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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Dec 20, 2017

December solstice 2017 & what it means for you

The December solstice for 2017 is December 21 at 11:27:53 Eastern time. In our northern hemisphere, it is the winter solstice, in the southern hemisphere the summer solstice.

May you have blessed and happy Holy and Holidays. You are remembered and appreciated, just for being you. Let us look forward to a prosperous and happy 2018.

Few months present the multi-cultural "teachable moments" that December does!  Enjoy your chosen one. The following mult-icultural events and celebrations are among those that will happen this year:

    Saint Nicholas Day (Christian)
    Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mexican)
    St. Lucia Day (Swedish)
    Hanukkah (Jewish)
    Christmas Day (Christian)
    Three Kings Day/Epiphany (Christian)
    Boxing Day (Australian, Canadian, English, Irish)
    Kwanzaa (African American)
    Omisoka (Japanese)
    Yule (Pagan)
    Saturnalia (Pagan)

The December solstice happens when the Sun travels into 00 degrees of Capricorn. This year, Saturn will have gone into Capricorn on December 19, with Venus following  on December 25 at 00:25:56 am Eastern Time.

December 25 will experience the Sun, Venus, Saturn and Pluto all in Capricorn. Mars and Jupiter will be in compatible Scorpio, Neptune and Moon in compatible Pisces, Mercury in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries. Even though Uranus is in square mode to Capricorn the degree is too far to be exact. Let us hope this is a harbinger of a peaceful Holy-Holiday.

This means Saturn is the patron planet of the winter solstice, when the Sun begins to increase in light in the northern hemisphere, and decreases in light in the southern hemisphere.

forFor those of us born on a solstice or equinox, this is an important time. For Capricorn, it is a time of beginning, for Cancer focus on relationships, and for Aries and Libra challenges. This happens on the solstice  yearly, but this year is more noticeable because Venus and Saturn join the Sun. Venus will be in Capricorn until January 17, which is a short time, and Venus' aspects are usually mild and pleasant. However, Saturn will be in Capricorn for 2-1/2 years, basically until December of 2020. Saturn will go into Aquarius from late March 2020 to July 2, 2020, giving us a short reprieve. Then it retrogrades into Capricorn through December of 2020. This 2-1/2 year time asks us to focus on responsibilities; either taking on, letting go or challenges of.

The earth signs of Taurus and Virgo should enjoy Saturn time of practical accomplishments. For the water signs of Scorpio and Pisces, you may enjoy opportunities for what you consider security and stability. For Gemini and Leo, you may experience a time of adjustment or adaptation. Sagittarius is relieved of burdens, Aquarius is neutral.

For your personal, accurate and helpful interpretation, please contact Patty, either via email or (302) 378-0579.

Nov 13, 2017

Spectacular Venus-Jupiter Conjunction

Nov 13: Sun and Moon are getting along, in the signs of Virgo and Scorpio, who have the opportunity for cooperation and success. Also, Venus and Jupiter are conjunct - or together - in Scorpio, indicating that Scorpio will be much more intense than usual, probably about investments. Love interest may be intense but quiet. Taurus could experience stubborn opposition, with Leo and Aquarius experiencing situations with control issues. Virgo and Capricorn have a quietly good day. Cancer and Pisces benefit from a small, financial opportunity. Libra and Sagittarius are neutral. Aries and Gemini adjust to people being intense or controlling. However, Mercury in Sagittarius is at odds with Neptune in Pisces, so don't make important decisions today because the facts are vague or non-existent. If you are a Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini or Virgo, be very careful making agreements because so much is left out. Good day to go to the movies. 
For your personal interpretation, contact Patty

Oct 30, 2017

Nov 1 through Nov 30 2017

Even though sunspots are almost nil, geomagnetic storms continue, exciting the atoms in our atmosphere. This means your atmosphere, or aurora, is being excited to. From

    LONG-RANGE FORECAST: NOAA forecasters say that G2-class geomagnetic storms are possible on Nov. 9-10 when a relatively potent stream of solar wind reaches Earth. A last-quarter Moon should provide dark enough skies for easy visibility of Arctic auroras.

Remember the earth is in the process of change. It is obvious the weather is warmer, but the crystal grid of the earth is becoming more active and some spiritual hotspots are changing, with some decreasing in frequency and others increasing. This is to be expected when the precession of the equinoxes changes signs, as is happening now. You may think of the music of the Age of Pisces like that of a lullaby, with the music of the Age of Aquarius that of staccato jazz, and they are mixing now, with expected disharmony.

This month the 25-degree point is activated in the signs of  Aries, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. If you have a planet, your ascendent or midheaven at 24, 25 or 26 degrees, it will be activated several times this month. The dates are November 4, 11, 17, 25 and 27.  To enjoy a quickie interpretation of your chart, contact Patty.

The USA has a dangerous date of Nov 18. This may be offset by the USA progressed Saturn in trine with the USA natal Venus this year, protecting the president and presidency, and indicating the possibly of a consortium of allies, such as NATO or the UN cooperating or backing the USA.

Nov 1: Moon goes into Aries and into the see-saw, quincunx, relationship with the Sun. The day does not go as expected, with unexpected interruptions. Especially discombulated are Aries and Scorpio.

Nov 2: Another see-saw day. Communications are off balance. Trying to present or request financial accounting is either ignored or rebuffed. The serious one (Scorpio) wants communication with the one making changes (Aries) to no avail. Leo and Sagittarius can help Aries, Cancer and Pisces can help Scorpio.

