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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Sep 20, 2020

What does RGB's death mean for the USA?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg died September 18, 2020.
What does this mean for the USA?

First a look at her natal chart or horoscope: she was a Pisces, normally depicted as laid-back and escapist, although creative and artistic.  Justice Ginsburg was strong and a trailblazer. She had her moon in Scorpio in harmony with her Pisces Sun, indicating much strength, persistence, and excellent research, or get-to-the-bottom of things.  Her Pisces was opposite much Virgo, including her past life point. Virgo is methodical and analytical in its analysis of things, which worked with well her Scorpio moon for the research and understanding needed for a Supreme Court Justice, and for which RGB was noted for. He Saturn in Aquarius was in good relations with her retrograde Mercury in Aries, indicating a fast, independent mind working to interpret the law for the highest good of all.

How will her death may impact the USA? You have probably already read about the adverse and extreme reactions. The astrology is at the end of this article.

At the time of RGB’s death, the planets were and still are, in very stressful, challenging relationships. They reflect the extreme reactions of anarchy and promoting violence. This challenging planetary relationship reveals the possibly of more anarchy, more set fires to buildings and more shootings. This  would be a dishonor to RGB, who was a champion of rights, and to use her death to act the opposite of what she stood for by breaking the very constitutional laws she helped to interpret and uphold is abhorrent. (My opinion).

However, there is a harmonious opportunity indicated by the planets. This means her death gives the opportunity to put into action humanitarian activity for the betterment of all. The President and Congress have the opportunity to cooperate to vet and appoint a new Supreme Court Justice to interpret the law for the betterment of all. The president has already announced he will nominate a woman. If those who are encouraging anarchy could use the same energy to promote what RBG advocated, the country would be in a better situation and not only honor her legacy, but help carry out her constitutional desires.

How can each of us promote peace and harmony in this antagonistic atmosphere? If we want peace and harmony we must be peace and harmony. No one can do this for us. For those of us in spiritual studies and activities know that what we do, say and think adds to the same in the atmosphere or ethers. Therefore, let us pray, think, say and do what will bring peace, harmony and cooperation.

Since the planets are in retrograde, the vetting, nomination and appointment of her replacement may be on or after the election. Let us pray that RGB’s replacement will be good for the country.

Here is the astrology:

Mars is retrograde in the sign of Aries and it was in exact challenging square with the USA Pluto when RGB died! Mars entered this degree the beginning of August, when RGB may have begun her physical setback, with the degree exact August 31. Mars went retrograde Sept 9, meaning it traveled back to the exact degree, when RGB died September 18, 2020. Mars goes direct November 13 and will reach the exact date again New Years’ Day, Jan 1, 2021! In addition, Mars will be in exact square/challenge to Saturn September 29, 30 and October 1, challenging established entities.

What does all this mean? The fact that the degrees will repeat means the challenge will not go away until after Jan 1, 2021. This is a severe challenge, which is in addition to the pandemic and anarchistic challenges in the USA today.

However, this same retrograde Mars in Aries is in sextile, or beneficent relationship to the natal USA moon in Aquarius, revealing the opportunity for cooperation written above. 

Contact Patty for your personal, accurate, helpful reading.

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