Two eclipses: Solar or new Moon eclipse on Jan 5 at 15 degrees Capricorn 25 minutes.
Lunar or full moon eclipse on Jan 20-21 at 00 degrees Leo & Aquarius
The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Pluto will all be in Capricorn indicating a month of work, responsibility and consolidation.
Dec 31 New Year’s Eve: Sun and Moon revealing a quiet, intimate gathering good with everyone. However, at 09:19:48 pm ET Mars goes into Aries, with energy becoming much more active and possibly impulsive. Be careful driving.
Jan 1: Moon still in Scorpio.
Jan 2: Sun conjunct Saturn at 11 degrees Capricorn 31 minutes. Today is all about work and responsibility. Capricorn may be directing; Cancer may be pulled between work and family; Aries and Libra have work challenges. Taurus and Virgo enjoy good day about practical things; Sagittarius and Aquarius are neutral; Leo and Gemini adjust to work or responsibility demands. Scorpio and Pisces have opportunity for their projects to be put into practice. Moon goes into Sagittarius.
Jan 3: No exact astrology.
Jan 4: Moon goes into Capricorn. Mercury and Uranus in harmony at 28 degrees Sagittarius and Aries. This is a repeating degree, so if you have this degree in your chart, today will be noticed. How depends upon the details. A lot of creative or new technology communication, the Sun and Neptune in harmony, indicating opportunity for the practical and ideal to cooperate. Good day for everybody, so talk about or present your ideas.
Jan 4 cont’d: After 10 pm ET Mercury goes into Capricorn through Jan 24 with communication turning serious and work related. Good month for Capricorn to communicate, Cancer feels opposed; Aries and Libra experience challenging communication (or lack of); Taurus and Virgo enjoy good, work-related communication; Sagittarius and Aquarius neutral; Leo and Gemini adjust to work-related or practical conversation. Scorpio and Pisces have opportunity to join in the practical endeavors.
Jan 5: solar or new Moon eclipse at 15 degrees Capricorn 25 minutes. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto will all be in Capricorn. Work-related or strong focus on older people and responsibility. Good day for Capricorn to go into action. Cancer feels strong relationship focus; Aries and Libra experience challenging work or especially situation; Taurus and Virgo enjoy practical endeavors; Scorpio has the opportunity to add their management talent; Pisces has opportunity to add their creativity, or they disappear from the hard work. Sagittarius and Aquarius are neutral. Gemini and Leo adjust (or not) to hard work and practicality.
Jan 6: Uranus goes direct at 28 degrees Aries 36 minutes. If you have a 28 or 29 degree planet, nodes, ascendant or midheaven you will feel this. Contact Patty for your personal interpretation,
Jan 7: Moon goes into Aquarius Venus goes into Sagittarius through Feb. 3. Your loved one wants to travel and be independent and money spent on travel, whether physical, books or video. Sagittarius may be openly affectionate; Aries and Leo enjoy good love life and adventure; Gemini thinks they are either being opposed or their loved one is distant; Libra and Aquarius have opportunity for travel; Scorpio and Capricorn are neutral; Taurus and Cancer adjust to their loved one traveling or adjust to previous travel expenses that need to be paid. Virgo can be irritated because of lack of or too much detail Pisces goes along with the changes.
Jan 8: Challenging communication, especially between Capricorn and Aries, followed by Cancer and Libra. Disagreement between the practical and impulsive, creative ideas and projects. Taurus and Virgo can help Capricorn; with Leo and Sagittarius helping Aries.
Jan 8 USA: Tuesday. Congress is back in session, with subjects continually changing, nothing agreed upon, and emotional opposition to everything.. Even if it is raucous, it is only based upon emotion.
Jan 9: Moon goes into Pisces.
Jan 10: No exact astrology.
Jan 11: Sun conjunct Pluto at 20 degrees Capricorn 56 minutes; strong Capricorn energy meaning work, responsibility and consolidation. However the Moon is softening the force. Capricorn is again ambitiously directing, with Cancer again experiencing strong relationship issues; Taurus and Virgo have good practical endeavors; Scorpio has opportunity to lend their financial management talent; Pisces believes their creative is accepted; Sagittarius and Aquarius are neutral; Aries and Libra experience challenges; Gemini and Leo adjust to either the practical or consolidation.