Nov 3:Good day for diplomacy, with the diplomat or peacemaker and the established one having the opportunity for cooperation and success. Your love life should be good  today. Libra gives Sagittarius the opportunity for diplomacy, both signs being peacemaker signs. Good day for the air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius; and the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.  Moon goes into Taurus.

Nov 4: full Moon in the signs of Taurus and Scorpio, who experience relationship control issues. Leo and Aquarius experience control issue situations. The areas of the body for this full Moon are the neck & throat, and the anus and reproductive systems. Both signs are related with sexual disease. Virgo and Capricorn can help Taurus, with Cancer and Pisces helping Scorpio.

Nov 4 also: the 25-degree point of Libra and Aries is activated. Venus in Libra (the stronger) is opposing Uranus in Aries, with possible relationship disagreements over cooperation and independence. However, there could be successful discussion to balance cooperation and gracious diplomacy about a new idea or project. Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra, with Leo and Sagittarius helping Aries.

Nov 5: Mercury goes into Sagittarius through January 10. (Mercury goes retrograde Dec. 3.) Communication is now about travel and foreign entities. Mercury is scattered, impulsive and friendly in Sagittarius. However, Sagittarius is a peacemaker sign, so in their conversations, they will be attempting to sweep disagreements under the rug. Sagittarius will be even more talkative than ususal, with Gemini experiencing spirited conversations, which others may see as arguments. Both signs enjoy this. Virgo and Pisces could be irritated because of the swift, changing communication. Aries and Leo enjoy good communications, with Libra and Aquarius having opportunities for making travel plans and other good communications. If Libra and Sagittarius cooperate, they can achieve good peacemaking. Cancer and Taurus adjust to communications not as they expect. Scorpio and Capricorn are neutral. Moon goes into Gemini.

Nov 6: see-saw, or quincunx day, with the Sun and Moon in the signs of Gemini and Scorpio. Gemini tries to communicate to no avail because the money person is asking for the dreaded details. The day does not go as expected, but if everyone is flexible, it can be better. Libra and Aquarius can help Gemini, with Cancer and Pisces helping Scorpio.

Nov 6 USA: transiting Jupiter in Scorpio is in a beautiful trine with the USA natal Jupiter in Cancer. Expected continued “good luck” with the general population and behind-the-scenes help regarding enemy or allies or legal agreements.

Nov 7: Venus goes into Scorpio through December 25. Your loved one becomes intense. Scorpio is more intense than usual, with attention towards intimacy and investments. Taurus experiences relationship control issues, with both sex and money the focus. Cancer and Pisces enjoy nice emotional relationships, and maybe good finances. Virgo and Capricorn have opportunities for good love and financial relationships. Libra and Sagittarius are neutral. Aries and Gemini adjust to the intensity of both loved ones and financial advisors. Moon goes into Cancer.

Nov 8: Sun and Moon are in harmony in the signs of Cancer and Scorpio, with those signs having a great day, followed by Pisces. Everyone has a good emotional day.

Nov 9: Opportunity for financial reorganization, especially between Scorpio and Capricorn, followed by Cancer, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo. The money manager can create the opportunity for practical changes with success. The other scenario is unsatisfactory presentation of a diplomatic solution regarding creative or religious entities. Mars is in Libra, pushing a stronger Neptune in Pisces and gets absorbed. Moon goes into Leo.

Nov 9 USA: Transiting Jupiter square USA natal nodes: excess distracts from the purpose of the country, which is financial balance. Excess could be necessary spending because of the recent natural disasters.

Nov 10: quarter Moon in the signs of Leo and Scorpio, who have stubborn control issues, possibly bringing Taurus and Aquarius into the discussion. Taurus controls the checkbook, and tries to rein in Leo’s expenses. Aries and Sagittarius can help Aries, with Cancer and Pisces helping Scorpio.

Nov 11: Saturn in Sagittarius is in a nice trine with Uranus in Aries at 25 degrees. This is the last focus date and repeat of Dec 24, 2016 and May 19 this year of 2017. Changes should go through relatively harmoniously, with the established way of things aware of change and eager to do so. Sagittarius and Aries are enjoying change that is stabilized, followed by Leo. However, if you have a 25-degree point in your chart in the signs of Virgo or Pisces, this is the last focus date of the cycle of instability. And if you have a 25-degree point in your chart in the signs of Cancer of Capricorn, this is the last focus date of the cycle of “unexpected” change. Look back to the previous dates to learn how this has been affecting you. Moon goes into Virgo.

Nov 12: no planetary activity.

Nov 13: Sun and Moon are getting along, in the signs of Virgo and Scorpio, who have the opportunity for cooperation and success. Also, Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct - or together - in Scorpio, indicating that Scorpio will be much more intensely communicative than ususal, probably about investments. However Mercury in Sagittarius is at odds with Neptune in Pisces, so don’t make important decisions today because the facts are vague or non-existent. If you are a Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini or Virgo, be very careful making agreements because so much is left out. Good day to go to the movies.

Nov 14-16, no planetary activity.

Nov 16: Nice, easy, gentle, loving day. Your loved one is intense and romantic. The water signs of Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer have a lovely day. Taurus may experience a more intense loved one or discussions over money. Virgo and Capricorn have the opportunity for a lovely romantic day if they will stop working so hard.  Moon goes into Scorpio.

