We skipped most of this past week to concentrate on the astrological after-effects of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death. Following is the forecast through October 4.
★ 6 retrograde planets, with another upcoming! We have Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Neptune, Chiron retrograde with Mercury going retrograde November 3. Mars goes direct Nov 13, Pluto goes direct Oct 4, Neptune goes direct Nov 28, Saturn goes direct Sept 29, Chiron goes direct Dec 18. Retrograde periods are when we re-evaluate our activities, to discover what needs tweaking, tweak it, knowing it will be active again after the planet goes direct. The inner planets of Mercury, Venus and Mars retrograde times are more noticeable because they glitch in your everyday life. When the outer planets are retrograde it means to re-evaluate your inner or spiritual life. There is a lot of both inner retrospect and everyday life things to pay attention to.
★ Mars retrograde blog can be read here; https://pattyteastrologer.blogspot.com. Mars podcast can be heard here: https://anchor.frm/patty-finlayson.
★ All this week, Mars in Aries is exactly square or in challenging tension with Saturn in Capricorn, each in their own signs, meaning a powerful challenge. COVID-19 is increasing along with protests and violence. Remember that Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are in the pandemic sign of Capricorn, indicating Mars symbolizes stirring it up, especially with young people.
★ Sept 26 USA President presented his nomination to the Supreme Court.
★ Sept 27 moon goes into Scorpio adding introspective attitude and research activities to the day. Mercury goes into Scorpio through Oct 27. Communication is research oriented and serious and about investments or other people’s money. Scorpio may be more communicative than usual, with Taurus sensing they are being opposed; Leo and Aquarius challenged to produce financial accounting. Cancer and Pisces have good communicating month, with Virgo and Capricorn having the opportunity to help with money issues. Sagittarius and Capricorn are neutral, with Gemini and Aries adjusting to financial scrutiny.
★ Sept 28 drama is squelched by practical circumstances or the old way, but works well with the new or younger activities. The unrest can be calmed by a respected well-known figure. For you, Leo adjusts to common sense in one instance, but has a good day with a new activity. The fire signs of Leo, Aries and Sagittarius have a great day. Moon goes into Pisces after 11:30 am, softening the day with compassion and creativity.
★ Sept 28 USA challenge to either the Supreme Court nomination or to a law or agreement with an ally. Mercury goes into the area of the Congress, indicating many days of communication.
★ Sept 29 Saturn goes direct at 25 Capricorn, in tension with Mars in Aries. The new and the old challenge each other, with the new leaving the old to go their own way. This may mean even more protests and violence, but I hope not. The cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn “enjoy” a challenging day. Taurus and Virgo can help Capricorn, with Scorpio and Pisces helping Cancer. Also today, relationships try to balance cooperation and independence. Libra has an especially challenging day today. Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra with independence.
★ Sept 29 also, see-saw or quincunx day when thing do not go as expected, asking you to adapt. Pisces and Libra off balance; Cancer and Scorpio can help Pisces, with Gemini and Aquarius helping Libra.
★ Sept 29 USA opportunity for congress to balance finances.
★ Sept 30 Moon goes into Aries, joining Mars and Chiron. The day becomes more active and perhaps with a little provocatively.
★ Sept 30 USA Good news or harmony in or from Congress regarding either the nomination or another law and the President opposing a financial entity, then adjusting to the reality of the situation. Venus goes into the USA area of Congress, hopefully indicating some civility during the discussions, although with Venus in Scorpio we can expect deep research.
★ Oct 1 Full moon in the signs of Aries and Libra. Instead of experiencing the craziness of a full moon, try to balance independence and cooperation. Study the virtues of the sign of Libra and apply during the day. Otherwise, Aries and Libra experience tense relationships, with Cancer and Capricorn having challenging leadership issues. Leo and Sagittarius have a relatively good day, as do Gemini and Aquarius. The areas of the body associated with this full moon are the head and upper teeth and the bladder and adrenals.
★ Oct 1 USA good news and situation regarding the workforce after some changes had been made.
★ Oct 2 see-saw or quincunx day when things do not go as expected, asking you to adjust or accommodate to minor changes.. When you adapt, the day is better than expected. The one in authority is asking the set-in-their-ways person to adapt to the new, which may be about money or food. Libra is trying to ask Taurus to adapt and hope they do. Gemini can help Libra with diplomacy (!) with Capricorn helping Taurus to change.
★ Oct 2 also: Venus goes into Virgo through Nov 20. Relationships change to being practical and want to work instead of romance or play. Criticism may seem like it, but it is not personal, it is just the way the other is right now. Your other may be more critical or picky than ususal, especially to Pisces, who may believe they are being picked on. Taurus and Capricorn enjoy nice relationships; Cancer and Scorpio have the opportunity to work with Virgo but please do not take criticism personally. Leo and Libra are neutral. Gemini and Sagittarius are irritated with the detail and linear thinking; Aquarius and Aries adjust to work and detail.
★ Oct 2 USA good communication from Congress about a law or agreement, which will be repeated Oct 23. Perhaps communication is civil, with the decision delayed until Oct 23 and perhaps Nov 15.
★ Oct 3 Moon goes into Taurus, adding gentleness, steadfastness and attention to the day with attention to food, sex and money.
★ Oct 3 USA arguments related to the disagreements Aug 16 and will repeat Dec 24. Could be arguments in or from the office of the president itself. The communication is sharp and provocative.
★ Oct 4 see-saw or nit-picky day when you may be irritatingly interrupted by serious, research-related requests. When you adapt, the day is much better than expected. Scorpio pushes Aries for in-depth answers, which causes Aries to adapt, which should not be hard for Aries. Cancer and Pisces can help Scorpio, with Leo and Sagittarius helping Aries. Sun and moon also in see-saw relationship, indicating a day full of interruptions requiring you to adapt.
Contact Patty for your personal accurate astrology interpretation.