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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Jul 22, 2015

Venus goes retrograde Saturday, July 25, 2015

Venus Goes Retrograde Saturday, July 25

Venus rules money through Taurus and relationships and legal dealings through Libra. During the retrograde time, be very careful of both. Usually, money either slows down or you receive payment from the past. Relationships can be edgy, and is usually the woman's doings. The woman could be petty, a result of imagined slights. If your south node is in either the sign of Taurus or Libra, be prepared for unexpected situations from the past to crop up. The specifics would be the house your south node lives in, which sign is involved, and the house your Venus lives in. However, you would recognize something from the past, and not all from the past is unpleasant. In fact, many years ago, transiting Venus came to my south node and it was most pleasant.

Venus goes retrograde in the sign of Virgo, so details may be slow in coming or not correct. Virgo can experience irritating delays between July 25th and 31st.

While Venus is retrograde in the sign of Virgo, Pisces may be out of sorts between the 25th and the 31st and then is okay. Capricorn may help Virgo and Taurus with useful solutions. Aries and Sagittarius may help Leo with creative ideas and a get-away from management. Cancer and Scorpio have the opportunity to sooth emotions for Virgo; Gemini can be irritated with request for detail; Aquarius either helps Gemini or is off balance.

Venus backs into Leo on August 1st, and is there when it goes direct on September 6th, but is in the sign of Leo until October 8.  Financial situations or extravagances repeat what happened between June 22 and July 25. The degrees for Leo are in effect from August 1 through October 8 because of the back-and-forth movement of Venus through Leo.  Leo is the most affected because of high expenditures that must be paid and there may not be enough to do so - or experience situations regarding children and lovers.  Aquarius may experience what seems like unfortunate relationship problems, but they are financially related because someone spent too much and may have been out of Aquarius' control. Scorpio and Taurus experience stubborn control issues. Aries and Sagittarius enjoy nice adventures and creative benefits; Cancer and Virgo are neutral; Gemini and Libra can bring insight and diplomacy to relationship situations; Capricorn and Pisces adjust to minor money situations.

Enjoy your Venus retrograde time. Patty is happy to explain your personal astrological Venus. Contact her via email or phone (302) 378-0579.


Your personal reference
You are being offered the retrograde time periods for Mercury, Venus and Mars for a three-year period, which includes the previous retrograde times for reference.  You will receive the dates, exact time and the signs of the retrogrades, calculated for your location, on one page for easy reference. The three-year reference sheet is $5.00, emailed to you. Needed is only your present location. Order by contacting Patty at or via phone at 302-378-0579.


For those of you who know astrology and your chart, and would enjoy receiving what are called date pages during a reading, they are available for $5 per page. The 18-month time period is usually two pages, which includes the outer planet transits and progressions, and if requested, Solar Arc directions. If you want Mars and other inner planets included, please contact Patty to determine how many extra pages there will be. This is your personal "year ahead" with exact dates only, no explanation. Needed are your birth date, birth place and birth time. If you do not know your time, dates can be calculated for you, and are usually a one-page document. Contact Patty if you have any questions. Phone 302-378-0579.

You may choose between a visual graph of the dates or by-date linear details.
This is general astrology information.

To receive your personal astrology help, please contact Patty now for  your accurate, confidential reading. The latest comment was, "I like what you say on the radio and how you help people of all the signs." 

May the stars be with  you

Patty the Astrologer 

Astrologer for Radio WDEL Saturday Hot Spot, 1150 AM and 107 FM
Member, Organization of Professional Astrologers
Life International Member American Federation of Astrologers
Member Edgar Cayce's ARE, where she taught astrology

Jul 16, 2015

Iran Deal and the USA

The planets for 14 July 2015 world horoscope reveal the Iran Deal, the Greek Tragedy and the Pluto Flyby.

The Pluto Flyby hails a great achievement in science and honor for the USA. Uranus, the science planet is in wonderful relationship with Jupiter and Venus, indicating great expense for the successful experiment that will bring financial gain later.

