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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Jan 8, 2015

Mercury is going Retrograde again!

Mercury goes retrograde on January 21, 2015 at 17 degrees Aquarius. It goes direct on February 11 at 1 degree Aquarius. One value of astrology is knowing these time periods in order to plan.

You know that when Mercury goes retrograde, communications go awry. We already have many Sun flares upsetting the atmosphere, and this will add to it. The normal precautions are to purchase electronics before or after the Mercury retrograde period. I know, you say what difference does it make? It may seem that your new electronics, especially printers and phones, are working well. They may, but the next Mercury retrograde time they could malfunction or fail altogether.

The other caution is to avoid listing or selling your home, making legal agreements or signing legal papers between January 21 and February 11 because something will either be left out or wrong. Guess what? It will be noticed at the next retrograde Mercury period, which is not a good time to fix something that was initiated during the previous Mercury retrograde period.

On a personal note, a friend was going through property settlement and alimony negotiations and went to court during a Mercury retrograde time. The judge ruled against my friend. His wife took him to court four months later under another retrograde Mercury, asking for more alimony, which she was awarded. He would not listen to the advice to change the court date when Mercury was not retrograde. Lo and behold, she took him to court again, on the third instance of the Mercury retrograde. She was asking for another increase in alimony, which was more than his income! He finally called me to find out when Mercury would not be retrograde and had the court date changed to a better time. When they went to court the third time, the judge awarded her a reasonable alimony that he could afford.

With Mercury retrograde in the sign of Aquarius, expect misunderstandings in communications with group activities, in addition to glitches in travel and your computers, printers and phones. Aquarius is associated with groups, new inventions, changes and the unusual. The patron planet of Aquarius is Uranus, the planet that changes the old to make room for the new, and under a retrograde Mercury it could be interesting, indeed.

This also means Aquarius people could experience the most difficulty, so be prepared. The love planet of Venus is in the sign of Aquarius, also, adding to the possibly of apparent distance and control issues in relationships, especially for Leo, Taurus and Scorpio. Aquarius is the sign of non-attachment, freedom and friends. So, if your loved one is not so close, allow them the freedom they need until the end of January, when Venus goes into Pisces, and they will want to be affectionate again.

When you have a reading with Patty, the retrograde Mercury time periods are included in your explanation package.   

Contact Patty via email. 
Her personal phone is 302-378-0579.

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