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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Sep 3, 2019

Sept 3 through Sept 9, 2019

We still have a cluster of planets in Virgo: the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. To complement these, Uranus is in the same earth element of Taurus, with Saturn, the South Node and Pluto in the earth sign of Capricorn. All this earth signals success with practical activities involving detail, careful change and good planning. However, with the South Node in Capricorn, karma continues to be reaped where responsibility was evaded.

There is always something else and there are two something else’s: Neptune opposite Virgo, indicating relationship focus with Virgo. Be careful of people promising more than they can deliver. This also means the possibly of people disappearing. (This has happened to me: transiting Neptune is opposite my natal Neptune and progressed sun. A relationship literally disappeared from my life.) The other something else is Jupiter in Sagittarius, which is a challenging relationship (square) with Virgo and indicates too much activity for Virgo, not allowing Virgo to process things sequentially and no time for details. For Sagittarius, it means irritation because of being asked to provide details and to be on time. Aries and Leo can help Sagittarius, with Taurus and Capricorn helping Virgo.

This cluster of Virgo energy means Taurus and Capricorn should have successful practical plans with good working conditions Cancer and Scorpio have an opportunity to be included in practical, detail-oriented projects. Pisces may believe too much detail and common sense are being asked of them and evade things. Leo and Libra are neutral. Aquarius and Aries adjust to practical and detail-oriented requests which are not to their liking. Gemini and Sagittarius may be irritated with requests for details, especially detailed accounting for money.

9/3: harmonious day for all.

9/4: Moon goes into Sagittarius. Energy creative and romantic.

9/4 Pres. Trump: for a few days around this date. Hurricane Dorian will be traveling up the East Coast of America, causing his plans to be changed. The planets indicate there may be adjustments from trading partners, friends and enemies causing monetary expenses. Will his Florida property be damaged from the hurricane? We’ll see. 

9/5: quarter Moon in the signs of Sagittarius and Virgo. Expect restlessness and mild challenges creating irritation for Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces and Gemini. Leo and Aries can help Sagittarius, with Taurus and Capricorn helping Virgo. Practical planning helps the day, with Virgo and Capricorn the most helpful. Patience is most helpful and may come from Taurus.

9/6: busy but productive day after a flurry of communication, with cooperation helping. Good day for al, but especially for Virgo and Capricorn.

9/7: ineffective communication, especially for Virgo who is trying to communicate sequential detail either not understood or ignored. Again, Taurus and Capricorn can help Virgo. Moon goes into Capricorn joining the South Node, Saturn and Pluto, and in harmony with the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus.

9/8: busy day again, with Virgo pushing for detail, which eventually comes about because of wise and calm communication, good day for everyone, though. Sun and Moon in harmony, indicating a good day for everyone,

9/9: the previous days projects come to fruition calmly and effectively, again Virgo’s plans, teachings and activities are successfully acted upon.

Planetary degrees this week:

Neptune is stuck at 27 degrees Pisces; Saturn and the south node are at 14 degrees Capricorn, Pluto is at 20 degrees Capricorn; Uranus is still at 6 degrees Taurus. If you have these degrees in your chart, they are being activated. How depends upon the relationships of these transiting planets with your natal chart. My for instance: my natal Neptune and progressed Sun are 18 Degrees Virgo. Transiting Neptune just moved away from the 18 degrees, but was stuck there for a while, opposite them. Oppositions usually mean relationship focus and  is when the relationship disappeared. When these things happen to me, I figure the relationship is fulfilled.

You may enjoy a quick interpretation with Patty. Contact her for your personal time.

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