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Nov 7, 2016

Big Sun flare on election day Nov 8 2016

Big Sun flare on election day

SUN HURLS PLASMA CLOUD TOWARD EARTH:  Nov. 5th, a magnetic filament on the Sun became unstable and erupted. The blast opened a fiery canyon in the sun's atmosphere and hurled a CME toward Earth. According to NOAA models, the plasma cloud could strike Earth's magnetic field on Nov. 8th, triggering G1-class geomagnetic storms and auroras around the poles. Visit for updates and more information.

How will this impact you?

Nov 8 is also the quarter Moon in the signs of Aquarius and Scorpio, with the plasma cloud blasting through the the Sun and Mercury in the sign of Scorpio, intensifying the effects of the quarter Moon. Aquarius and Scorpio experience strong control issues, followed by Taurus and Leo. However, Pluto in Capricorn is in a sextile, or opportunity, relationship with the Sun, indicating an opportunity for Scorpio and Capricorn to integrate issues. Mercury is close to the Sun in Scorpio, meaning the plasma is electrifying Mercury, urging Scorpio to forceful communication.

Saturn is in Sagittarius, in a sextile, or opportunity, relationship with the Moon,  revealing an opportunity for Aquarius and Sagittarius to cooperate to stabilize or manage the situation to create peace.

The degree of the Sun, Moon, Saturn and Pluto is 15, so if you have a 14, 15 or 16 degree planet or point in your chart, the solar activity on Nov. 8 should be noticeable. With the Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Aquarius, Saturn in Sagittarius and Pluto in Capricorn, all at 15 degrees, means the situation of control issues are combined with opportunities to resolve issues, if people with take or create the opportunities.

These signs involve everybody. Taurus experiences control-issues in relationships, with Leo and Aquarius also having control-issue situations. Sagittarius is urged to be as stable as possible and shoulder responsibility, with Leo and Aries enjoying a stable day. However, Pluto is impacting Cancer with relationship focus, with Aries and Libra having a challenging day with leadership or trying to begin something. Gemini experiences relationship issue with the other demanding responsibility of them; Virgo and Pisces experience an irritating day because of intensity.

All of this activity as Americans go to the polls to vote. Looks like November 8 will require patience and cooperation.

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