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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

May 3, 2020

Week of May 3 2020

★    Saturn goes retrograde May 11 in Aquarius through the end of June. Now is time to review your actions since these drastic changes; stabilize what works and let of what does not. July 1, Saturn backs into Capricorn until the middle of December this year of 2020, when the excesses of fear and greed return to be transformed into courage and generosity. (For those of you who know astrology, the degrees are from 1 degree Aquarius to 29 degrees Capricorn.) Jupiter goes retrograde May 14 indicating continued contraction of businesses. Mars goes into Pisces May 15 through June 29, bringing creatively compassionate activity regarding homeowners, the food supply and an opportunity to improve corporate situations. March 24, 25 and 26 there are opportunities for humanitarian financial solutions. These are opportunities and must be activated by taking initiative.

★    May 5 the North and South Lunar Nodes change sign. This is when we may be let out! The North Node of the future goes into Gemini and the South Node of the past goes into Sagittarius. The North Node indicates what should be focused on for the future, which is good personal communication, teaching, be close with siblings and neighbors, stay close to home, and lighten up with some humor and social activities. The South Node is the symbol of the past, which includes the good and excesses. With Sagittarius, the good is toleration and befriending those different from us and perhaps continuing higher education and spiritual growth. Excesses would be too much travel, extravagant expenditures, too-good-to-be-true investments and international banking greed. We may see big banks making changes and perhaps divesting types of businesses. There could be government regulation of what is perceived as excesses. This is a process that goes through January of 2022, meaning it would be gradual.

★    Personally, it means Sagittarians may attract people and situations related to the past, some pleasant, some challenging. Gemini’s may attract people and situations stimulating communication and teaching and would be more challenging than normal, but good challenges.

★    This week of May 3rd, the Sun, Mercury and Uranus are in Taurus, in tension with Saturn and Mars. The challenge is about business and money - how to open businesses to provide jobs, thereby making money and resources available. This is a good week for the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, challenging for Leo and Scorpio and maybe Aquarius. The water signs of Cancer and Pisces experience opportunities for consolidation or stabilizing ventures. Aries may have an opportunity for new activities or new friends; Libra is in the right place at the right time for inclusion in new group activities.

★    The Sun, Mercury and Uranus are in harmony with Jupiter and Pluto, indicating the beginning of the restructuring of big business and money, which should be relatively smooth.

★    Tuesday, May 5 is the first international Giving Tuesday. Let’s give what we can to those we consider in need. This is a good movement of the New Age, enacting the Aquarian virtue of acceptance of all peoples to create a new way of living. By December, we will know how we come out of this crisis, with new ways of being, methinks caused by the younger generation.

★    *The full Moon in Taurus is May 7, the Weak festival. If you are aware of it, the world needs your participation. Ordinarily, the full Moon brings disturbances. During this full Moon Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo experience control issues based on personal desire if the ego and selfishness get in the way. The spiritual meaning and prayer activity is to increase the Light and Illumination using the will to make correct choices to the Will or Plan of God. When you are focused on the good, or virtues, of the signs, it goes well. Virtues for this full Moon are gratitude, fearlessness, compassion and courage.

★    It has been written that with Uranus in Taurus, we should expect changes in money. Remember the last time this happened, the New Deal was put into action,  which was a series of programs, public work projects, financial reforms, and regulations enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States between 1933 and 1939. It responded to needs for relief, reform, and recovery from the Great Depression. The United States also helped reconstruct Europe and Japan after WWII. We can expect some kind of financial assistance and reconstruction, maybe with nations helping each other as we come out of the COVID-19 crises. With Jupiter and Pluto in harmony with Uranus and Neptune we can expect world-wide relatively easy restructuring of the money situation which may include business and trade regulations and opportunities for compassionate and perhaps idealistic “solutions.”

To enjoy your personal interpretation, please contact Patty for your accurate reading.


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