Nov 17: the 25-degree point is activated, this time I the see-saw aspect, meaning your day does not go as expected, requiring you to adjust. Scorpio, or the money person, may be trying to manage the new-comer, or the one affecting change, to no avail. The one creating change may rebel or stir things up. Especially difficult day for Scorpio and Aries. Cancer and Pisces can help Scorpio, with Leo and Sagittarius helping Aries. However, Sagittarius and Libra can be the diplomats and peacemakers, presenting solutions. Communication is good for Sagittarius, Aries and Leo; followed by Gemini, Libra and maybe Aquarius. Since the Sun is in Scorpio, Aquarius may continue to experience control issues, meaning they cannot control or manage the rebellious group.

Nov 18: new Moon in Scorpio, meaning a good day for Scorpio to present and begin a project. Taurus experiences opposition, with Leo and Aquarius having mild, non-personal control situations. Cancer and Pisces have a good day, followed by Virgo and Capricorn. Libra and Sagittarius are neutral. Aries and Gemini adjust to intenseness and maybe requests for financial accounting.

Nov 18 USA: Dangerous few days. Progressed Moon opposite USA natal Mars, and related to Aug 9 through Sept 9 this year of 2017, when transiting Saturn was in opposition to USA natal Mars: war and rumors of war with an ancient enemy, or an entity with an ancient culture. Today is the exact trigger day of this energy. However,  since this is the progressed Moon, the happening could be a few days before or after.

Nov 19: very challenging day, almost war like. The younger one is challenging the established one and the established one is stronger. Much strife. The cardinal signs of Libra, Capricorn, Cancer and Libra are especially challenged. Gemini can use their legendary talent for helping others see all sides of the situation, with Aquarius presenting long-term consequences. Virgo can present details, and Taurus can present the costs. Decisions are best put off for a better day.

Nov 18, 19 and 20, no planetary activity.

Nov 20 USA: transiting Jupiter quincunx - see-saw - USA natal Neptune. Changes and instability from groups towards the workforce of health insurance. News is incomplete even though loudly proclaimed.

Nov 21: Sun goes into Sagittarius through Dec 21. Sagittarius can now expand activity and projects, with Gemini experiencing  arguments and opposition. Virgo and Pisces are irritated because of so much activity and no detail. Aries and Leo enjoy a nice, creative month. Libra and Aquarius have opportunities for travel and expansion of social life. Taurus and Cancer adjust to spontaneous interruptions. Scorpio and Capricorn are neutral. Also, the strife of Nov 19 may be able to be harmonized. The money person and diplomat offers an opportunity for cooperation and accomplishment. Scorpio and Capricorn have the opportunity for success today followed by Cancer, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo. Moon goes into Capricorn.

Nov 22: Neptune goes direct at 11 Pisces 27, and will be at the 11 degree-mark through all of December 2017  and the first few days of January 2018. If you have an 11-degree point in your chart, you will experience whatever the aspect of Pisces is to that point. This is the end of a cycle: Neptune was at 11 degrees Pisces the last three weeks of April, all of May 2016, again July and half of August 2016, and the last three weeks of Feb and first week of March 2017. To enjoy your personal interpretation, contact Patty.  If your planet is in Gemini or Sagittarius, your experience is confusion, vagueness, loss and possible fraud and deception. If your planet or point is in Cancer or Scorpio, you experience spiritual or creative progress. If your planet or point is Taurus or Capricorn, you experience opportunities that must be created or accepted to experience the good. If your planet or point is Aquarius or Aries, that is neutral.  If your planet or point is Virgo your experience is relationship loss, deception or confusion. If your planet or point is Leo or Libra you are adjusting to vague or confusing situations that don’t go as you expect.  Whew!

Nov 23: Moon goes into Aquarius and forms a nice relationship with the Sun in Sagittarius. Great day for the air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius; also for the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Good day for mild, long-range or travel plans. Today is Thanksgiving in the USA, and it should be a good day. Interestingly, this is the most-traveled day in the USA, with the Sun in Sagittarius, the travel sign. Sagittarius is also the sign of abundance, and one of the symbols of Thanksgiving is he horn of plenty.

Nov 24: no planetary activity.

Nov 25: the 25-degree point is in the signs of Sagittarius and Aries activated and harmonious. Communication is good, with any disagreements over change or new projects worked out. Since this is the 25-degree point, if your point or planet is in Cancer or Capricorn, you experience change istigated by Libra. If your planet or point is in Aries, you experience relationship changes.  If your point or planet is in Gemini or Aquarius you have opportunities for change that must be created or accepted to happen. If your point or planet is in Pisces or Taurus, you are neutral. If your point or planet is in Virgo or Scorpio, you adjust to changes that are uncomfortable. If your point or planet is in Leo or Sagittarius, you are in the right place at the right time to benefit from change.

Nov 26: Moon goes into Pisces and creates a quarter Moon with Sagittarius, who experience an irritating day. Gemini also is irritated. Cancer and Scorpio can help Pisces, with Leo and Aries helping Sagittarius.

Nov 27: the 25-degree point is activated again, this time in the signs of Scorpio and Aries who are at odds with each other. Finances or the portfolio is subject to unexpected change. Today is one of those days where things do not go as expected, but are better if you can adjust. Your loved one may be more interested in money than romance.

Nov 28: Moon goes into Aries.

Nov 28 USA: Last focus date of a cycle that began March 11, repeated May 1 this year of 2017. Opportunity to balance the budget, to include stability and security for many.

Nov 29: nice, easy day, especially for the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, followed by Gemini Libra and Aquarius.

Nov 30: Moon goes into Taurus.

