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Mar 22, 2021

Celestial forecast March 21 to March 28, 2021

The week is fast and changeable, with Taurus valiantly trying to stabilize change, which is possible by allying with an established, secure entity. Taurus is good with Capricorn all week and possibly Virgo.

USA March 21 through March 25, exact March 22: immigration situation gradually improving, with immigrants finding homes or family. Either laws focusing on the long-term or long-term agreements regarding the situation. Also, younger people receive vaccinations.

March 21: Venus goes into Aries joining the Sun and Chiron. The compassionate ideas or plans could now be activated. Your loved one is more independent, wanting to do things either alone or their way. More good social times for Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Libra experiences stronger relationship independence. Pisces and Taurus are neutral. Also, quarter Moon in the signs of Cancer and Aries, who experience a very active day, followed by Libra and Capricorn. Quarter Moon days are usually full of unexpected events, especially in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Have fun.

March 21 USA: emotional controversy over immigration with all points of view with no resolutions. There may be attempts to bring in the higher courts.

March 22: no exact astrological aspects.

March 22 USA: Exact date of improvement of immigrant situation and younger people receiving vaccinations.

March 23: unreliable communication or news; the idealist or compassionate one is trying to present their idea to someone who is too busy with their own ideas, which they are talking about and not paying attention to others. Pisces and Gemini not understanding each other and may be irritated, along with Virgo and Sagittarius. Cancer and Scorpio can help Pisces, with Libra and Aquarius helping Gemini. Moon goes into Leo a little after 5 pm ET, adding creative drama to the day.

March 23 USA: Controversy and opposition from militants to the agreements for the immigrant situation and vaccinations. Also a foreign nation opposes and challenges the president or his policies. The president stands firm.

March 24: Sun and Moon getting along, indicating a nice day for everyone; especially for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

March 24 USA: mild: the workforce expands a little and the president is assertive.

March 25: almost a replay of March 23rd: news continually changing with talk about ideas with no decisions. Moon goes into Virgo adding attention to detail and sequential thinking, which tries to ground the continually changing news.

March 25 USA: past immigration policies adjusted or amended with controversy; news is changeable: favorable regarding trade or ally agreement, criticizes a slight financial adjustment.

March 26: nicely active day for new adventures with the opportunity to brag about them. Your loved one may want to go on an adventure and include you. Aries takes the lead and invites Gemini and Aquarius, but may be too independent for Libra. However, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces may have incomplete or irritating news or communication. The Sun and Moon are in the see-saw/quincunx relationship, meaning your day may not go as expected, asking you to accommodate minor interruptions. This is especially for Virgo and Aries. When you adapt, your day goes better than expected.

March 26 USA: challenges about immigration, allies or enemies, and on a different note, balance with the country’s finances or purpose, the purpose of which is to be generous but self reliant. Also challenges placing the immigrants or challenges administering the vaccine or both.

March 27: no exact astrological aspects.

March 27 USA: First focus date of a cycle or phase in effect through November 19, 2021. It will be noticeable today, being worked on during the following months, completed November 19. Continual adjustments to pending on humanitarian situations here at home perhaps with court comments, decisions or advice.  

March 28: Sun, Venus and Chiron conjunct or together in Aries, indicating self confidence to present new ideas, especially for Aries who may again invite Gemini. Good day for the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Moon goes into Libra opposing the Aries planets, trying to balance independence and cooperation but nice with Aquarius and Gemini.

March 28 USA: if the Sibley chart calculations are correct, today; if it is off a little by degrees, this could be yesterday or tomorrow: high winds coming from the west to the east. Also strong, vocal opposition to immigration that includes a law.

For your personal, accurate predictions, contact Patty.

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Mar 16, 2021

Your St. Patrick's Day astrology

 Your astrology for St. Patrick's Day 2021is broadcast at

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Mar 7, 2021

Celestial forecast March 7 to March 14 2021

Enjoy your personal forecast: contact Patty today. 


There is a planetary line-up in Aquarius of the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury this week. Science is in the forefront applied to large groups. More vaccinations? You may have read last month this would be the case during March, with most everybody freely vaccinated by end of May 2021. It may be possible to join your friends or enjoy in-person groups.

