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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Feb 28, 2019

February 28 through March 9 forecast

The monthly forecast is changing to Friday Forecast to make it easier for you to look up your following week’s predictions without scrolling through the entire month. You will also receive sporadic celestial news as it comes through. Thank you for being you and subscribing to the newsletter.

Alert: Mercury will be going retrograde March 5, goes direct March 28, effectively retrograde the entire month.  It will be in the sign of Pisces, adding confusion and omissions in communications and agreements. Be very careful. If you just must sign something or make an agreement, triple-check it and have someone who is an earth sign: Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn check it with you.

Caveat: if you have a retrograde Mercury in your natal chart, you are mentally clear and things go well for you. You may be the one to help triple-check others’ contracts and agreements.

Uranus goes into Taurus again March 6 through April 2026. Uranus changes what the sign it travels through represents. In the case of Taurus: money, possessions and self esteem. Globally there could be financial changes. The last time Uranus was in Taurus, the world was  involved in WWII and experiencing deep financial depression, President Roosevelt changed the USA money system and America Social Security was established. However, the other outer planets were in different signs, so even though we may anticipate monetary changes, it may not be exactly as last time. Now, with Uranus in Taurus, it is in harmony with Pluto in Capricorn through January of 2024 and in harmony with Saturn in Capricorn through March of 2020. Pluto changes things, Saturn restricts things and demands responsibility. Capricorn is the sign of big business, the father image, responsibility, hard work and practical sense. Capricorn and Saturn are not friends of the dreamy, unrealistic ideas and plans, so even though we may see idealistic, unrealistic plans put forth, that the planets are in Capricorn indicates they will not be make law or if they are made law, they will fail.

There will be a more in-depth article on this to follow.

Now to the Friday Forecast:

Feb 28: Moon goes into Capricorn and forms a harmonious relationship with the Sun, indicating a good and practical end of February. Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces enjoy the day. Cancer may feel mildly questioned, but the Pisces energy helps. Everyone else neutral to mildly good.

Feb 28 USA: first date of a cycle that repeats June 22 ends Jan 1 2020. Thankfully, this is a good one that indicates cooperative efforts regarding the higher laws - Supreme Court - the media, foreign relations and international trade.

March 1: the day is full of impulsive, changing activity through tomorrow. Venus goes into Aquarius through March 26. Loved ones seem more detached and more interested in friends than hot romance. However, friendships flourish, especially for Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. Leo may feel neglected or experience relationship control issues. Taurus and Scorpio may experience financial control issues. Aries and Sagittarius have opportunist for new friends or activities. Capricorn and Pisces are neutral, with Cancer and Virgo adjusting to the abstract and unusual.

March 2: Moon goes into Aquarius. The changes of yesterday continue, but the one in authority brings the opportunity to combine new, creative ideas with practicality. Pisces and taurus quietly cooperate; cancer, Scorpio, Virgo and Capricorn have a pleasant day and could contribute. Aries is neutral, with Gemini and Sagittarius enjoying a busy day.

March 3 and 4: no exact astrological activity.

March 5: Mercury goes retrograde in the sign of Pisces. Travel is difficult, with cancelled flights, perhaps because of the weather or electrical malfunctions. Be wary of signing papers, making agreements, your phone, computer and printer may malfunction with vague or weird symptoms. It is the electrical components. Moon goes into Pisces. In the evening, exact tomorrow and through March 7, the Sun and Neptune are conjunct. If you feel a wave of compassion, this is it.

March 5 USA: first date of a cycle or process which has two possibilities: confusion or deception, or attempting to achieve the ideal. Involves the press, Supreme Court, foreign affairs  and the population. If the Supreme Court, could be disappointing decisions, with incomplete or misleading news about it. It also could be letting go of unrealistic expectations dealing with foreign affairs. Since this is the first focus date, it means the process begins. At the second focus date, May 16, the situation is visibly being dealt with but incomplete. At the last date, October, the process is complete, either with disappointments, failure or agreeing to the improbable.

March 6: a busy day. Uranus goes into Taurus. New moon in the sign of Pisces, with the sun and moon joining Neptune in Pisces. A nice, compassionate creative day. Pisces is more assertive than usual with creative ideas or romance. Virgo may experience a person cancelling, Gemini and Sagittarius irritated because of delays and vagueness. Cancer and Scorpio enjoy wonderful day, Aquarius and Aries are neutral, Libra and Leo adjust to either a lazy day or vague delays. Taurus and Capricorn have the opportunity to lend their practicality.

March 7: moon goes into Aries.

March 8; The evening begins tomorrow’s activity.

March 9: began yesterday, exact today, opportunity for creative ideas to cooperate with the established way of things to become real. Pisces and Capricorn cooperate to bring about the ideal with the practical. Cancer and Scorpio have a good day although Cancer may interact with a mentor who pushes. Cancer needs to be down-to-earth and accept responsibility. Taurus and Virgo may contribute to practical needs, if Virgo accepts ideas as ideas, not criticism. Aries may catalyze the situation, but Gemini and Sagittarius are irritated. Leo and Libra re neutral to feeling neglected.

 Contact Patty to enjoy your personal forecast.

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