Oct 10, 2017



Just in my inbox from Space Weather News 
for Oct. 10, 2017

Above: An artist's concept of the 2012 TC4 near-Earth flyby

ASTEROID TO BUZZ EARTH THIS WEEK: Four years ago, a house-sized asteroid tore through the atmosphere over Chelyabinsk, Russia, and exploded.  Shock waves shattered windows and knocked down onlookers as fragments of the disintegrating space rock peppered the Ural countryside. This week an asteroid about the same size is approaching Earth. It will not hit our planet, but it's coming very close. On Oct. 12, 2017, the speeding space rock, named "2012 TC4," will skim just above the zone of Earth's geosynchronous communications satellites and briefly become a target for amateur telescopes. Learn more about the flyby on today's edition of which has more to the story and a beautiful picture of the asteroid over Russia. 

GEOMAGNETIC STORM PREDICTED (G1-CLASS): NOAA forecasters say there is a 65% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms on Oct. 11th when a stream of solar wind makes contact with Earth's magnetic field. The solar wind is flowing from a hole in the sun's atmosphere with peak speeds greater than 600 km/s. Arctic sky watchers should be alert for auroras mixed with waning Harvest moonlight. More with pictures at


The energy is compressing the Earth’s atmosphere and coming through the sign of Libra.  This means whichever part of your horoscope is ruled by Libra is being compressed or pressured. This area of your life could be suppressed; you could feel depressed or have a lack of energy. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn experience challenging circumstances and relationships. Gemini and Aquarius can benefit if they take advantage of helping. Even though the atmosphere is compressed, Virgo and Scorpio should be relatively neutral, although transiting Mars is in Virgo, energizing Virgo. (See Oct. Predictions). Leo and Sagittarius have the opportunity to creatively help. Pisces and Taurus adjust to the compression, possibly by withdrawing.

The atmosphere is already energized and compressed, with people acting differently, wondering what is going on.

Saturn in the sky in Sagittarius is in square - 90̊ - with Mars in Virgo, indicating unstable tension and challenges between the established entities and those who are unstable and warlike. Saturn is the patron planet of older people, established things, personally your bones and teeth. In the sign of Sagittarius, it is being shaken. Mars rules men, war, machines, guns and fires. In the sign of Virgo it is stuck in dwelling on the past, worrying and making mountains out of molehills. In these mutable, or common signs, let us hope the challenges dissipate.

Here is a picture of the solar wind from  NASA:

Oct 3, 2017

October 1 through October 31 2017

To enjoy your personal interpretation, please contact Patty now.

Sun begins in Libra
Mercury begins in Libra
Venus begins in Virgo
Mars begins in Virgo
Jupiter goes into Scorpio Oct. 10

About disasters: back in 1980, when I began the astrology practice, and realized that I am naturally intuitive or clairvoyant, I asked my Higher Self that not to tune into disasters and terrible things. That is why I do not predict them, because I do not think about or intuit them. Plus, I am a personal astrologer, interested in you and your chart, not disasters.

Oct 1: the Las Vegas massacre. The gunman checked into his hotel on Sept. 28. Jupiter in Libra was opposite Uranus in Aries, indicating cooperative opposition to a large group using firearms. The degree was within one degree of the Great American Eclipse of Aug 21, in an aspect indicating a successful opportunity, if taken. In the USA chart, the Jupiter-Uranus opposition was in a good relationship with the USA Moon in Aquarius, another indication of a successful event involving a large group. From the gunman’s deranged point of view, it was a success. The USA chart showed Sept. 28 with Transiting Jupiter is a square to natal Pluto= death of many, although I had interpreted it lack of diplomacy.

Oct 1: otherwise: careful, planned, coordinated event involving cars and trucks and possibly the military. This could be the moving forward of the relief efforts for Puerto Rico, which is devastated.

Oct 2: Moon goes into Pisces.

Oct 3: see-saw Sun and Moon, with your day not going as expected, especially for Pisces and Libra. Good day, though, for practical projects to go forward with cooperation and under budget. Good for the earth signs of Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. Day of opportunity for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, but Cancer may experience tense relationships.

Oct 3 USA: repeat of July 15 which was a repeat of January 3, 2017. The last focus date of a situation of dealing with either foreign diplomacy or storms. The situation was/is letting go of unrealistic situations or unsubstantiated news.

Oct 4: Moon goes into Aries. Off-balance day; relationships unsatisfactory because someone is not there, and continual interruptions, asking you to adjust. Libra and Pisces have the weirdest day. Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra; Cancer and Scorpio can help Pisces.

Oct 5: full Moon in the signs of Aries and Libra, who feel the opposition the most, with Cancer and Capricorn experiencing challenges. We all know about full Moons, and this one involves guns or news of guns. The areas of the body associated with this full moon are the head & brain, the adrenal glands, kidneys and bladder. Your day can be full of impulsive, order-giving interruptions. However, Virgo is energized and is very helpful in the medical, herbal and healing modalities, and can lend calm, organized help.

Oct 6: Moon goes into Taurus. See-saw day with communications, which change during the day. Diplomacy or peacemaking is attempted with no success. The media is assertive, but the facts are vague and incomplete. Libra tries to communicate to no avail. Pisces feels pressured and may disappear. Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra, Cancer and Scorpio can help Pisces.

Oct 7: See-saw day with the Sun and moon, meaning your day is full of interruptions, asking you to be flexible. Taurus and Libra are off balance. Taurus is stubborn to Libra’s leadership. Could be minor arguments about money. Virgo and Capricorn can help Virgo, with Gemini and Aquarius helping Libra.

