: A profusion of emerging sunspots has kicked off a days-long radio storm on the sun. VHF receivers on Earth are picking up loud bursts that sound like waves crashing on a beach. This ongoing event continues a recent trend of increasing activity as Solar Cycle 24 heats up. Check for audio and images of the instigating sunspots.
This storm precedes a retrograde Mercury by only two days. Mercury goes retrograde on the 30th of March at 24 degrees of Aries and the Solar storm will intensify the normal glitches of the retrograde. By now you are aware that a retrograde Mercury causes communication and electrical malfunctions, and this solar storm will intensify them. It is already evident to me that cell phone reception has more of an echo and has more hiccups and cracklings than usual. When you have a reading with me, I use a land line with a cord connecting the receiver and the phone base for clear reception, and your reading is recorded on a little MP3 recorder. The MP3 picks up the echo and cracklings of a cell phone, which you can hear when you listen to your reading. The past day there has been more noise and hiccups, and the solar radio storm explains it.
The usual cautions of a retrograde Mercury are: be careful, and avoid if at all possible, contracts or written agreements, and try to put off purchasing electrical things. Why? Because eventually mistakes in your agreement will be revealed and you have to go through the hassle of having them corrected. Electrical gadgets may be okay until the next retrograde Mercury time and then need to be replaced, which is another hassle.
Does this affect everybody? Yes, but this retrograde cycle will affect Aries and Libra the most. Aries are impulsive anyway, and Aries with birthdays March 21, 22 and 23 are under the radiation of Uranus in Aries now, which makes them more impulsive and in a hurry to create change. Add a retrograde Mercury in the same sign, and Aries could do their usual of going where angels fear to tread, and in their excitement, forget to double-check agreements and contracts, thereby setting up having to re-do them in August when the next retrograde Mercury time is. Aries is the opposite of Libra, which means Libra could get angry with their loved one because of the loved one's impulsively signing contracts without consulting them or buying an electrical something that will malfunction. The Libra people affected most are those with birthdays September 23, 24 and 25.
This storm precedes a retrograde Mercury by only two days. Mercury goes retrograde on the 30th of March at 24 degrees of Aries and the Solar storm will intensify the normal glitches of the retrograde. By now you are aware that a retrograde Mercury causes communication and electrical malfunctions, and this solar storm will intensify them. It is already evident to me that cell phone reception has more of an echo and has more hiccups and cracklings than usual. When you have a reading with me, I use a land line with a cord connecting the receiver and the phone base for clear reception, and your reading is recorded on a little MP3 recorder. The MP3 picks up the echo and cracklings of a cell phone, which you can hear when you listen to your reading. The past day there has been more noise and hiccups, and the solar radio storm explains it.
The usual cautions of a retrograde Mercury are: be careful, and avoid if at all possible, contracts or written agreements, and try to put off purchasing electrical things. Why? Because eventually mistakes in your agreement will be revealed and you have to go through the hassle of having them corrected. Electrical gadgets may be okay until the next retrograde Mercury time and then need to be replaced, which is another hassle.
Does this affect everybody? Yes, but this retrograde cycle will affect Aries and Libra the most. Aries are impulsive anyway, and Aries with birthdays March 21, 22 and 23 are under the radiation of Uranus in Aries now, which makes them more impulsive and in a hurry to create change. Add a retrograde Mercury in the same sign, and Aries could do their usual of going where angels fear to tread, and in their excitement, forget to double-check agreements and contracts, thereby setting up having to re-do them in August when the next retrograde Mercury time is. Aries is the opposite of Libra, which means Libra could get angry with their loved one because of the loved one's impulsively signing contracts without consulting them or buying an electrical something that will malfunction. The Libra people affected most are those with birthdays September 23, 24 and 25.
Of course, if you have a planet, your ascendant or midheaven at either 24 or 12 degrees of Aries, that area of your horoscope and your life could be stimulated by the retrograde Mercury, and you could experience more communication regarding it. but, be careful and triple-check it now and again after Mercury goes direct on April 23.
If you have anything electrical that malfunctions, remember that it is the electronic component that is malfunctioning, not the entire unit. If your car, printer, copier, or whatever has a glitch, it is electronic, not mechanical, so you know to check those components first.
Also, email could have glitches, which I am already experiencing. It will straighten out after Mercury goes direct on April 23 at 12 degrees Aries. My experience is that the most irritating of all is printers, which act strangely under a retrograde Mercury. All one is to do is work with it until April 23 when it will seem to magically straighten out. The previous retrograde Mercury time was between Dec 10 and Dec 30, 2010; which gives you a time to look back to and learn what happened then.
If you have a planet, your ascendant or midheaven at 0, 1, or 2 degrees of a sign, it is being radiated or stimulated by Uranus in Aries right now and indicating where and how your life will be changed. To read a full explanation, go here.
For your personal reading about this, please contact Patty.
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