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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Dec 3, 2020

Nov 29 - Dec 6, 2020. Vaccine coming soon.

 The pandemic planets are still close together, indicating continued intensity of the virus. Neptune the confuser is in tense relationship with  clear communication and staying close to home this will pass! This means communication is confused, incomplete and can be misleading or false. Be discerning.

For a while now, I have been predicting a vaccine would be available mid-December - two weeks - and have been contradicted (especially by family) and told it will be spring before we have a vaccine. Perhaps it was thought I meant a vaccine for everyone, but the statement is that with the pandemic planets moving out of the pandemic sign, a vaccine would be available mid-December. You have read that vaccines are effective and are waiting for government okay before distribution, so we do have vaccines. The time line may be:

*    Mid-December the vaccine is ready for the doctors and other healthcare workers.
*    Second week of January further distribution.
*    First of February available for even more people.
*    Mid-May it may be available for everyone., and even may be free.

Now to the week ahead:

*    Nov 29: another attempt to slow down impulsive actions. This is one of those see-saw quincunx days when things do not go as expected, asking you to be flexible. When you are flexible, the day is better than expected. Sagittarius and Taurus have a crazy day. Moon goes into Gemini, adding communication and hopefully, diplomacy.  Gemini has the talent of perceiving all of the situation and communicating clearly to help.

*    Nov 29 USA: from behind the scenes, or secretly, disputes about  finances or money.

*    Nov 30: full moon eclipse in the signs of Sagittarius and Gemini. There may be repercussions from Thanksgiving travel. Over-reaction would be about the tension of staying home and traveling. The Nodes - or purpose - for everybody through mid-January 2022 is to stay in your own neighborhood - whatever  normal is. Gemini and Sagittarius may have spirited conversations, with Virgo and Pisces irritated by the day’s energy. Libra and Aquarius can help Libra, with Aries and Leo helping Sagittarius. For those of us who celebrate the full moon with meditation and prayers, it is attention to truth, refraining from gossip and talking about ourselves.

*    The eclipse to USA: from behind the scenes opposition to either health care workers or to the health care situation; verbal over-reaction to changes. Also, unexpected higher court statement.

*    Dec 1: Mercury goes into Sagittarius through Dec 20.  Communication or the news tells the truth, even if uncomfortable. Sagittarius talks about travel and philosophy, Gemini thinks they have opposition, Virgo and Pisces irritated with optimistic interruptions. Scorpio and Capricorn are neutral. Aries and Leo enjoy creative activities and maybe some social life; Libra and Aquarius enjoy more communication and maybe social interaction. Taurus and Cancer adjust to interruptions asking them to be flexible.  Moon goes into its own sign of Cancer, adding family and comfort to the day.

*    Dec 1 USA: with Mercury in Sagittarius, the truth will become known.

*    Dec 2: see-saw or quincunx day when you can expect the unexpected. Plans to go out may be stopped because of family concerns.

*    Dec 3 USA: news from behind the scenes does is not happy for the sitting president, yet the same new is good for the office of the presidency. This could come from a higher court, legal determination or ally.

*    Dec 3: No exact astrology aspect.

*    Dec 4: very nice day with truthful news creating a sense of confidence and optimism. Especially good for the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, but everybody should have a nice day. Moon goes into Leo adding creativity and good drama to the day.

*    Dec 4 USA: one in authority in a higher court makes a modification or adjustment in an exiting law or agreement, which could be with trade.

*    Dec 5: researchers suggest (more)  vaccine success. Your loved one may be loving and romantic. Scorpio may be more open and inclusive than usual.  Water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces have a nice emotional or family day, and the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius have a good day., although it is good for everyone.

*    Dec 5 and Dec 6  USA: higher court ruling settles the situation of the presidency, most likely the final count of the electors’ votes for president, the deadline for which is Dec 8.  The news is openly announced and is good for the nation and the office of the presidency.

*    Dec 6: one of those see-saw or quincunx days when nothing goes as expected - and for everybody. You need to be accommodating to unexpected minor changes and when you adapt the day is better than expected. However, Scorpio and Aries off balance, as are Sagittarius and Taurus. The research announcement from yesterday is amended and advanced ideas are thwarted by reality.

You are welcome to contact Patty personally with your comments and suggestions. Comments are turned off on the blog because they attract unwanted spam.

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