Oct 8: Moon goes into Gemini. Libra is strong, initiating cooperative dialog, and giving orders. Aries may experience unexpected opposition, Cancer and Capricorn have a challenging day, perhaps with impulsive changes. Great day for Gemini and Aquarius for social events.  Leo and Sagittarius have opportunities for social or creative happenings. Pisces and Taurus adjust to bossiness. Virgo and Scorpio are neutral with this transit. Another transit indicates desire for stability is thwarted. The one trying to have financial common sense is blocked by an older or established one who is a vacillating. Virgo and Sagittarius are irritated with each other, possibly bringing Gemini and Pisces into the conversation.

Oct 9: Challenging day. Diplomatic attempts and communication are challenged, and perhaps rejected, by power and the establishment. Personally Libra is either challenged or stopped by Capricorn. Cancer and Aries also experience a challenging day. Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra, with Taurus and Virgo helping Capricorn.

Oct 10: Harmonious day. Yesterday’s challenges can be resolved. Good day for the air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Moon goes into Cancer.

Oct 10: Jupiter goes into Scorpio through early November 2018. Jupiter is not comfortable in the secretive sign of Scorpio because Jupiter is open and expansive.
The Scorpio area of your life can carefully organize and expand. Scorpio enjoys a time of careful expansion, possibly of investments. Cancer and Pisces enjoy being in the right place at the right time for careful organization and expansion. Taurus experiences opposition, which can be resolved with cooperation. Virgo and Capricorn have the opportunity to organize or reorganize practical projects and should receive needed funds. Libra and Sagittarius are neutral. Gemini and Aries adjust to a need for consolidation. Leo and Aquarius experience financial control situations. Since Scorpio is the sign of investments, benefits and inheritance, these areas may be involved.

Oct 11: Unstable day with irritating challenges regarding projects, machines and vehicles, and unsatisfactory day with practical things.“Small” items or projects are stymied by grander plans that are not realistic.  Your loved one is critical or more interested in the little things than having fun. Virgo can be irritated because nothing goes as it should and is off-balance with Aries and blocked by Sagittarius. The other mutable or common signs of Gemini and Sagittarius are drawn in and can be irritated today, too. Taurus and Capricorn can help Virgo, with Leo helping Aries and Sagittarius.

Oct 12: Quarter Moon in the signs of Cancer and Libra, who are the most affected by impulsive changes followed by Aries and Capricorn. Day of the unexpected. However, communication improves and diplomacy finally works out. Libra and Sagittarius are getting along and could make good plans. Gemini and Aquarius have a good day as does Leo.

Oct 13: Moon goes into Leo.

Oct 14: Sun and Moon are getting along, indicating a day of good social interactions and diplomacy for everyone. Leo and Libra may create a grand party, Aries and Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius all enjoy today.

Oct 14: Venus goes into its own sign of Libra through November 7. Venus in Libra is interested in love, relationship, partnership and graciousness. Libra is now energized for those and social events and initiates. Aries partner wants togetherness which challenges their independence; Cancer and Capricorn are challenged for cooperation and inclusiveness. Leo and Sagittarius enjoy opportunities for nice social events. Virgo and Scorpio are neutral. Pisces and Taurus adjust to request for partnership and social events. Gemini and Aquarius enjoy nice romance and partnership.

Oct 15: Moon goes into Virgo. Spirited conversations and verbal challenges. Communication is spontaneous and impulsive, with Libra possibly initiating. Aries is challenged again for inclusiveness, but may resist. Cancer and Capricorn enjoy the challenging ideas and conversation, which others may see as arguments. Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra, with Leo and Sagittarius helping Aries.

Oct 16: Opportunity for diplomacy to achieve results. The one in authority is offering cooperation, and if accepted, the situation is resolved. Libra initiates cooperation, with Sagittarius accepting, which filters to a good day for Gemini, Aquarius, Aries and Leo.

Oct 17: Moon goes into Libra. Weird day regarding unexpected things regarding machines or cars and trucks. Plans go awry because of a lack of understanding between the details and the original plan. Communication will be better tomorrow. Weird day for Virgo and Aries who do not understand each other. Taurus and Capricorn may help Virgo, with Leo and Sagittarius helping Aries.

Oct 17: Mercury goes into Scorpio, joining Jupiter, through November 5. Communication is more reserved, with plans revealed only after being well thought out. Scorpio becomes more communicative than usual. Taurus may experience stubborn opposition, with Leo and Aquarius experiencing stubborn communication. This means they are each right. Cancer and Pisces enjoy good, intuitive communication, Virgo and Capricorn have opportunities for quiet, effective communication. Libra and Sagittarius are neutral. Aries and Gemini adjust to more of what they think is secrecy or requests for financial accounting or plans.

Oct 18: Scorpio communication is strong, honest and open, with control or management the issue. Taurus may be opposed, with Leo and Aquarius experiencing stubborn financial conversations. Cancer and Pisces have a good communicative day. Libra and Sagittarius are neutral, with Aries and Gemini adjusting again to possible financial demands. Virgo and Capricorn have opportunities for practical financial conversations.

Oct 19: New Moon in Libra which opposes Uranus. Libra is strong, but is opposed. Expect a day full of the unexpected, possibly involving machines or firearms. Many impulsive interruptions, relationships are impulsively independent. Challenging day for Cancer and Capricorn. Gemini can help with their legendary ability to see all sides of a situation, and Aquarius can help with their talent to see long-term. Leo can stabilize Aries, with Sagittarius lending peacemaking and humor. Pisces may escape. Scorpio can help stabilize Cancer and Capricorn. After 9 pm, the Moon goes into Scorpio.

Oct 19 USA: Transiting Jupiter goes into the eleventh house of groups and fraternal organizations.

Oct 20, 21 are neutral.

