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★ Of importance to the USA chart; exact date is Aug 22 but is still in effect for this week. Strong focus on the nation’s money and negotiations in the Congress. This is related to the cycle that began Feb 23, focused Aug 4 and will repeat in November 2020 which indicates contraction of income. Indications for the 22nd indicate strong emotional wrangling over the seriousness of the situation.
★ Uranus is still at 10 degrees Uranus. If you have a 10 degree planet or point in your chart, it will be activated; how depending upon the relationship between Uranus and your natal planet or point. (This is called an aspect.). A short conversation with Patty can help you understand what it is and how to benefit from it.
Aug 23 Moon goes into Scorpio to create a quietly harmonious day for everyone. Good day for Scorpio and Virgo to communicate, and good day for Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn. Taurus may sense a little opposition.
Aug 23 USA mild adjustments in the press about the agreements.
Aug 23 Moon goes into Scorpio bringing seriousness to the day, maybe about shared resources.
Aug 24 possible difficult day, with challenges between the young or the anarchists and established law, with strife, fires or violence. The weather could be challenging, also. Frustration in communications because detail slows down projects. Aries could be a catalyst for many circumstances; try to avoid being drawn into arguments because of misunderstandings. Challenging day for Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn. Virgo may be frustrated because things are going too fast for their detailed reports. Leo and Sagittarius can help Aries, Scorpio and Pisces can help Cancer; Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra; Taurus can help Capricorn.
Aug 24 USA communication is critical about changes in a work situation; the communicator is vague, evasive and inconclusive. Perhaps continued hue and cry over the USPS situation.
Aug 25 Better day with practical communication or news; possibly about money. The earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricrn have a nice day with their ideas. Also, one-on-one interaction between family and career, with cooperation and balance possible. Cancer and Capricorn may be in communication with mild challenge to include Aries and Libra.
Aug 25 USA opportunity for one in authority to bring harmony via a public agreement related to the work force. Since this is an opportunity it needs to be accepted by the work force to be noticed and implemented.
Aug 26 Moon goes into Sagittarius and into a quarter Moon in the signs of Sagittarius and Virgo, who experience frustration, followed by Gemini and Pisces. Restless day for everyone with minor interruptions.
Aug 26 USA opportunity for an agreement from either a foreign country or a higher court. Again, this is an opportunity and must be accepted or it is not effective or noticed.
Aug 27 Nice day for all, especially the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The day is nice for escape and family time. Creativity and intuition are high. Moon goes into Capricorn in harmony with the Sun in Virgo, meaning a quietly good day. The earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn enjoy their practical projects going well, but everyone enjoys the day.
Aug 27 USA challenges from the press or higher court of the previous opportunities and financial insecurity regarding families.
Aug 28 USA an opportunity from either a foreign ally or higher court for an agreement for the long term to benefit the populace.
Aug 29 good news with details about a practical plan. Virgo may successfully propose detail to an established situation, furthering the plan. Good day for the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, but overall god for everyone. Moon goes into Aquarius after 8 pm ET changing the tone to friends, the scientific and abstract.
Aug 29 USA financial adjustment regarding the past and a large group or social program. Also an opportunity from a strong leader to make the adjustment for the good of the nation and the population.
Aug 30 see-saw or quincunx day when things do not go as expected, especially for Aquarius and Virgo who do not understand each other. Gemini and Libra can help Aquarius with Taurus and Capricorn helping Virgo. Communication is oppositional today because of different ideas or outlooks. Emotional opposition to established power and opposition to an ideal from the practical one. Capricorn has emotional family to deal with; Pisces has dreaded detail to deal with.
Contact Patty for your personal accurate forecast.