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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Jul 19, 2016

Full moon July 19 2016

Full Moon in Cancer July 19 at 7 pm ET.

Sorry I’ve been offline; it is as crazy here as it is with you.

To add to the craziness of a full Moon, the relationship between Mars and Uranus continues to be unstable, along with unstable, challenging circumstances with Neptune, Saturn and Mercury.

The full Moon is in the signs of Capricorn and Cancer, meaning people of these two signs experience exaggerated emotions. Aries and Libra experience challenging circumstances, possibly involving their Cancer and Capricorn friends. These signs are impulsive in nature, so be aware they may be more so today. The tension is between family and work. Taurus and Virgo can help Capricorn; Scorpio and Pisces can help Cancer. The areas of the body affected by this full Moon are the knees & bones, and the stomach & breasts.

Mars in Scorpio went direct June 29 and the world has been reeling with violence since; the pent-up energy has exploded. This is perhaps also reflected by the unstable relationship between Mars in Scorpio with Uranus in Aries. Mars is very strong and “poking” the radicals who want revolution. Personally, the signs affected are Aries and Scorpio, both of which are continually adjusting to things not being as expected and need to adjust.

The square with Saturn and Neptune is joined by Mercury today, revealing an attempt to communicate solutions which require a shift in perception and adjustment to circumstances to make it work. The signs involved are Leo who is attempting to communicate, but Leo needs to acknowledge other points of view to succeed; Capricorn, who can accept the communication which will be more creative than Capricorn is used to; and Pisces who needs to adopt a more practical outlook. However, Capricorn, Sagittarius and Pisces are not seeing eye to eye now, with Capricorn unusually unsettled. This is unstable and will be unstable through the end of September 2016.

The Moon indicates a sudden, short-lived change around 1 pm ET, and again involves Capricorn and Aries, with Cancer and Libra maybe being drawn in. However between 3 and 4 pm ET, the Moon offers a good opportunity for Capricorn and Scorpio and may be financial regarding a project.

The day ends between 8 and 9 pm ET with the communicator throwing the over-idealist one a curve. Leo could be asking that Pisces realize circumstances are not what was expected, but it is better. Good for a creative, possibly romantic escape. 

To enjoy your personal interpretation, contact Patty via email or 302-378-0579.

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