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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Aug 27, 2016

Mercury goes retrograde Tuesday, August 30 at 09:03:07 am Eastern Time in the sign of Virgo.

Mercury goes retrograde Tuesday, August 30 at 09:03:07 am Eastern Time in the sign of Virgo.

Mercury, the Sun, Jupiter and the North Node are all in the sign of Virgo, so this retrograde Mercury time should be noticeable. In addition, Saturn and Mars are in Sagittarius, with Neptune and the South Node in Pisces. These planets are in a restless, irritable relationship with each other and reflect the instability we are experiencing.

There are the usual cautions about signing contracts and care in travel. Expect changes in travel plans because the details are changed. As I’ve written before, I’ve often traveled under a retrograde Mercury, and indeed, the plans are changed, but for the better. If you are expecting glitches, you can treat it as an adventure.

Virgo will experience this the most because details can be delayed, incorrect or missing. Virgo may push for details and receive resistance, especially from Sagittarius and Pisces. Taurus and Capricorn can help Virgo.

Neptune in Pisces is in a challenging relationship with Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius, meaning that Sagittarius can be disappointed with situations and perhaps with people not showing up or being unavailable. Pisces may escape by disappearing. Aries and Leo can help Sagittarius, with Cancer and Scorpio helping Pisces.

The Moon will be in Leo, with Leo offering creative, firm management and stability. Venus will be in Libra, offering diplomacy, cooperation and leadership. If Leo and Libra would work together, the instability and grouchiness can be alleviated. Uranus is in Aries, indicating that Aries can offer a quick, unusual solution, working well with Leo to help Sagittarius.

Gemini can either use their ability to communicate all facets of the situation or stir things up with verbal quips: it is their choice. There is tension between Gemini and Sagittarius, with Sagittarius the stronger at this time.

Cancer can work with Scorpio to soothe emotions and to help Pisces. Capricorn can work with Taurus to give quiet leadership and financial help to Virgo. Aquarius is a group leader and can offer group management if they are not pressured to obey by Leo.

Finis. Enjoy.

To enjoy your personal explanation of this Mercury retrograde time, please contact Patty.

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