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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Aug 2, 2020

Aug 3 through Aug 9 2020

The pandemic planets are still in Capricorn, indicating continued infections and restrictions. This month, Mars in Aries indicates challenges, with continued infections and demonstrations, some violent.. First he squares Jupiter in Capricorn  indicating strife, then he squares Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn , perhaps with an increase in deaths from both the virus and violence.

Aug 3 Full Moon in the signs of Aquarius and Leo, who will feel the control issues the most, followed by Scorpio and Taurus. Exact time 11:58:38 am EDT. Possible conflicting communication between family, career, needs and scarcity. Family wants to gather, but staying home is favored by the planets. Personally, Cancer tries to communicate family to others and may not be understood or rebuffed.. Tension between Cancer and Capricorn. Scorpio and Pisces can help Cancer, with Taurus and Virgo helping Capricorn.

Aug 3 USA: communication continually adjusting to changing facts, although some communication is threatening. Lawmakers may give very strong statements to lawbreakers and rioters.

Aug 4 continued strife and demonstrations; the rebels defy the lookdowns and seem to go free, but this creates strife and possible more infections. (Exact day of Mars in Aries square Jupiter in Capricorn.) Also a see-saw day when people are trying to adjust to more restrictions. Expect your day to be busy with challenges and interruptions, asking you to accommodate the interruptions and perhaps not get drawn into arguments. Moon goes into Pisces, adding compassion, softness and intuition to the day. Pisces should enjoy the day.

Aug 4 Mercury goes into Leo today and is speeding. It goes into Virgo 19. Your Leo friends talk more than ususal and offer creativity. Aquarius experiences others asking for attention, with Taurus and Scorpio intellectually challenged by those who want attention or money. Aries and Sagittarius enjoy creative and fun communication. Cancer and Virgo are neutral. Gemini and Libra possibly invited to a fun or creative online event. Capricorn and Pisces adapt to verbal drama.

Aug 4 USA; second focus date of a serious financial situation. A repeat of Feb 23, 2020, repeats and ends Nov 20. 2020. Congress cold appropriate more relief money, trying to avoid another recession. (T Saturn conjunct N Pluto). The planets all relate to money and the Congress. Today is Sunday, so this may happen tomorrow, Aug 5. This is good news financially for families and investors, although financial adjustments will be made, perhaps with a minor amendment to the bill.

Aug 5 USA see yesterday and a resurgence of self confidence in real estate and the environment.

Aug 6 see-saw or quincunx day when nothing goes as expected, especially for Pisces and Leo. When you adapt or adjust to the changes, the day ends better than expected. Cancer and Scorpio can help Pisces, with Aries and Sagittarius helping Leo.

Aug 6 USA good situation with harmony regarding money, with an opportunity for stabilization of the office of the presidency. Opportunity for establishment  and law and order, which the press giving this positive coverage.

Aug 7 Venus goes into Cancer through Sept 6. Venus likes being in Cancer, and this portends happy family relations. Cancer enjoys a nice love life and finances and may initiate family events. Capricorn is asked to be with family instead of work; Scorpio and Pisces enjoy nice family time; Aries and Libra are mildly challenged, although they enjoy challenges. Gemini and Leo are neutral, with Sagittarius and Aquarius adjusting to being home or with family instead of gadding about. Taurus and Virgo have the opportunity to be with family and perhaps offer the practical.

Aug 7 Moon goes into Aries, joining Mars and Chiron. The atmosphere is creatively courageous, with perhaps provocative conversations. Cancer, Libra and Capricorn may be verbally challenged, but it is all in fun. Good day for Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. Pisces and Taurus are neutral; Virgo and Scorpio adjust to impulsive interruptions.

Au 8 USA possibility today for communication about the purpose of the USA, which is Leo, meaning self confidence, generosity, but taking care of the USA instead of the rest of the world. Also today, opportunity for strong law and order, using existing laws to bring order back to places that experienced riots. This is an opportunity, meaning it must be initiated to succeed.

Aug 9 good news about health and perhaps news about effective virus medication and good vaccine trials.  Gemini and Aries have spirited conversations, as do Cancer, Capricorn and Libra. the “spirited” part of the conversations are not to be taken personally, it is supposed to be provocatively stimulating. Libra and Aquarius enjoy good communication, with Leo and Sagittarius being invited.  Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces may be irritated by too much talk.

Aug 9 USA opportunity for good news about changes in the work force related to the internet, possibly virtual offices.

To enjoy your personal reading, please contact Patty.

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