Jan 12: Moon goes into Aries.
Jan 13: Mercury is conjunct Saturn at 12 degrees Capricorn 51 minutes, with communication being direct, maybe bossy and very practical. People are talking about work and responsibility. Jupiter is square Neptune revealing much precipitation, devious or vague situations ans possible financial fraud. Sagittarius and Pisces should be especially on guard for things not as they seem, Gemini and Virgo should be on the alert, too. Any financial decisions should be postponed until the situation is very clear.
Jan 13 USA: transiting Jupiter comes out of hiding, meaning conjunct the ascendant. Seems the immigrants come out of hiding and reach the border, further overwhelming resources. As of this writing, Dec 29, immigrants have been released into the USA because there are too many to be accommodated in shelters.
Jan 14: quarter Moon in the signs of Aries and Capricorn who experience the most challenges, followed by Cancer and Libra. The impulsive one is stopped by the practical one or the boss. Leo and Sagittarius can help Aries, with Taurus and Virgo helping Capricorn. After 1 pm ET, the Moon goes into Taurus, calming things. Also today, communication or news is more realistic and practical giving opportunity to clearly interpret yesterday’s situation. Capricorn can help by presenting the down-to-earth facts.
Jan 15: No exact astrology
Jan 15 USA: last date of the cycle that began March 27 and repeated Oct 2 that I had interpreted as the migrant situation, but could also be the chaos in the White House. Also: there is a new cycle beginning today for the USA which portends political cooperation. This is an opportunity which needs to be offered and accepted for it to be realized. The opportunity is between the Republicans and the Democrats and possibly offered by the Republicans.
Jan 16: harmonious, practical day which should be calm. Great day for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn., although everyone should be happy. About 8 pm ET the Moon goes into Gemini.
Jan 17: No exact astrology.
Jan 17 USA: strong opposition to the rule of law and possibly foreign ally or foe. It could be strong opposition about the migrants because they are from other countries and can be called foreign. This could also be the death or resignation of a Supreme Court judge.
Jan 18: See-saw morning when things do not go as expected. Moon goes into Cancer after 10 am ET when it should go right again. Creative projects go well and conversation turns to how to make them real. However, there are challenges from the one in authority who wants everything to be realistic and do-able. Young people could be traveling, with the older or responsible ones staying home or in the office to direct.
Jan 19: No exact astrology.
Jan 20: From “Overnight from Sunday, Jan. 20, 2019, into Monday, Jan. 21, millions of people in North and South America will have a prime view of a total lunar eclipse. During a special nocturnal hour, the full Moon will become fully tinted with the red-orange color of sunset. The Jan. 21 total lunar eclipse will be the last one until May 2021; the most recent total lunar eclipse previous to this one appeared in July 2018. Here, learn more about what makes lunar eclipses so special. [Rare Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse Thrills Millions Around the World]”.
Jan 20 continued: the eclipse is at 00 degrees 51 minutes in the signs of Leo and Aquarius who will have the strongest relationship control issues, followed by Taurus and Scorpio. Also, a vague situation when people cancel or don’t show up, difficult for Sagittarius and Pisces, followed by Gemini and Virgo. Seems like it will be one of those crazy days. The areas of the body symbolized by this full Moon are the heart, upper back, calves of the legs with the veins and blood pressure.
Jan 21: challenging day all around for projects; not a good day to rush things because it is stopped by practical reality. Especially difficult for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Leo and Sagittarius can help Aries, with Taurus and Virgo helping Capricorn.
Jan 22: Moon goes into Virgo. Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius, indicating a great day for travel, especially for Sagittarius. However, with the Moon in Virgo, pay attention to the details. Gemini may think they are opposed, but they enjoy verbal sparring; Pisces may feel overwhelmed by a lot of activity. Aries and Leo have an enjoyable day. Virgo can help the situation by administering the details. Scorpio and Capricorn are neutral; Cancer and Taurus adjust to a lot of activity, perhaps visits from traveling friends. Libra and Aquarius have opportunity to be included in travel.
