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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Nov 3, 2016

2016 Presidental Election

The USA horoscopes used are the Sibley chart at 4:50 pm LMT and the chart corrected for Superstorm Sandy at 5:24:08 pm LMT,
which has the USA born July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia, PA.

Times and transiting planets are Eastern Time for Washington, DC.

We begin with an interpretation of the indications for election day itself, with 6:00 am ET for the polls to open and midnight ET for closing to account for Alaskan Time, the latest poll to close. Democrats are indicated by Saturn and Capricorn; Republicans by Jupiter and Sagittarius.

The day begins with Jupiter in Libra the highest in the chart, indicating Republicans favored. Venus is in the sign of Sagittarius, favorable to Republicans. Transiting Uranus in Aries is in sextile, or opportunity, with the USA natal Mars in Gemini, indicating many people voting with open minds eager for change. Transiting Mars in Capricorn is conjunct the USA Progressed Pluto in Capricorn, indicating bad news for Democrats or the possibility of intense demonstrations for Democrats. Transiting Venus is at 25 Sagittarius, in a square with the 25 Virgo midheaven of the Sibley chart, favoring the Republicans. At the last poll closing, the Moon in Pisces is quincunx (see-saw) with the USA midheaven, indicating a changer of leadership.

We look at the Moon because it will move from 24 degrees Aquarius 03 minutes at the poll openings to 04 degrees Pisces 36 at midnight ET.

The Moon begins in a see-saw relationship with the USA natal Mercury in Cancer, indicating results are unreliable. The Moon travels to a nice sextile relationship with transiting Venus in Sagittarius about 9:00 am, favorable to Republicans.

The Moon moves to a conjunction with the USA Moon in Aquarius either around 11 am for the Sibley Moon at 26 Aquarius 58 or around noon for the Sandy-corrected Sibley Moon at 27 Aquarius 18. This indicates a vote for personal and economic freedom and many voting, especially women. Emotions are for the founding freedoms of the nation.

The Moon moves into the sign of Pisces about 5 pm, indicating an emotional change and perhaps change of minds of the voters at the last minute. The voters after 5 pm may be more compassionate, more interested in social welfare or more Christian than earlier votes. (Christians are indicated by Pisces.) At 10:27 pm, the Moon is in a trine with the USA natal Venus in Cancer. It looks like values of the founding of the nation prevail.

Mars travels from the sign of Capricorn into the sign of Aquarius November 9 at 1:21 am ET. Look for a surprise.

Hillary Clinton’s day

Hillary Clinton is a Scorpio, Moon in Pisces, and we think Scorpio rising. We are not sure of her time, which determines the ascendant or rising sign.

The day opens with transiting Jupiter conjunct her progressed Neptune, being one of those two-edged swords. It can be very good if the ego is humbled, or indicates living in a dream world, to quote Robert Hand. Transiting Uranus in Aries is in trine with her natal Saturn in Leo, favorable. Transiting Saturn in Sagittarius is conjunct her progressed Jupiter in Sagittarius, not favorable. This indicates a suppression of joy, with Saturn making her accountable. At 9:21 am the Moon is in sextile to her natal Uranus in Gemini, favorable. At 5 pm, when the Moon goes into Pisces, it will square her natal Jupiter in Sagittarius, which indicates losses and change of mind of the voters. However the Moon is in trine with her natal Sun in Scorpio at 8:54 pm, favorable.

Donald Trumps’ Day

Donald Trump is a Gemini, Moon in Sagittarius, Leo rising. 

His progressed Jupiter in Libra is in square with his natal Saturn in Cancer, revealing a challenging day. Jupiter is the stronger, so this could be indirectly favorable. Transiting Uranus in Aries is sextile his Moon in Sagittarius, favorable. The transiting Sun in Scorpio is in the see-saw relationship with his natal Uranus, indicating adjustment to continually changing results. Transiting Venus in Sagittarius is trine his natal Mars in Leo, favorable.

If the election results go into November 9, transiting Mercury favors Donald Trump, along with the Moon in Pisces trine his natal Mercury in Cancer, which is favorable also.

If the election results go into November 9, transiting Mercury indicates for Hillary Clinton adjusting to news that did not go as expected. Transiting Mars indicates either good luck or an opportunity for freedom from burdens.

To enjoy your personal, confidential, accurate forecast, please contact Patty via email or 302-378-0579.

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