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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Apr 14, 2016

April 17. 2016 Sunday Mars goes retrograde

Mars goes retrograde Sunday. You were forewarned of this in the April 2016 prediction article published March 28. Mars goes direct June 29, 2016.

Mars symbolizes men, mechanical things and your projects. When it goes retrograde there is a good possibly these malfunction.

Mechanical thinks include your car, lawn mower and other things that are run by a motor. They may have irritating glitches. If you get the mechanical part of the object inspected first, it could save you some time. A for instance is when I was working at Staples a long time ago, their copier malfunctioned. The tech man inspected all the electrical components, replacing some expensive parts. Quietly, I tried to mention the mechanical parts could be looked at. After many hours it turned out to be the little piece of plastic the paper fed over coming out of the machine. After he replaced it, the copier worked perfectly. 

Men include the men in your life, whether father, husband, boyfriend, brother or friend. If relationships are not going as smoothly as you would like, it could be the man in your life is not feeling well and is irritable, or he is full of himself and is demanding. This requires cooperation and understanding. It will pass.

When Mars goes retrograde, it seems time slows down and your projects are delayed. This is the time for you to analyze your projects to see if the “mechanics” of the project are put together properly in a Virgo-type proper sequence.

For those of you who know your chart, look to the house Mars rules which has Aries on the cusp. The affairs of that house could reveal any problem related to Mars, but the affect would be the house Mars lives in. For instance, if you have Aries on the cusp of your sixth house of work and Mars lives in the 8th house of money, your work projects could slow or need attention, but the details would be finances or investments related to work.

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