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Patty the Astrologer is your trusted advisor

Oct 10, 2017



Just in my inbox from Space Weather News 
for Oct. 10, 2017

Above: An artist's concept of the 2012 TC4 near-Earth flyby

ASTEROID TO BUZZ EARTH THIS WEEK: Four years ago, a house-sized asteroid tore through the atmosphere over Chelyabinsk, Russia, and exploded.  Shock waves shattered windows and knocked down onlookers as fragments of the disintegrating space rock peppered the Ural countryside. This week an asteroid about the same size is approaching Earth. It will not hit our planet, but it's coming very close. On Oct. 12, 2017, the speeding space rock, named "2012 TC4," will skim just above the zone of Earth's geosynchronous communications satellites and briefly become a target for amateur telescopes. Learn more about the flyby on today's edition of which has more to the story and a beautiful picture of the asteroid over Russia. 

GEOMAGNETIC STORM PREDICTED (G1-CLASS): NOAA forecasters say there is a 65% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms on Oct. 11th when a stream of solar wind makes contact with Earth's magnetic field. The solar wind is flowing from a hole in the sun's atmosphere with peak speeds greater than 600 km/s. Arctic sky watchers should be alert for auroras mixed with waning Harvest moonlight. More with pictures at


The energy is compressing the Earth’s atmosphere and coming through the sign of Libra.  This means whichever part of your horoscope is ruled by Libra is being compressed or pressured. This area of your life could be suppressed; you could feel depressed or have a lack of energy. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn experience challenging circumstances and relationships. Gemini and Aquarius can benefit if they take advantage of helping. Even though the atmosphere is compressed, Virgo and Scorpio should be relatively neutral, although transiting Mars is in Virgo, energizing Virgo. (See Oct. Predictions). Leo and Sagittarius have the opportunity to creatively help. Pisces and Taurus adjust to the compression, possibly by withdrawing.

The atmosphere is already energized and compressed, with people acting differently, wondering what is going on.

Saturn in the sky in Sagittarius is in square - 90̊ - with Mars in Virgo, indicating unstable tension and challenges between the established entities and those who are unstable and warlike. Saturn is the patron planet of older people, established things, personally your bones and teeth. In the sign of Sagittarius, it is being shaken. Mars rules men, war, machines, guns and fires. In the sign of Virgo it is stuck in dwelling on the past, worrying and making mountains out of molehills. In these mutable, or common signs, let us hope the challenges dissipate.

Here is a picture of the solar wind from  NASA:

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