The Greek Tragedy shows Saturn insisting on financial responsibility and it will not be easy. Pluto and the Sun, the next day on July 15, were in a war-like relationship, and the Greeks rioted. Saturn takes a a few years to finish it’s job, so the Greeks are in for a sustained corrective, financial time. The configuration is Saturn in Scorpio in square to Venus in Leo. Scorpio is good at financial reorganization, Saturn insists that it be done and they are challenging the extreme expenditures indicated by Venus in Leo. Not only Greece, but any nation that is spending more than they can possibly repay will be forced to sharply decrease and reorganize expenses. This is a signal of the end of the old way.

The Iran Deal’s horoscope indicates change that will increase wealth for the already wealthy in the world and destabilize another. The Taurus nation is now in a very stressful, difficult circumstance and could shrink or become isolated. Iran, which is symbolized by Pluto in this chart, is confronting the participants of the Deal. Pluto symbolizes forces that have been slowly, relentlessly pushing their way to attention over a period of time, bursting upon the scene almost like a volcanic eruption; and that is the Iran Deal.


The USA detonated the first atomic bomb on July 16, 1954! The Saturn of this event squares the USA’s natal Saturn,  and the Iran Deal’s Pluto opposes the USA’s atomic bomb horoscope. No wonder we are experiencing such pressure.

This is very difficult for the United States. A short explanation is that the United States is being forced to adapt to world changes, especially changes in power and to let go of what was thought to be secure and stable. The US will be forced to accept change in thier place of power in the world, just like the world was forced to accept change of power after the US detonated the atomic bomb.

Transiting Pluto is in opposition to the USA’s natal Sun, which was exact January 5 this year, again August 1 and November 1, so this is not over. This means the pressure for change began in January, will focus on Aug. 1  and includes the world-wide situation. Iran, symbolized by Pluto, will continue to  confront the US and is stronger. Mars of the Iran Deal chart is exactly conjunct the USA’s Sun, pushing for action without enough time to think, resulting in an impulsive or hasty decision. Mars is daring and does not care what others think, and was pushing the United States.

The Iran Deal’s Pluto is square the USA’s natal Saturn and opposes the Atomic Bomb’s Saturn. This was exact June 13 and again December 24 this year. This is an ominous situation, and represents severe challenges to change and to let go, or be forced to let go, of what was considered secure or sacrosanct, especially power. Both planets signify death, so there is a death of what was to make way for the new beginnings. Pluto represents transformation, so nothing will be the same after the transit, as was the case after the Atomic Bomb explosion. With Pluto, cooperation is the key.

The combination of the Iran Deal’s Pluto in opposition to the USA’s Sun, opposition to the Atomic Bomb’s Saturn, and square the USA’s Saturn indicates severe pressure for the United States to change because of world situations, and adaptation is necessary. The President and the country are under tremendous pressure to cooperate and adapt. Mars is helping though, by giving courage and strength against the opposition. Astrologically, there is no choice. We know there is always choice, but resisting is sometimes the wrong choice, especially with Pluto. That Saturn is so heavily involved indicates karma and responsibility?

Venus of the Iran Deal horoscope is one degree from being opposite the Moon in the USA horoscope, meaning emotional, non-thinking, reaction. Diplomacy is certainly strained. 
If you have comments, please email them to me, and if you give permission, will be published on the blog under this column, which is archived there.

Jul 7, 2015

July 6 Through July 31, 2015

This July there will be two full moons: the one experienced on July 1 and one on July 31, so be prepared.

July 6 is challenging with the Sun in opposition to Pluto, indicating power plays, revealing the financial crisis and possible personal confrontations between Cancer and Capricorn people. The other cardinal signs of Aries and Libra are involved, offering creative solutions and attempts at diplomacy. This is not over and will repeat more strongly on July 15. The Greek crisis comes to mind and the established, stable countries are stronger than emotional Greece.

July 7 the Moon goes into Aries and into the quarter Moon on July 8. This is a challenging aspect, with Aries or an impulsive person creating a mini-crisis for Cancer and Capricorn. Libra may experience relationship challenge, or your significant other is independent. The fire signs of Leo and Sagittarius enjoy a creative day and can offer creative solutions. The other water signs of Scorpio and Pisces can help sooth Cancer’s emotions.

