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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Feb 15, 2016

Justice Scalia’s passing

And the USA horoscope.

The chart I use for the USA is the Sibley chart corrected for hurricane Sandy, which has the ascendant at 15 degrees Sagittarius 18 minutes; give or take a few minutes. This chart is called USA Sandy.

Justice Scalia’s passing was in the news 13 February, saying he died in his sleep after he retired on Friday, 12 February. In looking at the transiting planets, it seems he died very peacefully on the 12th. Perhaps on the soul level, Justice Scalia knew or thought that his contribution to the United States was complete. On 16 February, there could be an observance with 17 February continuing the somber mood and possibly another observance.

The transit on 11 February reveals communication challenges in the legal & public sector and the Supreme Court. This will repeat 28 July 2016. The challenge is to let go and the Supreme Court did announce several cases they will not hear. With Justice Scalia’s death, the remaining cases before the Court are uncertain because of the even split between the conservative and liberal Justices.

The United States just finished a transit of uncertainty, change and chaos that ended 13 February 2016. This cycle began mid-April and repeated mid-August of 2015. With the uncertainty fading, the population may feel better and the work force less chaotic. There had been a push for unrealistic or idealistic ideas for change in the work force, the schools and reveals politically correctness. This should fade out now, with the better of the ideas put into action.

The population is becoming more serious and should be more responsible for itself. However, the other side of this energy is to become depressed or have health issues; for a country it would be health care concerns. This repeats May and November 2016. At the same time, Saturn is creating an opportunity for national stability if responsibility and common sense prevail. This was exact on 9 February, repeats May and November of this year of 2016. Saturn also reveals the President must adjust to things as they are, not as he expected, because of subtle change.. This was exact on 22 January and repeats the end of May and toward the end of October 2016, this year.

The progressed Moon of the United States’ chart changes from Scorpio to Sagittarius the 22nd of February, this month. Focus changes to the law, foreign relations, trade and religion. The energy will be from behind the scenes, though, until the end of May 2017.

Some astrology: transiting Saturn in the sign of Sagittarius is conjunct the ascendant of the USA Sandy chart, transiting Neptune in the sign of Pisces is square the USA natal Uranus in the sign of Gemini. This is the cycle that ended 13 February 2016. Transiting Jupiter in the sign of Virgo is square the USA natal Mars in the sign of Gemini. Transiting Venus in the sign of Capricorn was opposite natal Mercury in the sign of Cancer in the USA chart. Transiting Saturn will be exactly on the ascendant 17 February when there may be an observance. Justice Scalia died on the 12th when transiting Venus was opposite the United States natal Mercury. Mercury is the patron planet of the 7th house, where Gemini is on the cusp, of legalities, the public, enemies & allies, and is also the patron planet of the 9th house of the Supreme Court where Virgo is intercepted.

Republicans are symbolized by Jupiter and Sagittarius.

Democrats symbolized by Saturn and Capricorn.
Socialism is symbolized by Uranus and Aquarius.

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