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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Jan 20, 2015

Mercury goes retrograde 20 January 2015

To give you some good information about Mercury retrograde and the stock market, go here. This article talks about the day the first Social Security checks were mailed, on a Mercury direct station at 1 degree Aquarius. 

Good things happen, too, under a Mercury retrograde, and they repeat. That these times repeat is what the usual warnings are about.  After I sold my business in 1980, I noticed the repetitiveness of Mercury retrograde. At that time, I was an astrologer, but did not realize it would become a full-time profession and wanted to go back to work. This was 1980 and jobs were hard to get, so I ended up as a temporary secretary with a temp firm. Eventually, I became a DuPont Company employed temporary secretary who went to different locations to fill in for vacationing secretaries. Apparently, one of the first jobs was begun under the retrograde, and I subsequently noticed that when a new assignment came along, it was under the retrograde. Therefore, when I needed a new assignment, I always called under Mercury retrograde and got another one. 

On a personal note, being a temporary secretary was much fun. I went to different DuPont Corporate locations, met many fascinating people, made new friends, and learned about different departments. Since I was a temp, the stress and politics of a full-time job were not impacting me, and I was free to work when I needed to.  

Hopefully, you can use this information to look back at the different Mercury retrograde times to learn what good  happened to and with you during those times. If you need to know when those times were for you, please contact me for this free information. Click here to email me, and you will be answered quickly. Please include the dates you are interested in.  

Now to the usual precautions: 

You know that when Mercury goes retrograde, communications go awry. We already have many Sun flares upsetting the atmosphere, and this will add to it. The normal precautions are to purchase electronics before or after the Mercury retrograde period. I know, you say what difference does it make? It may seem that your new electronics, especially printers and phones, are working well. They may, but the next Mercury retrograde time they could malfunction or fail altogether.

With Mercury retrograde in the sign of Aquarius, expect misunderstandings in communications with group activities, in addition to glitches in travel and your computers, printers and phones. Aquarius is associated with groups, new inventions, changes and the unusual. The patron planet of Aquarius is Uranus, the planet that changes the old to make room for the new, and under a retrograde Mercury it could be interesting, indeed.

This also means Aquarius people could experience the most difficulty, so be prepared. The love planet of Venus is in the sign of Aquarius, also, adding to the possibly of apparent distance and control issues in relationships, especially for Leo, Taurus and Scorpio. Aquarius is the sign of non-attachment, freedom and friends. So, if your loved one is not so close, allow them the freedom they need until the end of January, when Venus goes into Pisces, and they will want to be affectionate again.

When you have a reading with Patty, the retrograde Mercury time periods are included in your explanation package.   

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