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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Jun 29, 2015

Week of June 29 through July 6

Venus and Jupiter are even closer at sunset now, June 29. Look west just about sunset, before black nightfall, to see the conjunction in a beautiful blue sky. The planets are still in the sign of Leo, indicating expansion and optimism for Leo people. Aquarius can still expect relationship control issues. Scorpio and Taurus may experience uneasiness because of expensive activities.

The other fire signs of Sagittarius and Aries have an easy time with creative projects and travel. The air signs of Gemini and Libra have the opportunity for notable social interactions and events.

Capricorn adjusts to extravagance, and Pisces enjoys the drama. Leo’s next-door neighbor signs of Cancer and Virgo are neutral.

Other “star” activity for the week include today, June 29, adjusting to a come-down from frenzied activity. the Moon goes into Capricorn and creates the full Moon on July 1, exact at 10:19:33 pm Eastern time. The stress is between Cancer and Capricorn; home and career. The other cardinal-leader signs of Aries and Libra a challenged on all fronts also.

Scorpio and Pisces can help sooth emotions; Taurus and Virgo can calmly offer common sense. Gemini is skilled with helping others see all sides to the situation, with Libra offering diplomatic talent. Leo and Aquarius are good managers but may be exasperated from too much full-Moon emotional activity.

The Moon goes into Aquarius on July 3 and leading into the see-saw relationship with the Sun on July 4. So, on July 4, expect changes to your plans. Unexpected people may come to your party, or a large group excursion makes changes. Your role is to go along with the flow as best you can. Aquarius and Cancer are the most affected. It may be that your Aquarius friends show up unexpectedly. Be prepared.

July 5 the Moon goes into Pisces, creating a nice trine with the Sun, indicating laid-back and good family relationships and a good day for a party. Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio are harmonious, with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn offering practical help. The other signs enjoy the harmony and laid-back day.

The following week, be prepared for more activity when the sun goes into Aries. More about that next week. 

For your personal forecast, contact Patty via email,  or phone: 302-378-0579.

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