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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

May 28, 2020

What can we expect now?

May 28 to June 6 2020

★    It is obvious the world, including nature, has been jolted into a new way of living. As previously written, life will continue to be transformed from the old, outworn and selfish way into a more inclusive and caring way, entering more fully into the Aquarian Age. A glimmer of the transformation into more humanitarian endeavors may be seen end of March 2023 through middle of June 2023. A clearing away of selfish activities, perhaps seen by the collapse of the outworn ways will be from the second week of June 2023 through the third week of January 2024. Actually the transformation will go forward, then back to end the old and finally be fully into Aquarius November 2024.  (Astrology at the end).

★    We are gradually being let out, evidenced by the planets moving into gregarious, social Gemini. Mars indicates workers are still laid off or on furlough until the end of June, when Mars drives into Aries, which means more activity. This may be when the automobile companies begin production.

★    What does this mean for you? Pay attention:  is the traditional way of living still suitable for you with these changes triggered by COVID-19? If the old way is stale, boring or just not working, look to an inclusive and caring way to do things. Currently with the soul focus Gemini, they may be the agent of change, with Sagittarius having to let go of excess with Virgo and Pisces experiencing change in close relationships and communication. Libra and Aquarius may benefit by the new, with Aries and Leo benefitting from both the new and old. Cancer and Capricorn should be neutral. Taurus may be neutral unless urged to let go of excess and what is perceived as necessary. Aries have opportunities for good communication, making use of previous expansions. With the South Node in Sagittarius it may be the airline industry is permanently changed because people want to stay closer to home; the news is already stating some airlines are going out of business or are bankrupt. Also, excesses in religious fund-raising may be revealed, mega-churches may become smaller in size. Sagittarius rules big money and businesses that want to open on the stock market with large initial offerings may not work now.

★    Vernus is still retrograde until June 15, meaning there may be bargains, especially in electronics. (I got a bargain for a new monitor with video conferencing to better my zoom-type programs).

★    What about this week? This week begins with a quarter Moon on May 29th in the signs of Virgo and Gemini, who may be irritated with interruptions and change, followed by Sagittarius and Pisces. Everyone experiences a day of mild but irritating change, possibly still because of the virus. Taurus and Capricorn can help Virgo, with Libra and Aquariums  helping Gemini. There may be good news about the virus situation and maybe a new idea that is not taken seriously.

★    June 1 is very pleasant with good communications and especially good with the air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.     

★    June 2 seems to be a lazy but friendly day for everyone.

★    June 3 is one of those days when things do not go as expected, asking you to be flexible and somewhat accommodating. This is especially for Scorpio and Gemini. Cancer and Pisces may help Scorpio, with taurus and Capricorn helping Virgo. 

★    June 4 the Moon goes into Sagittarius.

★    June 5 is the biggie: a full-Moon or lunar eclipse in the signs of Sagittarius and Gemini. These signs are the same signs as the soul focus of Gemini and the past of Sagittarius. Let us pay attention to glitches in travel, whether real or virtual. The glitches may be an overload. It is good to pay attention to things Gemini: communication, siblings, close neighbors and Gemini people. The eclipse is at 7:12:14 pm EDT. It will be visible opposite us on the globe, not in the United States. However, it will affect your chart if you have the exact degree of 15 degrees 34 minutes. Contact Patty for your personal explanation. A video of it is here: .
    Full moons bring crazy days, especially for the signs of the eclipse, which is Gemini and Sagittarius, who will feel the challenges the most, followed by Virgo and Pisces. The areas of the body for this full Moon are the arms and lungs, and the feet and eyes. Libra and Aquarius may help Gemini, with Aries and Leo helping Sagittarius.

Contact Patty for your personal explanation of the astrology for the week.

★    Astrology: Pluto into Aquarius March 23, 2023, retrogrades into Capricorn June 11 2023. Into Aquarius again Jan 20, 2024, retrogrades into Capricorn sept 1 2024, into Aquarius Nov 19 2024. This signals the new coming in and the old in process of transformation, perhaps the symbolic death of business models.

★    More Astrology: the North Node will be in Gemini, the South Node in Sagittarius from May 6, 2020, through Jan 19, 2022. This means the focus is on staying close, helping neighbors, siblings; teaching, possibly computer-related subjects to the young, improving communications. The excesses of travel, exaggerated financial schemes, too much reliance on foreign interests may gradually wane. When we pay attention, we may be able to identify these in our lives and make changes.