Jan 23: see-saw day when things do not go as expected, asking you to accommodate minor changes. Also, challenging communication with directors disagreeing. The radicals or rebels refuse to listen to what is possible. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn have the most challenges. It is best to postpone decisions.
Jan 24: Moon goes into Libra, with emotions more cooperative. Mercury goes into Aquarius through Feb 10. Good time for Aquarius to express their inventive or group ideas. Leo experiences control issues, along with Taurus and Scorpio. Gemini and Libra enjoy social or plans for groups; Aries and Sagittarius have opportunity to be included; Capricorn and Pisces are neutral; Cancer and Virgo adjust to abstract or scientific communication.
Jan 24 USA: First date of a cycle which repeats Aug 5, concludes Nov 26, 2019. This is major adjustment or change that could be a volcanic eruption (in the NW?). If not an earth change, beginning of adjustments with trade between allies or foes. The first date calls our attention, the following dates show us the processes.
Jan 25: Good day! The new project goes forward and may include travel or interaction with foreign entities; and with the Sun and Moon getting along, cooperation with the group happens. Aries, Sagittarius and Leo have a good day with creativity and no budget constraints; Libra, Gemini and Aquarius enjoy good communication and personal interaction.
Jan 26; No exact astrology.
Jan 27: Moon goes into Scorpio and forms a quarter Moon with Aquarius. Control issues about group finances that could draw Taurus and Leo in. Busy, challenging day. Cancer and Pisces can help Scorpio, with Gemini and Libra helping Aquarius.
Jan 27 USA: almost unnoticeable adjustment to the soul’s purpose of the USA. The north node, or purpose, of the country is Leo, meaning pay attention to the self or Supreme Court law, and less to large groups. However, the nodes try to balance, so perhaps this adjustment will balance the needs of groups with the resources of the country. Leo rules the ninth house of the Supreme Court, so there could be a case that seems minor, which has a balancing effect.
Jan 28: No exact astrology.
Jan 28 USA: last date of the cycle that began March 27 and repeated Sept 17. The migrant caravan began in March, with attention upon the children’s situation, resulting in the previous law being ignored. Perhaps on this date the law regarding the immigration crisis can be adjusted.
Jan 29: Moon goes into Sagittarius; Sun and Mercury in Aquarius. Activities with groups to plan the future. Scientific, mathamatic abstract subject abound today, possibly initiated by Aquarius. Leo may not be obeyed, with Taurus and Scorpio having control issues; Gemini and Libra enjoy a social day; Capricorn and Pisces are neutral; Aries and Sagittarius have opportunity to be included in the group; Cancer and Virgo adjust to the impersonal.
Jan 30: Sun and Moon getting along indicating a good day, continuing yesterday’s communication and activities. Especially good for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; and Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
Jan 30 USA: first date of the country’s Saturn square, which repeats Aug 15 and completes Oct 31. In a personal chart this indicates a challenge to what your job or responsibilities would be. According to Rex Bills’ The Rulership Book, Saturn rules or is the patron planet of the Democrats. This situation could be contention between the D’s over leadership. Saturn in the USA chart rules the house of money, so contention could produce a lack thereof, which could manifest as a refusal to fund infrastructure.
Jan 31: New cycle that repeats June 18 and Nov 8. Seems the established one is willing to cooperate with ideals to bring together what can be realized. Capricorn is willing to cooperate with Pisces to establish something realistic. Taurus and Virgo may be included to ground the project, with Cancer and Scorpio invited to add leadership and financial management. Since this is the first date of the cycle, the inkling will be present and needs to be recognized so the opportunity can be in full operation and focused June 18 for completion Nov 8. The degree is 14 degrees 54 minutes. Your personal experience may be interpreted for you when you contact Patty.
Contact Pstty for your personal forecast, whether a quickie for one date or your year ahead.