July 7 has another indication of talks or communication out of balance and going back and forth, attempting balance, with people changing their minds.

July 9 the Moon goes into Taurus.

July 11 the Moon goes into Gemini.

July 12 expect sudden change: the Sun in Cancer is in square with Uranus in Aries, setting off or triggering a breakthrough that could be shattering.

July 13 sees harmonious communication in the attempt to have an ideal situation. Cancer and Pisces are favored, followed by Scorpio. The earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn offer practical solutions, which should be accepted.

July 14 the Moon goes into Cancer, and into a new Moon on

July 14 is very tense over money and finances. The extravagant one is pushing the financial stable one. The established stable one is stronger.

July 15 is the stronger repeat of July 6, this time with Mars in opposition to Pluto. Power plays, war, the emotional one prodding the more powerful. This is tense, indeed. The United States is a Cancer country and may push our agenda onto another country. Relationships today are tense and testy. Since these are cardinal signs, the tension can result in an impulsive, ill-thought-out decision. However, the tension could be so high that the relationship ends. Communication or negations are very strong and confrontational.

July 15: Personally if you are a Cancer person, be very careful pushing your agenda onto the more powerful Capricorn-like person;  be aware that you can come on too strong and need to back off. If you are a Capricorn, you may experience someone emotionally confronting you. Scorpio, Taurus and Virgo could be of help. Aries and Libra may be part of a crisis, and you can appeal to Leo, Sagittarius and Gemini.

July 15 the new Moon in Cancer. Cancer is energized, with Scorpio and Pisces having a great day. Capricorn may experience a choice between family and work. Taurus and Virgo have the opportunity to offer practical advice. Gemini and Leo are neutral. Aries and Libra enjoy a mildly active, challenging day. Sagittarius and Aquarius adjust to what they think is too much emotion or adjust to a family situation.

July 16 the Moon goes into Leo.

July 18 the Moon goes into Virgo, with challenging discussions over change. If the talks are too quick for you, please ask to have the details delineated.

July 21 is a most harmonious day for everyone, so if there had been mis-perception, mis-understanding or disagreements, this is the day to reconcile. The Moon goes into Libra today.

July 22 the Sun goes into Leo, beginning the month of Leo. This will be discussed in depth in the next email. However, the other indications are a good day for practical communication.

July 23 the Moon goes into Scorpio. Today is a good day for Leo to put your ideas forward as long as you are not too forceful. You could be mildly questioned about expenses.

July 24 is the challenging quarter Moon in the signs of Scorpio and Leo, who could be having control issues over money. The other fixed signs of Taurus and Aquarius also have control issues. The water signs of Cancer and Pisces can help Scorpio, with the other fire signs of Aries and Sagittarius helping Leo.

July 25 expect forceful change. Challenging circumstances for Cancer and Aries, with Libra and Capricorn involved. The forceful one is challenged to back down, possibility from the situation that happened July 12. If you are a Cancer, you may be in a situation that you realize is best to let go, especially of any emotional attachments. The letting go only means letting go of the emotional attachment, not the entire situation.

July 26 the Moon goes into Sagittarius and then creates a beautiful relationship with the sun. the signs favored today are the fire signs of Sagittarius, Leo and Aries, so put your creative ideas forth.

July 28 the Moon goes into Capricorn.

July 29 is one of those see-saw or quincunx days when you are interrupted all day with minor requests. Capricorn and Leo are most impacted, and Leo could be irritated because of practical demands. Taurus and Virgo can help Capricorn, with Aries and Sagittarius helping Leo.

July 30 the Moon goes into Aquarius, leading into:

July 31 the second full Moon, or blue Moon, in July. The Moon in Aquarius is opposing the sun in Leo, and guess who has the difficult day? Both these signs, followed by Scorpio and Taurus. Control issues abound. If you work in the medical or police fields, the areas of the body for this full Moon are the heart and veins, high blood pressure and high cholesterol; however all that will manifest.