★    With the South Node in Sagittarius it may be the airline industry is permanently changed because people want to stay closer to home; the news is already stating some airlines are going out of business or are bankrupt. Also, excesses in religious fund-raising may be revealed, mega-churches may become smaller in size. Sagittarius rules big money and businesses that may have wanted to open on the stock market with large initial offerings may not now.

★    More astrology. Mars is in Pisces until June 28 2020, which indicates people not working. When Mars goes into Mars June 28 (these overlap) perhaps plants producing cars and other mechanical things will begin again and with an energetic spurt.

★    At least expect the world to focus more on local businesses and population.

May 13, 2020

Solar Flare May 17

May 13 2020

THE GREAT GEOMAGNETIC STORM OF MAY 1921: 99 years ago this week, the biggest solar storm of the 20th century struck Earth. Electrical currents induced by geomagnetic activity surged through telephone and telegraph lines, heating them to the point of combustion. In-depth story at May 13 2020. (Astrologese at the end of this article). A great article on this is at , published May 13 2020.

★    Cosmic Rays Solar minimum is underway. The sun's magnetic field is weak, allowing extra cosmic rays into the solar system. Neutron counts from the University of Oulu's Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory show that cosmic rays reaching Earth in 2020 are near a Space Age peak. Solar wind flowing from the southern coronal hole could reach Earth May 17th..

★    With both geomagnetic storm and cosmic rays reaching earth, the atmosphere becomes charged with electricity. The article about 1921 reveals how powerful a big geomagnetic storm is. The electricity from “little” ones causes the electrical field to become charged. Our electrical field is our nervous system, and once charged affects our entire body, how depending upon our physical, emotional, and mental makeup. If a person does not know how to handle the extra energy, or has a sensitive nervous system, it may be felt as a disturbance, with them becoming irritable or the opposite - lethargic. Some people become disruptive, projecting the disturbance felt in their bodies. Some people can accept and direct the energy in a harmonious way and are energetic in a good way and accomplish things.

★    Where will the May 17 solar storm focus? Through the last degrees of Taurus, activating that part of your chart and life. Now that you are aware, you can be alert for possible different behaviors with your pets and maybe people and may direct any perceived energy surge into harmonious and helpful activity.  It should be mild, though. To learn where this is in your chart and life, contact Patty.

★    Will this help the COVID-19 situation? There could be more relaxing of quarantines and more businesses carefully reopening.

★    Astrologese: May 17, The Sun will be at 27 Taurus, in exact trine with Jupiter at 27 Capricorn and three degrees from exact trine with Pluto, indicting possible continued lessening of the virus.

★    Personally for you: Look where 27 degrees is with any planet or point in your chart to learn how you may experience any activation. The following interpretation is for any planet or point in your natal chart at 27 degrees. Scorpio has a combination of opposition with the Sun in Taurus and sextile with Jupiter in Capricorn. Cancer has a combination of sextile with the Sun in Taurus and opposition with Jupiter in Capricorn. Aries has a square with Jupiter in Capricorn neutral to the Sun in Taurus., Libra has a square with Jupiter in Capricorn and a quincunx with the Sun in Taurus. Taurus has a combination of a conjunction with the Sun in Taurus and trine with Jupiter in Capricorn., Gemini has a quincunx with Jupiter in Capricorn and neutral with the Sun in Taurus.  Leo has a square with the Sun in Taurus and quincunx with Jupiter in Capricorn. Virgo has a trine with the Sun in Taurus and Jupiter in Capricorn. Sagittarius has a quincunx with the Sun in Taurus and neutral with Jupiter in Capricorn. Capricorn has a conjunction with Jupiter in Capricorn and trine with the Sun in Taurus. Aquarius has a square with the Sun in Taurus and neutral with Jupiter in Capricorn. Pisces has a sextile with both the Sun in Taurus and Jupiter in Capricorn.

Please contact Patty to learn how you may experience the current astrology aspects.

May 9, 2020

Happy Mother's Day 2020

To mothers of people children, feathered and furry children and grandchildren.
Venus goes retrograde May 13.
To receive your personal interpretation, Please contact Patty.

★    To continue the good news about the virus: doctors, nurses, EMT’s, firefighters and the others helping those in the hospital and the ill at home are rightfully being hailed as heros. TV, the internet, car parades are honoring them. It is good to see people who actually help others being honored. This has turned the online celebrity news upside down. Here in my neighborhood, and most likely in yours, people are now asking and receiving help.

