a source of satisfaction. Work should go smoothly as long as you are aware of a need for cooperation because of transiting Saturn. Saturn is traveling through the sign of Libra, which is in tension with Capricorn and could present tense, challenging work situations. Even though you may have spent a lot of time on a practical project that you think is useful, if you are challenged and don’t like it, be cooperative and it will go well. Being confrontational will backfire because Saturn is stronger. Your love life should be better with Venus going through your sign, again, if you are cooperative and are willing to give your loved one some personal time.
Taurus should be happy that love and money are both going quietly well. You may be pleased that what your loved one wants have is combined with being practical and saving some money. Practical things bring satisfaction and your love life should be quietly satisfying.
Virgo may be happy that your loved one brings you a practical project that you can analyze and then execute to beautify your surroundings, which will bring you satisfaction. Your attention to detail is appreciated. Your love life should be quietly satisfying.
Aries may experience challenges because your loved one is busy working or is thinking about practical things and somewhat ignoring you. Your creative ideas may be challenged by those who want to apply the practical and frugal.
Gemini’s scintillating personality is not appreciated because your loved one is too busy either working or paying attention to the structure of the projects. You may have to adjust to less money to play with because you needed to pay for necessities.
Cancer experiences either opposition from your loved one or lack of companionship because of other pressing circumstances. You are sensitive; instead of taking it personally be compassionate to your loved one’s situation. You are experiencing challenges from Saturn in Libra, so your loved one’s circumstances stem from responsibilities that could exclude you and are not personal, or perhaps you have responsibilities that prevent close companionship. Concentrate on the realities of your relationship and be responsible in your response.
Leo needs to adjust to a perceived lack of appreciation and admiration because your loved one is busy working. Your loved one may also be trying to curb your expenditures to keep you out of debt.
Libra has two things happening: Saturn going through your sign and Venus in Capricorn challenging you. With Saturn as your partner you are strongly able to accomplish much in any practical endeavor which is laying a foundation or structure. Venus is challenging during this time to stay within your budget, which you don’t like to do. You appreciate beauty and it may cost too much at this time, at least in the eyes of whoever manages the money. Your gracious diplomacy usually wins the day, but try to be frugal until the beginning of March. Your loved one may be working many hours and not able to give you the time you want. The family is not unbalanced, but your loved one is working to bring money in. This is temporary; get busy with a practical project to beautify your surroundings.
Scorpio experiences two things: Pluto, your patron planet, is traveling through the sign of Capricorn and Venus joins it for a month. This consolidates money, intimacy and power which bring you opportunities to express power or effectiveness. The sign of Scorpio demands sharing, so be sure to share your power by empowering others so your activities these coming years will be what you want. You should have financial opportunities to secure investments in dependable entities. Your loved one may give you an opportunity to commit to your relationship and that should be what you want.
Sagittarius is neutral with Venus in Capricorn. You can see your love life going as it always does and you will continue to experience your adventures.
Aquarius is also neutral, so you can continue to be free within your world, knowing your management abilities should be fruitful.
Pisces has two opportunities: both Pluto and Venus are in Capricorn, which mean opportunities for practical results of your dreams, but you need to take action or the opportunities are not noticed. Your loved one or business partner is in practical mode, believing that saving money and creating security are what your dreams need and they willing to help you achieve it.
Jan 25, 2011
Quarter Moon Jan 26
What does a quarter Moon mean? There are four phases of the Moon that "cause" noticeable changes in human behavior. The new Moon, which is dark; the quarter moons which look like half moons; and the full Moon which is bright. That the Moon causes change in human emotions and behavior is evident in that the Moon causes the tides of the oceans and other waters on earth. Since we are made up mostly of water, it should not be surprising that our emotions are influenced by the phases of the Moon. In astrology emotions are symbolized by the Moon. If you are skeptic about this, ask any friend who works in either the medical or police professions what happens on the full Moon.
On January 26, we will have a quarter (or half) Moon in the signs of Scorpio and Aquarius. This means the Moon is in the sign of Scorpio and the Sun is in the sign of Aquarius. If you position these signs in their natural places in the horoscope, they form a 90 degree angle to one another, which indicates stress. The 90 degree angle is called a square, which is a non-personal situation, although many people take things personally. The Aquarian personality does not expect others to take their statements or actions personally, while the Scorpio personality usually takes everything personally. Both signs are control or managing signs and there could be control issues because of an impersonal decision that is taken personally, or stress over who the manager of the situation is. Scorpio and Aquarius may have stressful control issues with each other, or impersonal stressful situations throughout the day that relate to finances and team situations.