There is a minor planetary line-up in Pisces of the Sun, Venus and Neptune. Compassion is the indicator here. The USA Senate may pass the COVID so those in dire need may be helped.

This is almost like the 50-50 situation in the USA Congress, which is a situation that would work wonders if they would co-operate for the good of the whole. One fifty-percent is for science and large groups; the other fifty-percent is for compassion and giving help. Could this work together?

Mars is leading the planets in Gemini, hurrying to communicate and reach as many as possible. Uranus is still at 8 degrees Taurus, busy changing the money situation. Cryptocurrency? Pluto is bringing up the rear in Capricorn, steadily moving towards the USA natal Pluto which just may bring big change to the USA money, possessions and self esteem - big change.

March 7: no exact astrological aspects, but remember the two planetary line-ups are in effect.

March 7 USA and into March 8: the president communicates well regarding a law or agreement and is reported in the news favorably. Later in the day one of his policies is questioned.

March 8: Sun an Moon getting along indicating a good day for everyone, especially for Capricorn and Pisces who cooperate. Opportunity to actualize a creative activity or project.

March 9: Moon goes into Aquarius adding friends, science and non-attachment to the day. However, Venus is in tension with the nodes, meaning communication is well-meaning and cooperative but unrealistic. Loved ones may be needy but not able to tell you how or why. News today may be incomplete, vague or deceptive, be careful of what you see, hear and read; wait a day or two before concluding because facts are hazy. Moon joins with Saturn in Aquarius indicating hard science prevails or weird emotions.

March 9 USA: see-saw or quincunx day for the president who adjusts to a Democratic request to either spending or immigration.

March 10: interesting day. The Sun and Neptune are together in Pisces, indicating a day of compassion, creativity and maybe escape. The Moon is traveling through Aquarius together with Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury, indicating scientific focus with our about large groups; perhaps large numbers of vaccinations. Personally, both Pisces and Aquarius are active. Virgo and Leo experience relationship focus with possible disagreements. Cancer and Scorpio enjoy good emotional day - if - they will adjust to the scientific or abstract. Gemini and Libra enjoy good social day, although Libra needs to adjust to nebulous interactions. Capricorn and Taurus have a good work day if Capricorn will adjust to a little drama. Aries and Sagittarius have the opportunity to be included in group effort.

March 10 USA: accepted activity for either or both health care and workers that puts the president in a good light.

March 11: Moon goes into Pisces, joining the Sun, Venus and Neptune, strengthening compassion and creativity. Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio have a nice day. Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius irritated because of vagueness; Aries and Aquarius neutral, Taurus and Capricorn have the opportunity to help others be practical. Leo and Libra adjust to vagueness or people not showing up.

March 11 USA: challenges to an existing law or agreement which requires a change or adjustment to spending. There is a quiet opportunity for the president to balance points of view, but opportunities must be accepted to be realized.

March 12: no exact astrological aspects except the two planetary lien-ups are still with us.

March 12 USA: a higher law may be reversed, it is at least challenged. Perhaps a case before the Supreme Court is denied.

March 13: new Moon in late degrees of Pisces joining Venus and Neptune. Your Pisces may be more active and talk about their creative ideas or ideas. The Sun, Moon, Venus and Neptune are all in Pisces, indicating a nicely effective day for Pisces, but may be an irritating day for Gemini and Sagittarius. Virgo could experience annoyance because others are either too hazy-minded or do not show up. Good day for Cancer and Scorpio, with Taurus and Capricorn having the opportunity to help ground creative activities. Aquarius and Aries are neutral. Leo and Libra adjust to non-direct interactions. Moon then goes into Aries about 6:45 pm ET with your evening becoming more active.

March 13 USA: past mistakes to the population are focused with much press and talk about anarchy and freedom of assembly and speech.

March 14: no exact astrological aspects but remember the planetary line-up is effective.

March 14 USA: Good press or communication regarding a higher law, accompanied by mild stress. If the weather, too much rain. 

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