★ It is obvious the world, including nature, has been jolted into a new way of living. As previously written, life will continue to be transformed from the old, outworn and selfish way into a more inclusive and caring way, entering more fully into the Aquarian Age. A glimmer of the transformation into more humanitarian endeavors may be seen end of March 2023 through middle of June 2023. A clearing away of selfish activities, perhaps seen by the collapse of the outworn ways will be from the second week of June 2023 through the third week of January 2024. Actually the transformation will go forward, then back to end the old and finally be fully into Aquarius November 2024. (Astrology at the end).
★ We are gradually being let out, evidenced by the planets moving into gregarious, social Gemini. Mars indicates workers are still laid off or on furlough until the end of June, when Mars drives into Aries, which means more activity. This may be when the automobile companies begin production.
★ What does this mean for you? Pay attention: is the traditional way of living still suitable for you with these changes triggered by COVID-19? If the old way is stale, boring or just not working, look to an inclusive and caring way to do things. Currently with the soul focus Gemini, they may be the agent of change, with Sagittarius having to let go of excess with Virgo and Pisces experiencing change in close relationships and communication. Libra and Aquarius may benefit by the new, with Aries and Leo benefitting from both the new and old. Cancer and Capricorn should be neutral. Taurus may be neutral unless urged to let go of excess and what is perceived as necessary. Aries have opportunities for good communication, making use of previous expansions. With the South Node in Sagittarius it may be the airline industry is permanently changed because people want to stay closer to home; the news is already stating some airlines are going out of business or are bankrupt. Also, excesses in religious fund-raising may be revealed, mega-churches may become smaller in size. Sagittarius rules big money and businesses that want to open on the stock market with large initial offerings may not work now.
★ Vernus is still retrograde until June 15, meaning there may be bargains, especially in electronics. (I got a bargain for a new monitor with video conferencing to better my zoom-type programs).
★ What about this week? This week begins with a quarter Moon on May 29th in the signs of Virgo and Gemini, who may be irritated with interruptions and change, followed by Sagittarius and Pisces. Everyone experiences a day of mild but irritating change, possibly still because of the virus. Taurus and Capricorn can help Virgo, with Libra and Aquariums helping Gemini. There may be good news about the virus situation and maybe a new idea that is not taken seriously.
★ June 1 is very pleasant with good communications and especially good with the air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
★ June 2 seems to be a lazy but friendly day for everyone.
★ June 3 is one of those days when things do not go as expected, asking you to be flexible and somewhat accommodating. This is especially for Scorpio and Gemini. Cancer and Pisces may help Scorpio, with taurus and Capricorn helping Virgo.
★ June 4 the Moon goes into Sagittarius.
★ June 5 is the biggie: a full-Moon or lunar eclipse in the signs of Sagittarius and Gemini. These signs are the same signs as the soul focus of Gemini and the past of Sagittarius. Let us pay attention to glitches in travel, whether real or virtual. The glitches may be an overload. It is good to pay attention to things Gemini: communication, siblings, close neighbors and Gemini people. The eclipse is at 7:12:14 pm EDT. It will be visible opposite us on the globe, not in the United States. However, it will affect your chart if you have the exact degree of 15 degrees 34 minutes. Contact Patty for your personal explanation. A video of it is here: https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/lunar/2020-june-5 .
Full moons bring crazy days, especially for the signs of the eclipse, which is Gemini and Sagittarius, who will feel the challenges the most, followed by Virgo and Pisces. The areas of the body for this full Moon are the arms and lungs, and the feet and eyes. Libra and Aquarius may help Gemini, with Aries and Leo helping Sagittarius.
Contact Patty for your personal explanation of the astrology for the week.
★ More Astrology: the North Node will be in Gemini, the South Node in Sagittarius from May 6, 2020, through Jan 19, 2022. This means the focus is on staying close, helping neighbors, siblings; teaching, possibly computer-related subjects to the young, improving communications. The excesses of travel, exaggerated financial schemes, too much reliance on foreign interests may gradually wane. When we pay attention, we may be able to identify these in our lives and make changes.
★ With the South Node in Sagittarius it may be the airline industry is permanently changed because people want to stay closer to home; the news is already stating some airlines are going out of business or are bankrupt. Also, excesses in religious fund-raising may be revealed, mega-churches may become smaller in size. Sagittarius rules big money and businesses that may have wanted to open on the stock market with large initial offerings may not now.
★ More astrology. Mars is in Pisces until June 28 2020, which indicates people not working. When Mars goes into Mars June 28 (these overlap) perhaps plants producing cars and other mechanical things will begin again and with an energetic spurt.
★ At least expect the world to focus more on local businesses and population.