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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

May 26, 2015

Month of Gemini

Gemini month began May 21 in 2015. Mercury retrograde and Mars are in the sign of Gemini also. The Moon and Venus were in a beautiful conjunction. If you looked at the sky after sunset you could see the beauty of these two. Venus is still bright in the evening sky, but the Moon has moved forward into Leo and will travel through all the signs while the sun is in Gemini.

Struggles were evident between Gemini and authority May 22, then eased off. Jupiter and Uranus bring opportunities for Gemini to make changes and careful expansion. However Neptune brings confusion, vagueness and possible deceit, so be careful. Pluto is asking Gemini to adjust to some responsibility in changes that are intense.

The other air signs of Libra and Aquarius get along with Gemini and their social plans and also have the opportunity for expansion. However, Libra may experience their friends and loved ones more independent than usual. There is tension with Libra because of deep changes in their lives that they must adjust to. Aquarius may have control issues over expenditures.

The fire signs of Aries and Leo have the opportunity for a vibrant social life, with Aries instigating change and Leo wanting to beautify and spend. Sagittarius is experiencing Saturn through your sign, indicating you are dealing with responsibility that challenges Gemini, with possible arguments this month. Aries may experience your loved one a little too clingy, but you are only being taken care of and you can adjust.

The water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces enjoy a nice love and family life with Venus going through the sign of Cancer and you may be more giving or protective. Cancer people are challenged by changes, perhaps brought on by Aries, and are experiencing "transformative" relationship challenges, with the possibility of some people leaving your environment. Neptune is in the sign of Pisces, indicating that Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are psychic and understanding. Pisces, especially, is very creative or intuitive, or... may be even more laid back and want to escape into movies.

The earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are happy with Pluto transforming practical things in life and making transitions easy. Taurus is neutral with Gemini, but has financial control issues with Leo and may experience what they thought was stable becoming a little unsettled. Virgo has irritating relationships with some who are too vague for their liking. Venus is nice to all the earth signs, with  good food and good finances. Capricorn could be the person who initiates the changes, and is challenged by the impulsiveness of Aries and the extravagance of Leo. Neptune reveals opportunities with Taurus and Capricorn for vacations and creative, intuitive solutions.

Mercury is retrograde until June 11 at 06:32:55 pm Eastern Time when it goes direct. What happened before Mercury went retrograde is that many experienced weird, serious computer problems until Mercury went retrograde on May 18, when things began to straighten out. Most of the troubles were caused by the intense, immense solar flares, or CME's, and more radiation than usual from the universe. Caution is still advised for signing contracts, though, because Mercury is the patron planet of the written word and communication. That it is retrograde in it's own sign intensifies the retrograde. If you are comfortable with minor changes, you can enjoy the retrograde.

Your story is most welcome. To begin the conversation, please click on the blog to be published. The blog, which has this article and more is: http://pattytheastrologer.blogspot.
For your personal Gemini information, please email Patty, or call her at 302-378-0579.

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