Dec 29, 2018
Dec 11, 2018
Celestial gifts
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Readings are for 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes ** Abundance exchange is $35, $63, $95 & $126 respectively.
Gift certificate abundance exchange is charged when your recipient schedules their reading, when you will be contacted by Patty for payment.
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Follow-up reading at Patty's regular rates of $126 per hour.
$29.95 per report emailed *** $33.95 first class mailed
Each report 17 to 20 pages of personalized, typed interpretation..
Contact Patty now: or her personal phone at 302-378-6466
If you would like a signed copy, please contact Patty via email or 302-378-0579 so you can receive your personalized copy. The cost for your personalized copy is $13.50 sent to the United States; $14.50 to Canada. Her email is Your booklet will be mailed to you quickly.
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Gift certificate for a reading
with internationally known psychic astrologer, channeler, author and lecturer ** Patty the Astrologer
Readings can be astrology, tarot, psychic or channeling to contact those on the other side, including pets, your Guide, angels and the Ascended Masters, and can be in one appointment. Readings are recorded and emailed. Your gift certificate may be sent to you to give to your loved one or directly to them. The person receiving your gift schedules their reading at a time convenient for them.
Readings are for 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes ** Abundance exchange is $35, $63, $95 & $126 respectively.
Gift certificate abundance exchange is charged when your recipient schedules their reading, when you will be contacted by Patty for payment.
Call or email Patty to order now: 302-378-0579 or
Solar Fire computer-interpreted astrology report
An inexpensive gift with basic, accurate, helpful astrology interpretation.
Gives basic information which can be followed up with a personal reading.
Follow-up reading at Patty's regular rates of $126 per hour.
$29.95 per report emailed *** $33.95 first class mailed
Each report 17 to 20 pages of personalized, typed interpretation..
- Natal horoscope interpretation, horoscope chart wheel included. Explanation of a person's self, revealing challenges, opportunities and relationships.
- Forecast for your chosen length of time. Horoscope chart wheel and listing of dates included. Month by month explanation of your upcoming happenings.
- Relationship synastry or comparison. Natal wheel of each and combined chart included. Explanation of how two people interact.
Contact Patty now: or her personal phone at 302-378-6466
Patty's must-have astrology booklet is a perfect gift for any time.
Meeting of the Minds Through the Signs, Using Astrological Keywords to Unlock the Power of Communication is available in paperback or Kindle on for $9.99. Short, easy-to-find reference about the astrological sign of the person you want to communicate with. With this booklet, you can quickly and easily look up which words, and other helpful information, to use with people of an astrology sign to get their attention to have a better understanding of them. The only astrology you need know is their sign - and yours, of course. To order, click here:If you would like a signed copy, please contact Patty via email or 302-378-0579 so you can receive your personalized copy. The cost for your personalized copy is $13.50 sent to the United States; $14.50 to Canada. Her email is Your booklet will be mailed to you quickly.
Dec 10, 2018
December j2018 Forecast
Sorry to be so late; this past Mercury retrograde was one of the worst, with all my computer devices malfunctioning. The email provider downloaded over 100 deleted mails from 2015, and the computer itself reverted to a more-than-one previous update. Thankfully, all the documents are default-saved on the separate hard drive so everything of importance is saved. I publish books on Amazon for a friend and Create Space sent everything to Kindle, and was and is not functioning properly. All this means trying to write the December forecast is delayed.
For your personal forecast, please contact Patty.
From NASA:
"Raise your hand if you’re in this new photo from #Mars!" NASA wrote in a Dec. 6 tweet. "These two tiny chips contain the names of more than 2.4 million people who signed up to fly with me. We’re ON MARS, you guys. You’re all honorary Martians!"
This means those of you (including me) who signed on to “fly to Mars.”
Now to the dates for December 2018:
Dec 10: Happy last day of Hannakuh: Moon is in Aquarius indicating many friends.
Dec 10 USA: Last date of the cycle that began April 1, repeated May 4: adjustment or change in the work force, change in communication, or adjustment in the obstruction of the immigration situation.
