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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Jul 13, 2024

Celestial forecast July 7 to July 15, 2024.


The planet Uranus, the changemaker, continues through reluctant-to-change Taurus, changing finances and property, which may have been thought of as always safe, never changing. You see, Taurus does not like, and hesitates to make change, clinging to what is familiar and comfortable. Then change is necessary for the good of everyone and if it has not been anticipated and planned for, it seems like it is forced upon whomever resists. So, the world-wide elections seem to be a surprise, when the need for the new leaders has been vibrationally there, waiting for its catalyst. This is not over yet. The planet of action, Mars, right now is close to Uranus, and will be close to Uranus July 13, 14, exact on July 15. Let us watch the news, and our lives, as we move to July 15, to learn what changes bring up to July 15 to anticipate or expect another big change.

The world also is experiencing the beginning of Pluto flying through the sign of Aquarius. Planets seem to fly from our perspective, although they do not need wings, and certainly do not need mechanical things like cars to move around the zodiac. With Pluto in Aquarius now, we are certainly experiencing the fast advance of everything technical. However, Pluto will finish breaking down obsolete structures and systems between September 1 and November 18, 2024, this year. Systems can include political parties, governments, corporations, finances,  religions and of course, buildings, dams and bridges. Since the Democratic Party is Capricorn,  the sign Pluto will be in to finish the breaking down,  there may be restructuring between Sept 1 and November 18!

Even though your horoscope may not seem to be aspected by the planets, we all live on earth together, with each group living in their country’s situation, sometimes asking us to change with situations. Your personal horoscope reveals how any situation impacts you and your life; some of which may be challenging, others bringing advantages. That is why your year-ahead celestial forecast is important.

 What does this mean for you?

 The concentration of planets of previous weeks is spread out, meaning energy intensity is somewhat lessened. The focus is on Uranus and Mars together in Taurus, meaning change is focused and may be forced if resisted. If you have 22 to 26 degrees in your chart, it will be stimulated. There continues to be the need for courageous leadership with cooperation to balance situations.

 July 7: Moon and Mercury together, with grandiose talking and news avoiding or resisting change. Humanitarian, spiritual and creative activities nice today, with the touted change helping here. Cancer, Taurus, and Pisces have a nice day, along with Capricorn, Sagittarius and Aries.

  • July 8: Chance for cooperation and good results within change; news and communication positive. Leo and Gemini enjoy good conversation and include Sagittarius and libra, with Leo helping Aries’ self-confidence! Cancer, Taurus and Pisces enjoy family, food and good finances. Scorpio and Capricorn may experience mild opposition to their ideas and Virgo mildly irritated because of what they consider silly or vague statements.
  • July 9: Moon goes into Virgo in harmony with Taurus and Capricorn, adding needed detail for Cancer and Scorpio, but irritating Gemini and Pisces by asking for practical detail.
  • July 10: the one in authority leads humanitarian or charitable activities well and attempting to balancing the financials. Cancer leads the way in family and creative activities, encouraging Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, challenging Aries and Libra to cooperate, with Sagittarius and Aquarius adjusting to Cancer’s request for family activities.
  • July 11: Venus goes into Leo joining Mercury. Your loved one requires attention and praise and may want to acquire expensive things. A month for generous Leo to shine, with Aries and Sagittarius enjoying dramatic social activities with Leo. Aquarius experiences their loved one demanding attention away from friends, with Taurus and Scorpio having romantic control issues. Cancer and Virgo neutral, Pisces and Capricorn either leaving the scene or adjusting to attention-seeking people. Sun and Moon getting along, indicating a nice morning, then the Moon goes into Libra late morning, challenging Aries, Cancer and Capricorn into action with cooperation.
  • July 12: Difficult tension in relationships, especially between Leo and Aquarius, and Scorpio and Taurus. Aries can lead Leo, with Gemini and Libra helping Aquarius. The issue is “me” or others.
  • July 13: quarter or half Moon in the signs of Cancer and Libra, who feel the challenge between family and relationship the most, with Aries and Capricorn also stressed. Busy day for everyone, though, with unexpected happenings.
  • July 14: Moon goes into Scorpio with control issues between Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo and urging Taurus to a financial decision. Taurus decide!? Cancer and Pisces can help Scorpio; Gemini and Libra can help Aquarius; Aries and Sagittarius can help Leo.
  • July 15: exact day with Mars and Uranus together (conjunct). And... crisis of confidence within the USA and misunderstanding about a democratic situation. Could be abrupt change in the financial and food markets, interestingly helped by the farming industry and giving help to charitable entities. Since Taurus symbolizes holding on to possessions and situations, and Mars symbolizes energy, those held-on-to possessions, attitudes, stations in life, etc., just may be suddenly ended, with the ending of benefit to others and eventually to what was ended. Personally, I think this could be a sudden breakthrough with Taurus, ending control of, control with or control by Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius and what they symbolize. If you have a 25-, 26- or 27-degree planet in your chart, I strongly urge you to have a short consultation with me to figure out what it means, so you can manage the situation for everyone’s highest good.
  • Remember that the forecast is interpreted for the relationship of the planets in the sky with each other. Your forecast will be focused on you and will be different. For instance, what is interpreted as challenging here could be wonderful for you. For a personal reading that is accurate and explained in plain English, contact Patty.


USA The planets seem calm until July 11 when there is a lack of confidence, countered with good communication, and the remaining of the week mildly good. July 19 is the next visible opposition and contention with congress. July 15, the exact Mars conjunct Uranus day, shows good planetary aspects. The democratic party shows a crisis July 24, which we’ll follow, of course. the situation will be played out in the Democratic party now at least until the Democratic convention August 19 to the 22nd.  We’ll have our Forum before then so you may participate with us.


 Esoteric Wisdom happenings.

 Tuesdays on Zoom at 6:30 pm EDT. Free. Currently studying Vibrations in Allow Your Soul to Lead, Book 2, from the teachings of Josef, who is the collective consciousness previously known as Seth, via Jane Roberts. Contact Patty Finlayson.

 Coming after Labor Day:

  • Astrology forums on Saturdays.
  • Edgar Cayce study group on Sundays.
  • Astrology Forum before the Democratic convention.
  • Ideals, based on the Edgar Cayce Readings and the bible.
  • Seventh Ray and the Lord’s Prayer.


Readings with Patty

Your reading helps you understand what is happening, why it is happening and how long it will last. Patty interprets your horoscope or chart in plain English and answers your many questions. During our friendly astrology conversation, helpful information comes through related to your situation. We meet on Zoom and your reading is recorded so you may reference your valuable information again and again. Contact her now to make your appointment. Time zone is Eastern USA.

 Patty the Astrologer

 Copyright Ó 2024Patricia G Finlayson