Oct 22: Moon goes into Sagittarius. Mars goes into Libra through December 9. Mars is not fully functional in Libra because it enjoys doing things alone, and Libra wants to be a partner. However, Libra is a cardinal, leader, initiating sign, as Mars is a planet, so expect Libra to be energized, assertive and bossy. Aries may experience surprising strong opposition. Cancer and Capricorn have challenges to projects regarding men, machines, firearms and fires. Gemini and Aquarius enjoy work being more social. Virgo and Scorpio are neutral. Pisces and Taurus adjust to impulsive requests. Leo and Sagittarius have opportunities for creative, gracious activities.

Oct 23: Part of today is off-balance, with incomplete or vagueness. Libra receives passive resistance and needs to adjust. Sun goes into Scorpio, joining Mercury and Jupiter, through November 22. Scorpio is activated, Taurus experiences opposition. Leo and Aquarius experience stubborn challenges, probably regarding finances. Cancer and Pisces enjoy nice family and financial time. Libra and Sagittarius are neutral. Aries and Gemini adjust to more control and possible requests for financial accounting. Virgo and Capricorn have opportunities for successful projects, including good financing.

Oct 24: Moon goes into Capricorn. Communication is much better, in fact, is intuitive, with the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces reading each other’s minds. Communication is quiet, focused and harmonious. Good communication day for the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, also. Even though other signs are not directly aspected, expect a nice day.

Oct 24 USA: transiting Jupiter is in trine with USA natal Venus, indicating harmony amongst groups, labor, allies and possible improvement with an open enemy. There may be some good news about the President. Since Puerto Rico is sort of “foreign” it may be speedier recovery for that island, with Congress appropriating funds ably administered.

Oct 25: Sun and Moon are getting along again, indicating a harmonious day. Good day for the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn to interact well with the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Today is pleasant for everyone.

Oct 26: Sun and Jupiter are conjunct, or together, in Scorpio, meaning Scorpio energy is very focused and persistent. Scorpio may initiate a management project involving long-range finances or a benefit plan. Taurus could sense opposition, with Leo and Aquarius experiencing control situations, probably over money management. Taurus is short-term, Scorpio and Aquarius long-term. Cancer and Pisces are in the right place at the right time for beneficial financial situation. Libra and Sagittarius are neutral. Aries and Gemini adjust again to control. Virgo and Capricorn have opportunities to be involved in good financial plans.

Oct 27: Busy day. Moon goes into Aquarius to a Quarter Moon in the stubborn signs of Aquarius and Scorpio, indicating a day of challenges over who controls, with Taurus and Leo also experiencing control issues. In this instance, Gemini and Libra can help Aquarius, with Cancer and Pisces helping Scorpio. Other challenges today over leadership status, with leaders each trying to lead, resulting in impulsive orders being given with no one listening. This challenge is directly between the diplomat and the authoritarian, or Libra and Capricorn. This part of today means everybody’s day has unexpected challenges or interruptions. However, the day ends with the opportunity for good communication because of the efforts of a strong person who understands the complications, and appeals to the strong one in either management or government. Scorpio successfully appeals to Capricorn.

Oct 27 USA: Repeat of June 19, which was a repeat of Jan. 27, 2017. Last focus date of unstable, incomplete communication about finances, allies or lawsuits.

Oct 28: Neutral

Oct 29: Moon goes into Pisces.

Oct 30: Beautiful, harmonious Sun and Moon in Pisces and Scorpio. People are intuitive, warm and happy. Cancer and Pisces are intuitive, with Virgo and Capricorn having the opportunity to be included. Taurus may sense being pushed, but is really being invited. Everybody should enjoy a good day.

Oct 31: Halloween: neutral.

Sep 5, 2017

Sept 1 through Sept 30 2017

Sept 4 from
SUNSPOT GENESIS: Two big sunspot groups are now facing Earth. Behemoth AR2674 has been growing for days, while newcomer AR2673 has suddenly quadrupled in size, with multiple dark cores breaching the surface of the sun in just the past 24 hours. The rapid development of these regions could herald Earth-directed flares in the days ahead. Visit for movies of sunspot genesis in action.
What does this mean for you? Sunspots can disrupt satellites that manage your cell phones. The energy is coming through the signs of Leo and Virgo, intensifying them. Aquarius and Pisces may experience strong relationships. Aries and Sagittarius may be spurred for creativity or travel. Taurus and Capricorn begin practical projects. in the USA chart, the degrees of Leo and Virgo sit in the ninth house of foreign nations. Since these are Sun flares, the energy may heat up the atmosphere. 

Sorry to be late, but Hurricane Harvey had and still has my attention. My prayers and heart, as are yours, are to everyone experiencing the situation.

It is heartwarming to see the heroic deeds done by neighbors, strangers and the military, rescuing people and pets. Let us hope Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath unites Americans. Some of the Harvey rescued pets came to the state of Delaware, where I live and are already being adopted. 
Sept. 2: The day the hurricane dissipated. Mars is at the same degree as the Great American Eclipse of Aug 21, and in good relationship with Uranus. News of heroism with the Hurricane Harvey situation abounded, using creative ways to rescue people and animals.

The Eclipse happened in between the dates Saturn is in opposition to Mars in the sky in the USA chart, which is from 8/9 through 9/9/2017. This portends storms. Christopher Columbus had recorded in his ship's logs that Saturn and Mars were to be in square in the sky and ordered his ships at safe anchor, and there was a big storm. We certainly had a big storm hit the Gulf Coast and another big storm forming in the Atlantic. My forecast had been for deadly force involving a foreign country. Well, we had both, with North Korea saying they exploded an underground hydrogen bomb.