The other control or managing signs are Taurus and Leo. Taurus could want to pay attention to the pennies, which could irritate both Scorpio and Aquarius, to whom pennies don’t matter; Scorpio is interested in long-term finances and Aquarius is usually interested in managing people, not money. Leo may experience severe control issues regarding having to account for money and a perceived lack of obedience.
Who can help? The other water signs of Cancer and Pisces can soothe emotions with an offer of creative comfort, while the other air signs of Gemini and Libra can use their persuasive and diplomatic talents to let everybody see all sides of the situation and get them to cooperate.
So, be careful on January 26 of control issues and do your best to cooperate, help or just step aside and let it pass.
If you would like your personal interpretation, please contact Patty.
On January 26, we will have a quarter (or half) Moon in the signs of Scorpio and Aquarius. This means the Moon is in the sign of Scorpio and the Sun is in the sign of Aquarius. If you position these signs in their natural places in the horoscope, they form a 90 degree angle to one another, which indicates stress. The 90 degree angle is called a square, which is a non-personal situation, although many people take things personally. The Aquarian personality does not expect others to take their statements or actions personally, while the Scorpio personality usually takes everything personally. Both signs are control or managing signs and there could be control issues because of an impersonal decision that is taken personally, or stress over who the manager of the situation is. Scorpio and Aquarius may have stressful control issues with each other, or impersonal stressful situations throughout the day that relate to finances and team situations.
The other control or managing signs are Taurus and Leo. Taurus could want to pay attention to the pennies, which could irritate both Scorpio and Aquarius, to whom pennies don’t matter; Scorpio is interested in long-term finances and Aquarius is usually interested in managing people, not money. Leo may experience severe control issues regarding having to account for money and a perceived lack of obedience.
Who can help? The other water signs of Cancer and Pisces can soothe emotions with an offer of creative comfort, while the other air signs of Gemini and Libra can use their persuasive and diplomatic talents to let everybody see all sides of the situation and get them to cooperate.
So, be careful on January 26 of control issues and do your best to cooperate, help or just step aside and let it pass.
If you would like your personal interpretation, please contact Patty.
Quarter Moon January 26
What does a quarter Moon mean? There are four phases of the Moon that "cause" noticeable changes in human behavior. The new Moon, which is dark; the quarter moons which look like half moons; and the full Moon which is bright. That the Moon causes change in human emotions and behavior is evident in that the Moon causes the tides of the oceans and other waters on earth. Since we are made up mostly of water, it should not be surprising that our emotions are influenced by the phases of the Moon. In astrology emotions are symbolized by the Moon. If you are skeptic about this, ask any friend who works in either the medical or police professions what happens on the full Moon.
On January 26, we will have a quarter (or half) Moon in the signs of Scorpio and Aquarius. This means the Moon is in the sign of Scorpio and the Sun is in the sign of Aquarius. If you position these signs in their natural places in the horoscope, they form a 90 degree angle to one another, which indicates stress. The 90 degree angle is called a square, which is a non-personal situation, although many people take things personally. The Aquarian personality does not expect others to take their statements or actions personally, while the Scorpio personality usually takes everything personally. Both signs are control or managing signs and there could be control issues because of an impersonal decision that is taken personally, or stress over who the manager of the situation is. Scorpio and Aquarius may have stressful control issues with each other, or impersonal stressful situations throughout the day that relate to finances and team situations.
The other control or managing signs are Taurus and Leo. Taurus could want to pay attention to the pennies, which could irritate both Scorpio and Aquarius, to whom pennies don’t matter; Scorpio is interested in long-term finances and Aquarius is usually interested in managing people, not money. Leo may experience severe control issues regarding having to account for money and a perceived lack of obedience.
Who can help? The other water signs of Cancer and Pisces can soothe emotions with an offer of creative comfort, while the other air signs of Gemini and Libra can use their persuasive and diplomatic talents to let everybody see all sides of the situation and get them to cooperate.
So, be careful on January 26 of control issues and do your best to cooperate, help or just step aside and let it pass.
If you would like your personal interpretation, please contact Patty.
On January 26, we will have a quarter (or half) Moon in the signs of Scorpio and Aquarius. This means the Moon is in the sign of Scorpio and the Sun is in the sign of Aquarius. If you position these signs in their natural places in the horoscope, they form a 90 degree angle to one another, which indicates stress. The 90 degree angle is called a square, which is a non-personal situation, although many people take things personally. The Aquarian personality does not expect others to take their statements or actions personally, while the Scorpio personality usually takes everything personally. Both signs are control or managing signs and there could be control issues because of an impersonal decision that is taken personally, or stress over who the manager of the situation is. Scorpio and Aquarius may have stressful control issues with each other, or impersonal stressful situations throughout the day that relate to finances and team situations.
