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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Jun 24, 2016

USA Supreme Court Ruling and Brexit.

As many of you know who interact with me frequently, I have been writing that the world is experiencing much change as revealed by the outer planets. Revolutions began March of 2011 going through about the end of April 2016 when the exact degrees began to wane. Now the tension is between the idealistic and the real. This is detailed in my newsletter, please click here to read. The word adjustment is used in this article. When you are advised to adjust in your reading, this means things do not go as you expected and you adjust to the change, which is usually better. The same applies to nations.

We have just witnessed more change with the USA Supreme Court tied 4-4, ruling  that President Obama’s Executive action on immigration was unconstitutional and unlawful and affirming affirmative action on June 23, and BREXIT, which is official on 24 June at 08:00 BST.

What do the planets say about these two important happenings? Overall, the planets show stability regarding careful, practical situations, combined with adjusting energies between law and order and the desire to be free. There is tension and discussion about over-idealistic ideas. The challenge of the unstable financial situation of the world must be dealt with common sense, with all parties participating.

The Supreme Court decision reveals it strengthens the USA legal system and public relations. The US continues the adjustment between law and order and freedom until the end of July of this year. The settling of law and order is good news for the financial sector, including investments and health care. This same law and order situation is an opportunity for the ideals of the US, especially the higher courts and immigration to realize gentle rule of law. The planetary configurations are close the USA’s Solar Return Chart, which will be published in a few days.

BREXIT to Great Britain reveals the same overall adjustments. However, the general population will adjust to greater personal freedom and younger people to the financial reality of their treasury. There may be tense circumstances because of financial control issues. It seems there will be controversy and loud conversation over immigration, especially from the young, but this is temporary.

Astrology detail:

A note to those of you interested in astrology: conservatives are ruled by Saturn and Capricorn; liberals by Jupiter and Sagittarius. Now in the sky, the conservative planet Saturn is in the liberal sign of Sagittarius, and the liberal planet Jupiter is in the somewhat restrictive and careful sign of Virgo. Virgo is also the sign of the environment. These two are in conflict with each other.

The planets Pluto, Uranus and Saturn were in a t-square in the sky during the revolutions from 2011 to now. This has waned somewhat. Now Jupiter is in trine with Pluto, indicating financial stability and good crops. However, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune are in the t-square, indicating instability and confrontation, possibly triggered by the religious sector, which is ruled by Neptune, in its own religious sign of Pisces, the strongest of the t-square. However, the combination of Jupiter and Neptune in a challenging aspect also reveals bad weather with a lot of rain.

Mars has been retrograde since April 17 in the sign of Scorpio and goes direct June 29. The release may realize a rise in oil stocks or oil exploration, but Mars continues to reveal the adjustments or accommodations between law and order and freedom until about the middle of August.

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