★    NASA publishes pictures of air pollution almost gone across the earth, just in time for Mother’s Day for our Mother Earth. You must have seen the videos of the Venice Canal clear with fish swimming, a hippo unusually swimming in clearer ocean waters, with India and China with clear air - no smog. Plus, it is much quieter outside because of less traffic and airplanes.

★    The North Node of the future goes into Gemini and the South Node of the past is now in Sagittarius. The North Node indicates what should be focused on for the future, which is good personal communication, teaching, be close with siblings and neighbors, stay close to home, and lighten up with some humor and social activities. The South Node is the symbol of the past, which includes the good and excesses. With Sagittarius, the good is toleration and befriending those different from us and perhaps continuing higher education and spiritual growth. Excesses would be too much travel, extravagant expenditures, too-good-to-be-true investments and international banking greed. We may see big banks making changes and perhaps divesting types of businesses. There could be government regulation of what is perceived as excesses. This is a process that goes through January of 2022, meaning it would be gradual.

★    Personally, it means Sagittarians may attract people and situations related to the past, some pleasant, some challenging. Gemini’s may attract people and situations stimulating communication and teaching and would be more challenging than normal, but good challenges.

Mother’s Day May 10: We are still staying home and the zodiac confirms this. (Astrology aspects the last paragraph).There are other good planetary relationships indicating pleasant electronic communication and warm conversation about the good of everyday happenings. It is especially favorable for the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces have an opportunity to be included. Taurus and Aquarius may be in stubborn, stressful control issues from 8 pm. Leo and Scorpio also could be in stress after 8 pm. The key is to cooperate and all will be well. Gemini could  be a diplomatic soother.

What about the rest of the week?

May 11: Saturn goes retrograde at 1 degree Aquarius 57 minutes. If you have a zero or 1 degree planet in your chart, it will be focused upon; how depending upon the planetary relationship. Mercury goes into its own sign of Gemini until May 28. Communication increases, perhaps more electronically. Gemini communication includes humor, diplomacy and some sharp comments, Gemini is very talkative and may provoke Sagittarius; Libra and Aquarius have good communications, Aries and Leo have opportunity to be included in creative or provocative conversations; Taurus and Cancer are neutral, with Scorpio and Capricorn adjusting to fast conversations. Virgo and Pisces may be mildly irritated with too much talk. Aquarius and Taurus may have stubborn challenges over financial control. The Moon goes into Aquarius, harmonizing with Saturn, Mercury, Mars and Venus, with emotions being more detached and practical.

May 13: Venus goes retrograde through June 25 in the sign of Gemini joining Mercury and softening the conversation. Gemini may be more skillfully diplomatic than ususal, helping others see all sides of a situation. Gemini may also be gentle, loving and generous. Sagittarius may feel opposed, Aquarius and Libra enjoy love and social activities; Aries and Leo may be invited to social activities, possibly electronic. Taurus and Cancer are neutral. Scorpio and Capricorn adjust (still/again) to unexpected activities. Virgo and Pisces may be irritated because their loved one may be too outgoing and flit about. Mars goes into Pisces through about June 28. Activity turns to the compassionate, creative and helpful. Pisces is activated, although Virgo may be irked because someone does not show up; Gemini and Sagittarius irritated with slow movement. Cancer and Scorpio help with the compassionate activities, Aquarius and Aries are neutral. Taurus and Capricorn have the opportunity to add practical solutions; Libra and Leo adjust to vagueness, although they could add leadership.

May 14: Jupiter goes retrograde in the sign of Capricorn through mid-September, joining Pluto in sign, but not exact in degree until June, indicating the virus continues but continues to abate. Also, a quarter Moon in the signs of Taurus and Aquarius, who sense stubborn control issues. Leo and Scorpio have a control-issue challenging day, too. Virgo and Capricorn an help Taurus, with Gemini and Libra helping Aquarius. Aries and Sagittarius can help Leo, with Cancer and Pisces helping Scorpio. Later Moon goes into gentle Pisces.

May 15: good day, with possible good news about the virus, hopefully medicine or advances in the creation of a vaccine.

May 17: More good virus news, hopefully more lifting of quarantine and opening of businesses. Sun and Moon getting along, indicating opportunity for harmony, then the Moon goes into Aries activating the day a little with stimulating conversation.

