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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Jan 25, 2011

Quarter Moon January 26

What does a quarter Moon mean? There are four phases of the Moon that "cause" noticeable changes in human behavior. The new Moon, which is dark; the quarter moons which look like half moons; and the full Moon which is bright. That the Moon causes change in human emotions and behavior is evident in that the Moon causes the tides of the oceans and other waters on earth. Since we are made up mostly of water, it should not be surprising that our emotions are influenced by the phases of the Moon. In astrology emotions are symbolized by the Moon. If you are skeptic about this, ask any friend who works in either the medical or police professions what happens on the full Moon.

On January 26, we will have a quarter (or half) Moon in the signs of Scorpio and Aquarius. This means the Moon is in the sign of Scorpio and the Sun is in the sign of Aquarius. If you position these signs in their natural places in the horoscope, they form a 90 degree angle to one another, which indicates stress. The 90 degree angle is called a square, which is a non-personal situation, although many people take things personally. The Aquarian personality does not expect others to take their statements or actions personally, while the Scorpio personality usually takes everything personally. Both signs are control or managing signs and there could be control issues because of an impersonal decision that is taken personally, or stress over who the manager of the situation is. Scorpio and Aquarius may have stressful control issues with each other, or impersonal stressful situations throughout the day that relate to finances and team situations.

The other control or managing signs are Taurus and Leo. Taurus could want to pay attention to the pennies, which could irritate both Scorpio and Aquarius, to whom pennies don’t matter; Scorpio is interested in long-term finances and Aquarius is usually interested in managing people, not money.  Leo may experience severe control issues regarding having to account for money and a perceived lack of obedience.

Who can help? The other water signs of Cancer and Pisces can soothe emotions with an offer of creative comfort, while the other air signs of Gemini and Libra can use their persuasive and diplomatic talents to let everybody see all sides of the situation and get them to cooperate.

So, be careful on January 26 of control issues and do your best to cooperate, help or just step aside and let it pass.

If you would like your personal interpretation, please contact Patty.

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