Sept 3: Mercury and Mars both at the eclipse point, indicating continued news about the hurricane and North Korea. Personally, Leo is strong today with creative ideas and communication. Aquarius could experience stubborn relationships, along with Taurus and Scorpio. Aries and Sagittarius have good communication. Gemini and Libra have the opportunity to be included in creative or social activities. Cancer and Virgo are neutral; Capricorn and Pisces adjust to minor changes. Also today, the Sun and Moon are in the see-saw relationship, with the day not being what is expected, asking you to adjust. Aquarius and Virgo are the most affected. Gemini and Libra can help Aquarius; Taurus and Capricorn can help Virgo.

Sept 5: Mercury goes direct at 07;29:18 am ET at the same degree as the eclipse, with more news about Hurricane Harvey and North Korea. Personally, your equipment may function now, and it is safer to sign documents. Virgo can be happy with their details.  Mars goes into Virgo through October 22. Virgo is activated, Pisces may believe they are being pushed and evade relationships; Taurus and Capricorn have successful practical projects; Cancer and Scorpio have the opportunity for good practical projects. Leo and Libra are neutral; Aquarius and Aries adjust to requests for details. Gemini and Sagittarius can be irritated with requests for details. Also, Leo experiences evasion in relationships, and the one in authority is pushing for practical results and is evaded. The weather is weird and there could be rain.

Sept 6: full Moon in the signs of Pisces and Virgo, who are the most affected. Emotions are tearful. Gemini and Sagittarius are irritated with over-emotional and under-emotional people. The areas of the body for this full Moon are the eyes & feet, and the upper colon or bottom of the stomach. Cancer and Scorpio can help Pisces, with Taurus and Capricorn helping Virgo.

Sept 8: see-saw day when it does not go as expected. If you are flexible and adjust it will be better. Aries is stymied by Virgo. Implosive projects are checked by pesky details. These days can have interruptions, with the interruptions beneficial.

Sept 9: another see-saw day, this time between Leo and Capricorn. Creative or expensive projects or activities are moderated by the realistic budget. The established person is stronger. However, the person in authority is realistic and their practical project has support and is successful. Good between Virgo and Capricorn. Taurus is also having a good day. Mercury goes into Virgo through Sept. 29, joining the Sun and Mars. Virgo becomes more communicative, offering details. Pisces may be asked for details (not to their liking), Taurus and Capricorn have good communications. Cancer and Scorpio have the opportunity for detail-oriented communication, Leo and Libra are neutral; Aquarius and Aries adjust to details or everyday activities. Gemini ad Sagittarius irritated by requests for details or working.

Sept 10: nice Sun and Moon, indicating a pleasant day, especially for Taurus and Virgo, followed by Capricorn. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces have the opportunity for pleasant practical activities if they accept an invitation. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius may be bored

Sept 12: good day for creative projects. Your loved one may be surprisingly romantic and grounded at the same time. Great day for Leo and Sagittarius, followed by Aries. The air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius enjoy a nice social day, possibly with a dramatic social event.

Sept 12 USA: a lot of communication about money. If it has not already been passed, it could be Congress approves the very large appropriation of monies for Hurricane Harvey relief, with the announcement from the President's office. Another possibly is announcement of situation with allies or an enemy. Let us hope it is monies for the hurricane relief.

Sept 13: challenging day. Quarter Moon in the signs of Gemini and Virgo, who are irritated with each other, possibly including Sagittarius and Pisces. A day of minor interruptions and changes. Also, the one in authority is challenging the established one, with no agreement. Very challenging day for these signs. Taurus and Capricorn can help Virgo, with Libra and Aquarius helping Gemini, Aries and Leo helping Sagittarius.

Sept 15: better day, with opportunity for harmony. The Sun and Moon are in harmony, in the signs of Cancer and Virgo, meaning emotions are steady, with family situations good. Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus and Capricorn have a nice day. Also, social activities are beautiful, fun and harmonious. Leo and Libra have the opportunity to cooperate for a diplomatic affair or a beautiful event. Your loved one is demonstrative and cooperative.

Sept 16: Mercury and Mars are together, indicating assertive communication from Virgo or about detailed plans. Pisces feels pushed, with Gemini and Sagittarius irritated with requests for details. Taurus and Capricorn have a good day, with Cancer and Scorpio given the opportunity to be involved. Leo and Libra are neutral. Aquarius and Aries adjust to details.

Sept 18: creative, fun day with a change of pace and a good day to do something different with friends. A harmonious day. Especially good for Leo, Aries and Sagittarius, followed by Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Sept 19: Venus goes into Virgo through October 14, joining the Sun, Mercury, and Mars. A Virgo day, indeed. Venus, the planet of love and money, is not happy in Virgo because it is restricted. Expect your loved one to be more introverted and maybe withdrawn. Expenditures are now restricted, too. However, it is great for Virgo, but Pisces yet again feels either pushed or irritated with requests to be detailed, practical or work. Taurus and Capricorn enjoy the quiet and practical nature of the planets. Cancer and Scorpio can accept opportunities for practical or quiet endeavors. Leo and Libra are neutral. Aquarius and Aries adjust to the quietness, details and perhaps more work. Virgo loves to work. Oh, this is a good time to purchase a lawn mower or vacuum cleaner. Also, communication is not satisfactory; requests may be ignored or too vague. Communication will be better on the 22nd.