Dec 11: Financial communication requires an adjustment to the new idea.
Dec 12: Moon goes into Sagittarius, having good relationship with the Sun, indicating a harmonious day for everyone, especially Sagittarius, Mercury goes into Sagittarius through Jan. 4, with conversation changing to travel and philosophy. Sagittarius talks about their adventures, Gemini enjoys verbal sparring, Virgo and Pisces are irritated with the speed and lack of detail; Libra and Aquarius have the opportunity to be included in travel plans; Cancer and Taurus adjust to communication from afar or tweak travel plans; Scorpio and Capricorn are neutral; Aries and Leo enjoy new adventures, or talking about them.
Dec 13: Moon goes into Pisces.
Dec 14: No exact planetary relationships.
Dec 15: Quarter Moon in the signs of Pisces and Sagittarius who are the most affected and may be irritated, also for Gemini and Virgo. Cancer and Scorpio can help Pisces, with Aries and Leo helping Sagittarius. Early evening the Moon goes into Aries.
Dec 16: Hindu Dhanu Sankranti: opportunity for harmony and financial stability. Relationships have quiet intensity and portend longevity. Good day for Scorpio and Capricorn, followed by Cancer, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo.
Dec 17: Opportunity for the creative project to be accepted by the money manager. Energy is gentle and possibly romantic. Good day for Pisces and Capricorn, followed by Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus and Virgo. Sun and Moon getting along indicating a good day for everyone, but especially for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Dec 18: Moon goes into Taurus.
Dec 18: USA: possible confrontation from the immigrants, or opposition or demonstrations of the work force.
Dec 19: No exact planetary relationships.
Dec 20: Travel goes well; freedom and independence in the air, creating an exciting atmosphere. Sagittarius and Aries create a great atmosphere for all. However, the Sun and Moon Are in the see-saw relationship, indicating the day does not go as expected, but the interruptions make it better. Dinner time the Moon goes into Gemini, adding a lot of talk to gatherings.
Dec 21: Winter solstice, Sun enters sign of Capricorn at 05:22:38 pm ET; light begins to increase. Time for Capricorn to begin ambitious projects. Cancer may experience relationship tension between work and family. Aries and Libra experience challenges with family matters. Taurus and Virgo enjoy a month of harmonious practical or work projects. Sagittarius and Aquarius are neutral; Leo and Gemini are asked to accommodate slight changes in their plans; Scorpio and Pisces have opportunity for help with practical endeavors.
Dec 21 continued: A great day! Relationships lovingly intense and creative - romantic. Much happy news and communication, some from afar or from another culture.
Dec 22: Moon goes into Cancer and creates a full Moon with Capricorn the two signs having relationship tension between family and work. Aries and Libra experience family challenges. Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo, though, have a good day and may help Cancer and Capricorn. For those of you in the medical and law enforcement fields, the areas of the body of this full Moon are the stomach, breast, knees, bones and skin.
Dec 23: No exact planetary relationships.
Dec 24: Christmas Eve: Moon goes into Leo to create see-saw day when things do not go as expected with a need to accommodate changes, possibly because of the weather. Leo and Capricorn experience the interruptions the most. Other aspects indicate a lot of moisture or people from afar cancel plans, again probably because of the weather.
Dec 25: Christmas: No exact planetary relationships, meaning a good day.
Dec 26: Moon goes into Virgo, creating a quiet, harmonious day, especially for Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus.
Dec 27: No exact planetary relationships.
Dec 28: Moon goes into Libra. Also, relationships are quietly intense, but realistic and stable.
Dec 29: Quarter Moon in the signs of Libra and Capricorn who experience relationship challenge, followed by Aries and Cancer. Day of changes. Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra, with Taurus and Virgo helping Capricorn.
Dec 30: Moon goes into Scorpio.
Dec 31 New Year’s Eve: Sun and Moon revealing a quiet, intimate gathering good with everyone. However, at 09:19:48 pm ET Mars goes into Aries, with energy becoming much more active and possibly impulsive. Be careful driving.
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