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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Feb 8, 2011

Astrology Feb.1 through Feb 8

Feb 1 through Feb 8:

Feb 1: The Moon goes into Aquarius early evening. Try to be invite others to be involved and be detached from the outcome of your plans at the same time.

Feb 2: New Moon exact at 21:30 in the sign of Aquarius. Continue to be inclusive and begin a project that involves a team or friends.

Feb 3: Mercury goes into Aquarius. Thinking is now somewhat abstract, decisions are made on those abstractions and what is good for future plans, not feelings. If you are a feeling person, be aware of this and don’t take others’ ideas personally.

Feb 4: Venus goes into Capricorn, indicating your loved one is now more interested in work and practical things than you. The Moon goes into Pisces bringing compassion and creativity to the abstract ideas. This is a good day to activate team projects. Try to combine work, creativity and team activities into one virtue.

Feb 5: The Moon is in a weird relationship with Saturn, so adjust your sensitive feelings to the reality of work and cooperate.

Feb 6: Yesterday’s adjustment pays off today with good relationships and excellent team activities. The Moon goes into Aries in the afternoon, changing the mood to action and courage. Express courage in new endeavors.

Feb 7: The Moon is at odds with Pluto, meaning bumping heads with the powers-that-be about a new project. Be courageous but conciliatory.

Feb 8: The Moon and the Sun are in good relationship, revealing an opportunity to present a new idea for the team project, or to take the initiative to contact friends.

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