Sept 20: new Moon in Virgo, whew! A lot of Virgo. Work is good today as long as details are paid attention to. Good day for Virgo to finally begin the procrastinated project. Pisces experiences opposition and may disappear. Wonderful for Taurus and Capricorn, with Cancer and Scorpio again having the opportunity for successful practical endeavors. A see-saw day with minor changes regarding details, change and impulsiveness. The day does not go as expected, but when accommodated to the interruptions, it is better.

Sept 22: fuzzy communications on the 19th clear up today. Great day for talking and planning details and reorganization. Virgo and Capricorn are effective, with Taurus grounding the project. Pisces may experience demands, Cancer may experience a challenging relationship.

Sept 22: first day of fall with the Sun going into Libra at 04:01:44 pm ET. Virgo can rest, Libra gets activated. Aries may experience relationship challenges, followed by Cancer and Capricorn. Gemini and Aquarius have good relationships and social times. Leo and Sagittarius have opportunities for communication, maybe travel and parties. Virgo and Scorpio are neutral, with Pisces and Taurus adjusting to impulsive activities.

Sept 23: USA: repeat of 8/14/17: rebellion and chaos from groups, perhaps ostensibly over money, but in reality for the sake of rebellion. This could be in effect for several days on either side of the 23rd. This ends 4/1/18when the rebellious cycle ha its last focus. Let us hope the rebellion ends. There is calming on the 27th and 30th of September, but the cycle goes through 4/1/18.

Sept 24: there could be copious rain, flooding and mud. Practical projects are stalled because of incomplete or missing information. The one in charge is pushing against a symbolic fog. Personally Virgo is trying to get something done, but is unsuccessful because everything is incomplete and missing. Pisces feels pushed and disappears. Taurus and Capricorn can help Virgo, with Cancer and Scorpio helping Pisces.

Sept 25: testy and challenging communication, with the detail person challenging the one in charge of long-term projects and is unsuccessful. Today can be an irritating day. Virgo is trying and is blocked because the details are not welcome today. Taurus and Capricorn can help Virgo, with Aries and Leo helping Sagittarius. However, the Sun and Moon are good, meaning emotions are harmonious. Sagittarius and Libra can help the entire situation.

Sept 27: quarter Moon in the signs of Capricorn and Libra who are challenged, followed by Cancer and Aries. Busy day with impulsive interruptions. Taurus and Virgo can calm Capricorn, with Gemini diplomatically soothing Libra and Aquarius helping with friendly advice.

Sept 27 USA: the President or the Executive Branch expands money for the country and population. Good feelings in the country.

Sept 28: Pluto goes direct at 16 Capricorn 51. If you have a 16 or 17 degree planet, ascendent or midheaven, it will be activated; how depending upon the aspect. Communication is changeable with detail changing as the day goes forward. Jupiter in opposition to Uranus, a repeat of 12/26/16 and 3/2/17. The December date saw gangs of teens fighting in the malls. Demands for freedom. Diplomacy or negotiation not paid attention to. Personally, Libra can be the catalyst for action and change. Aries may be opposed, with Cancer and Capricorn having a challenging day full of impulsive interruptions. Gemini and Aquarius can help Libra calm from a rare tantrum; Leo and Sagittarius can help Aries respond instead of react.

Sept 28 USA: challenges to finances that could get out of hand. The executive branch is challenging a powerful entity, trying to use diplomacy that may not work. A lot of activity without a solution until the 30th.

Sept 29: warm rain and mud. Your loved one is interested in work, not escape. Money could be spent on unsatisfactory items. Virgo may be more openly affectionate, with their object of desire unavailable. Romantic relationships may be fun, but fleeting. However, Taurus and Capricorn have quiet nice day.  Mercury goes into Libra through Oct 17. Communication turns to relationships, diplomacy and cooperation. Libra is more effective, but may be challenging Aries, with Cancer and Capricorn enjoying spirited conversations. Gemini and Aquarius have good communications, especially for social events; Leo and Sagittarius have opportunities for effective communication. Virgo and Scorpio are neutral, with Taurus and Pisces adjusting to bossiness. Yes, Libra is one of the assertive, bossy signs, albeit with nice speech.

Sept 30: nice, easy day, especially for the air signs of Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. Social events highlighted today, and good group activities.

Sept 30 USA: repeat of 6/7/17 and ends 3/27/18. Opportunity for the USA to resolve issues with emotional groups, money and finances. The opportunity may unexpectedly come from a group asking for change and freedom, but this is harmonious.
New websitenewwebsite: by Patty, using her two middle names. The website publishes Channelings and Insights, spiritual content other than  astrology and Patty Maria Grace's spiritual journey (up to now).
To visit, go to:
The latest article is Don't Take it Personally and is published on .
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booklet Patty's astrology booklet
Patty has published her little booklet, Meeting of the Minds Through the Signs, Using Astrological Keywords to Unlock the Power of Communication which is available in paperback or Kindle on for $9.99. This is a short, easy-to-find reference about the astrological sign of the person you want to communicate with. People of some signs are so different from you that you may not be able to communicate with them easily. With this booklet, you can quickly and easily look up which words, and other useful information, to use with people of an astrology sign to get their attention and have a feasible conversation. The only astrology you need know is their sign - and yours, of course. If you would like a signed copy, please contact Patty via email or 302-378-0579 so you can receive your personalized copy. The cost for your personalized copy is $13.50  sent to the United States; $14.50 to Canada. 

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May the planets be with  you. 

appearancesAppearances and lectures:WDEL radio September 2, Labor Day weekend, already happened.
Free lecture Middletown Public Library Saturday, October 14, 2017, 1:30 pm
Attending Earth-Keeper Conference, Little Rock, Arkansas November 17-20.
Contact Patty for details.