Jul 17, 2013
Meaning of Power
The word power evokes uneasiness and sometimes fear in the spiritual community. Why? I don’t know.
Astrologically, power is symbolized by the Sun. The Sun powers all life and growth here on the earth; without the Sun there would be no life as we know it on earth and we would not be here. Witness this spring and summer of 2013: the Sun has radiated very large solar flares, which have stimulated plant life. The parsley in my garden wintered over and is now, the beginning of July, six feet tall! Oh, I live in garden zone 7. Is the power of the Sun feared? Or should this power of the Sun be thanked for stimulating growth, and thereby increasing the crops to feed the world? If the power of the Sun was withdrawn, we would all die.
Power as defined in Webster New World Dictionary: great ability to do, act or affect strongly; vigor; force; strength. A powerful person is defined as having much power, strong, mighty, influential, effective. The opposite of power would be weak, feeble, helpless, ineffectual.
Some spiritual friends actually cringe when the conversation turns to the subject of power and powerful people. They seem to think this means bullies, but it only means the above definition. The same women who cringe at power and powerful people also talk about developing their “Feminine Power”.
Let’s look at power: would you rather be around effective people who get things done, or around week, feeble people who need others to do for them? If we did not have people of power there would be no nations, corporations & businesses, modes of transportation, electricity, nice homes and nice clothing. Some may say the big nations and corporations are nasty, but... The powerful people who invented things are the ones who made better lives for us. Their inventions sometimes create mistakes, but these are usually corrected.
Powerful people are those who exude a lot of energy that can be felt by others. Powerful people usually do not experience fear and walk through difficulties with their eyes open and heads held high. Powerful people know when circumstances will be challenging, but approach those challenges with confidence.
The powerful are to help those who are weaker, not dominate them. However some who are weaker feel fear in the presence of powerful people radiating their strong energy and are repelled. In reality, the powerful or strong people are eager to help those who are weaker and need help, but they need to ask. The powerful or strong people know who to contact and how to get accomplished what is needed. The powerful need not be rich, or in government or politics, or head of a corporation. Your powerful friends are the ones you call when you need help. You know they will either help you or show you where to go for it. When you befriend a powerful or strong person, with their help, you can learn how to develop your own personal power.
This discussion arose from writing the article about transiting Pluto and Uranus, who are at odds with each other in the sky, revealing powerful forces for change roiling or agitating the earth at the time of writing: July 2013.
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