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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Sep 29, 2012



29 September 2012

HARVEST MOON: This weekend's full Moon is the Harvest Moon, the full Moon closest to the autumnal equinox, which marks the beginning of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the South. Before electric lights, farmers working after sunset relied on the light of the Harvest Moon to help them gather ripening autumn crops. Look east for the Harvest moonrise on Saturday night. The Harvest Moon will float just above the planet Uranus in the sky and sky watchers can get a great look at the celestial show. If sky watchers wish to see Uranus through their own telescopes Saturday night, they should scan just below the moon and look for the only green "star" in the field of view.

INCOMING SOLAR STORM CLOUD: Magnetic fields around sunspot 1577 erupted on Sept. 28th, hurling a coronal mass ejection (CME) almost directly toward Earth. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) recorded the cloud as it raced away from the Sun faster than 2.2 million mph: NOAA forecasters estimate a 50% chance of strong geomagnetic storms around the poles on Sept 30th when the cloud reaches Earth. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras, which might be intense enough to see in spite of the full moonlight.

The Solar storm cloud would intensify the energy of the full moon, so expect a busy Saturday night and Sunday. The Moon and Uranus will both be at 6 degrees of Aries; the Sun opposite at 6 degrees of Libra, with Pluto at 6 degrees of Capricorn. This is an explosive situation, possibly a trigger point of the Mideast crisis, which involves the United States. As you know, the full moon brings the “lunies” out, and people overreact. This full moon indicates the ones overreacting will be Aries, Libra and Capricorn, with Aries the instigator. Aries gets bored with stagnant or slow-moving situations and stirs the pot to get things moving. Libra wants to smooth things over – but only until pushed too far, which could be this full moon. Capricorn wants plans to be in order, and Capricorn’s plans are provoked out of order with this full moon. The areas of the body indicated are the head, especially the brains and upper teeth; the bladder and adrenal glands; and if Capricorn resists too mightily, the knees, bones and skin. Aries is the sign of guns, fires and explosions, Libra is the sign of beauty and diplomacy, and Capricorn is the sign of structure and plans. 

Cancer can feel the vibes from all the activity and enjoy it if you wish. Taurus and Scorpio may want to withdraw but may be included in money issues. Gemini and Aquarius are good with people and can help others see all sides to the issues and manage the situation, asking Leo for their good administrative help. Virgo and Pisces may want to get away from it all, and Sagittarius goes on a symbolic trip, although Sagittarius likes to make peace.

What can you expect with this unstable planetary situation that is mirrored in world events? More explosions, fires, gunfire and revolutions. As you know, the world is experiencing drastic change as revealed by the Mideast revolutions. This weekend some situations could come to an explosive or sudden crisis. The United States is embroiled in the controversy of government reporting of the assassination of the Libyan ambassador, and this may peak this weekend. Watch the news.

Uranus' atmosphere is dominated primarily by hydrogen and helium, with a small amount of methane that gives the "ice giant" its bluish-green tint. The planet has a ring system and 27 known moons. It's also tilted so far that it essentially orbits the sun on its side; researchers think the planet may have been knocked askew by a collision with another large body long ago. As for Uranus with its singular green color and wild axial tilt, its permanent overcast never allows us to see markings of any kind, and yet its story is nothing short of fascinating.

Do you think you could apply this to your Aquarian Friends? Could the 27 moons indicate 27 different types of interests and friends? Are your Aquarian friends so tilted they see life  from a different perspective? We know our Aquarian friends think differently, and this could be why; their patron planet is tilted, enabling them to perceive life from a different angle. Uranus is the planet of change and Aquarians dance through life to a different drummer; they love change around them, are independent, enjoy knowing many different kinds of people and having different, exciting experiences. Uranus is called the ice giant above, and Aquarius is sometimes called cold and abstract. In reality, Aquarians are generous, loving people, but they make decisions based upon knowledge instead of feelings. They love children.

THE ONLINE SLOOH SPACE CAMERA will webcast live observatory views of Uranus and the most famous full moon of the year Saturday (Sept. 29). One show begins at 7 p.m. EDT (2300 GMT), and another follows three hours later; viewers can watch the free broadcast on their computers or mobile devices at A panel of experts will be on hand during both webcasts to discuss the Harvest Moon, Uranus and just what Slooh's feed is showing. These panelists include Bob Berman, contributing editor and monthly columnist at Astronomy magazine; Slooh observatory engineer Paul Cox; and Slooh president Patrick Paolucci. “The Harvest Moon is widely misunderstood," Berman said in a statement. "Its behavior is unique, and yet its appearance is no different from any other full moon. That will be one major focus of Saturday night's live coverage. If sky watchers wish to see Uranus through their own telescopes Saturday night, they should scan just below the moon and look for the only green "star" in the field of view, Slooh officials said.

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