Astrologese: Mother’s Day May 10: Moon in Capricorn close to the South Node in Sagittarius, restricting movement but by the end of the day trine Uranus in Taurus at 7 degrees. . Venus at 21 degrees with North Node in Gemini at 29 degrees, Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces at 20 degrees, Mercury in Taurus trine Jupiter in Capricorn at 27 degrees, Mars at 28 degrees Aquarius which will square Mercury at 28 degrees Taurus beginning 8 pm.

May 3, 2020

Week of May 3 2020

★    Saturn goes retrograde May 11 in Aquarius through the end of June. Now is time to review your actions since these drastic changes; stabilize what works and let of what does not. July 1, Saturn backs into Capricorn until the middle of December this year of 2020, when the excesses of fear and greed return to be transformed into courage and generosity. (For those of you who know astrology, the degrees are from 1 degree Aquarius to 29 degrees Capricorn.) Jupiter goes retrograde May 14 indicating continued contraction of businesses. Mars goes into Pisces May 15 through June 29, bringing creatively compassionate activity regarding homeowners, the food supply and an opportunity to improve corporate situations. March 24, 25 and 26 there are opportunities for humanitarian financial solutions. These are opportunities and must be activated by taking initiative.

★    May 5 the North and South Lunar Nodes change sign. This is when we may be let out! The North Node of the future goes into Gemini and the South Node of the past goes into Sagittarius. The North Node indicates what should be focused on for the future, which is good personal communication, teaching, be close with siblings and neighbors, stay close to home, and lighten up with some humor and social activities. The South Node is the symbol of the past, which includes the good and excesses. With Sagittarius, the good is toleration and befriending those different from us and perhaps continuing higher education and spiritual growth. Excesses would be too much travel, extravagant expenditures, too-good-to-be-true investments and international banking greed. We may see big banks making changes and perhaps divesting types of businesses. There could be government regulation of what is perceived as excesses. This is a process that goes through January of 2022, meaning it would be gradual.

★    Personally, it means Sagittarians may attract people and situations related to the past, some pleasant, some challenging. Gemini’s may attract people and situations stimulating communication and teaching and would be more challenging than normal, but good challenges.

★    This week of May 3rd, the Sun, Mercury and Uranus are in Taurus, in tension with Saturn and Mars. The challenge is about business and money - how to open businesses to provide jobs, thereby making money and resources available. This is a good week for the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, challenging for Leo and Scorpio and maybe Aquarius. The water signs of Cancer and Pisces experience opportunities for consolidation or stabilizing ventures. Aries may have an opportunity for new activities or new friends; Libra is in the right place at the right time for inclusion in new group activities.

★    The Sun, Mercury and Uranus are in harmony with Jupiter and Pluto, indicating the beginning of the restructuring of big business and money, which should be relatively smooth.

★    Tuesday, May 5 is the first international Giving Tuesday. Let’s give what we can to those we consider in need. This is a good movement of the New Age, enacting the Aquarian virtue of acceptance of all peoples to create a new way of living. By December, we will know how we come out of this crisis, with new ways of being, methinks caused by the younger generation.

★    *The full Moon in Taurus is May 7, the Weak festival. If you are aware of it, the world needs your participation. Ordinarily, the full Moon brings disturbances. During this full Moon Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo experience control issues based on personal desire if the ego and selfishness get in the way. The spiritual meaning and prayer activity is to increase the Light and Illumination using the will to make correct choices to the Will or Plan of God. When you are focused on the good, or virtues, of the signs, it goes well. Virtues for this full Moon are gratitude, fearlessness, compassion and courage.

★    It has been written that with Uranus in Taurus, we should expect changes in money. Remember the last time this happened, the New Deal was put into action,  which was a series of programs, public work projects, financial reforms, and regulations enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States between 1933 and 1939. It responded to needs for relief, reform, and recovery from the Great Depression. The United States also helped reconstruct Europe and Japan after WWII. We can expect some kind of financial assistance and reconstruction, maybe with nations helping each other as we come out of the COVID-19 crises. With Jupiter and Pluto in harmony with Uranus and Neptune we can expect world-wide relatively easy restructuring of the money situation which may include business and trade regulations and opportunities for compassionate and perhaps idealistic “solutions.”

To enjoy your personal interpretation, please contact Patty for your accurate reading.