The other control or managing signs are Taurus and Leo. Taurus could want to pay attention to the pennies, which could irritate both Scorpio and Aquarius, to whom pennies don’t matter; Scorpio is interested in long-term finances and Aquarius is usually interested in managing people, not money. Leo may experience severe control issues regarding having to account for money and a perceived lack of obedience.
Who can help? The other water signs of Cancer and Pisces can soothe emotions with an offer of creative comfort, while the other air signs of Gemini and Libra can use their persuasive and diplomatic talents to let everybody see all sides of the situation and get them to cooperate.
So, be careful on January 26 of control issues and do your best to cooperate, help or just step aside and let it pass.
If you would like your personal interpretation, please contact Patty.
That 13th Sign Again
Time Magazine has an article called Zodiac Switcheroo, which backs up what was said in the previous post here the talk about you having a different sign.
To find books about the signs, Amazon
has many.
To find books about the signs, Amazon
Jan 21, 2011
About that "new" 13th sign.
This is about the “new” thirteenth sign of the Zodiac and the wobble:
I thought this would have died down by now, but I am still receiving emails and phone calls about it. The wobble of the earth is what causes the precession of the equinoxes, which simply means the earth goes from one Astrological Age to another. The wobble is actually the nodding of the Precessing Polar Axis. For instance, we have left the Age of Pisces and are now in the Age of Aquarius for another approximate 2,500 years. This is nothing new and has been with us from the beginning of the earth. A complete Precessional Cycle,
according to the Egyptians and recorded in the Great Pyramid, is 25,827-1/2 years. This means it takes this long for an Age to return to itself: for instance the Age of Aquarius had recently begun and it will take that long for the next Aquarian Age to come about.
About that thirteenth sign: Your sign is still your sign; you are not a different sign because other constellations are in the sky. God created all the constellations: they have all been there from the beginning, one did not just pop up to give us a new sign. The ancients knew much more about astronomy than they will ever be given credit for and they named the constellations of the zodiac for their good reasons. If anyone has studied even basic astrology, you know each astrological sign “rules” or is associated with different parts of the body. This could mean that each astrological age of about 2,500 years, or maybe a great year of 25,827-1/2 years, a different part of the human body was being developed. For instance, the first sign of Aries rules the head and brain, and it goes from there. This is conjecture on my part. Adrian Gilbert
wrote a scientific discussion of Astrology, saying that the positive and negative energy from the Sun radiates according to the astrological signs, thereby influencing the fetus and newborn. Thus we have different personality traits (and more) because one month the Sun radiates positive energy into a positive sign and the next it radiates negative energy into a negative sign. Positive and negative here means that which is like electricity.
Enoch learned the secrets of the heavens so very long ago.
This means the zodiac had been named from the beginning, and according to Enoch
, by Adam.
I hope this clears up any confusion about this subject. Every once in a while, the news media brings up this story, apparently for something to report that could be interesting enough to boost their readership. If you would like more information, please contact Patty. You may leave comments if you would like to begin a discussion.
I thought this would have died down by now, but I am still receiving emails and phone calls about it. The wobble of the earth is what causes the precession of the equinoxes, which simply means the earth goes from one Astrological Age to another. The wobble is actually the nodding of the Precessing Polar Axis. For instance, we have left the Age of Pisces and are now in the Age of Aquarius for another approximate 2,500 years. This is nothing new and has been with us from the beginning of the earth. A complete Precessional Cycle,
About that thirteenth sign: Your sign is still your sign; you are not a different sign because other constellations are in the sky. God created all the constellations: they have all been there from the beginning, one did not just pop up to give us a new sign. The ancients knew much more about astronomy than they will ever be given credit for and they named the constellations of the zodiac for their good reasons. If anyone has studied even basic astrology, you know each astrological sign “rules” or is associated with different parts of the body. This could mean that each astrological age of about 2,500 years, or maybe a great year of 25,827-1/2 years, a different part of the human body was being developed. For instance, the first sign of Aries rules the head and brain, and it goes from there. This is conjecture on my part. Adrian Gilbert
Enoch learned the secrets of the heavens so very long ago.
I hope this clears up any confusion about this subject. Every once in a while, the news media brings up this story, apparently for something to report that could be interesting enough to boost their readership. If you would like more information, please contact Patty. You may leave comments if you would like to begin a discussion.
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